12 TopicsProxy Protocol v2 Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: Proxy Protocol v1 related articles have already been posted on DevCentral, but there is no v2 support iRule code available. A customer wanted to support Proxy Protocol v2, so I wrote an iRule code for supporting v2. Proxy protocol for the BIG-IP ( How to use this snippet: Back-end server must handle Proxy header prior data exchange. Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # DEBUG On/Off set DEBUG 0 set v2_proxy_header "0d0a0d0a000d0a515549540a" # v2 version and command : 0x21 - version 2 & PROXY command set v2_ver_command "21" # v2 address family and transport protocol : 0x11 - AF_INET (IPv4) & TCP protocol set v2_af_tp "11" # v2 Address Size : 0x000C - 12 bytes for IPv4 + TCP set v2_address_length "000c" # Get TCP port - 2 byte hexadecimal format set src_port [format "%04x" [TCP::client_port]] set dst_port [format "%04x" [TCP::local_port]] # Get Src Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::client_addr] "."] { append src_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Get Dst Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::local_addr] "."] { append dst_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Build proxy v2 data set proxy_data [binary format H* "${v2_proxy_header}${v2_ver_command}${v2_af_tp}${v2_address_length}${src_addr}${dst_addr}${src_port}${dst_port}"] if { $DEBUG } { binary scan $proxy_data H* proxy_dump log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]_[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] - proxy_data dump : $proxy_dump" } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxy_data }379Views2likes0CommentsLDAP Proxy
Problem this snippet solves: Summary: An LDAP proxy used send read/write requests to different pools. For anyone that is interested, I recently was posed with the problem of proxying ldap requests. The requirement was to send read and write requests to different pools. As any familiar with ldap knows, you need to send a bind request to authenticate. The following will transparently resend the bind requests to the newly selected server prior to sending the new read/write request. Other functionality could be added to this, such as more verification of the ldap fields to ensure a valid request is being made. The expr commands could be optimized with proper bracing. See the TCL expr wiki page for details Code : class ldap_writes { 6 8 10 12 } # v11 compatabile version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set static::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set static::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set static::ldap_debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set static::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr {[expr {$ber_len + 0x100} % 0x100]} & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr {[expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100]} & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr {3 + $len_bytes}]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr {4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes}]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr {$msgtype & 31}] if {$static::ldap_debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $static::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $static::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[class match -- $msgtype equals ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![class match -- $msgtype equals ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr {[expr {($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100}]} & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr {[expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100]} & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr {3 + $len_bytes}]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr {4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes}]c msgtype set msgtype [expr {$msgtype & 31}] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release } # v10 CMP compatible version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set static::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set static::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set static::ldap_debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set static::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] if {$static::ldap_debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $static::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $static::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release } # v9 compatible version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set ::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set ::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set ::debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set ::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] if {$::debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release }1.8KViews1like7Comments