82 TopicsProxy Protocol v2 Initiator
Problem this snippet solves: Proxy Protocol v1 related articles have already been posted on DevCentral, but there is no v2 support iRule code available. A customer wanted to support Proxy Protocol v2, so I wrote an iRule code for supporting v2. Proxy protocol for the BIG-IP ( How to use this snippet: Back-end server must handle Proxy header prior data exchange. Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { # DEBUG On/Off set DEBUG 0 set v2_proxy_header "0d0a0d0a000d0a515549540a" # v2 version and command : 0x21 - version 2 & PROXY command set v2_ver_command "21" # v2 address family and transport protocol : 0x11 - AF_INET (IPv4) & TCP protocol set v2_af_tp "11" # v2 Address Size : 0x000C - 12 bytes for IPv4 + TCP set v2_address_length "000c" # Get TCP port - 2 byte hexadecimal format set src_port [format "%04x" [TCP::client_port]] set dst_port [format "%04x" [TCP::local_port]] # Get Src Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::client_addr] "."] { append src_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Get Dst Address and convert to 4 byte hexadecimal format foreach val [split [IP::local_addr] "."] { append dst_addr [format "%02x" $val] } # Build proxy v2 data set proxy_data [binary format H* "${v2_proxy_header}${v2_ver_command}${v2_af_tp}${v2_address_length}${src_addr}${dst_addr}${src_port}${dst_port}"] if { $DEBUG } { binary scan $proxy_data H* proxy_dump log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]_[IP::local_addr]:[TCP::local_port] - proxy_data dump : $proxy_dump" } } when SERVER_CONNECTED { TCP::respond $proxy_data }367Views2likes0CommentsResidential and Mobile Proxy Networks – The good and the not-so-good!
Keeping your privacy and identity under control in today's online world is critical, whether you're up to good or not-so-good things. That’s where residential and mobile proxies networks come in. These networks help hide your real IP address by making it look like your internet traffic is coming from regular people’s devices instead of data centers or well-known VPNs and proxies. These networks may resemble the TOR network, conceived initially to anonymize the internet using a decentralized network model to route traffic through volunteer-operated servers. Still, despite their similar nature, they have different architecture and drivers and are operated by private companies. Residential and Proxy Networks: A residential proxy network routes internet traffic through IP addresses assigned by the Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to homeowners. This makes traffic appear to be coming from a regular residential user when it hits its target. You can easily google the search term “residential proxy” and find that many companies are offering these services, allowing users to access geographically restricted content, perform web scraping without getting blocked by IP reputation systems, conduct competitive analysis without revealing their identity, and perform all sorts of cyberattacks, ranging from the reconnaissance phase up to the data exfiltration phase when the breach already has taken place. These services can also be leveraged for legitimate purposes like ad verification, market research, and SEO monitoring. Mobile Proxy Networks: Mobile proxy networks use IP addresses assigned to mobile devices by mobile carriers. These proxies provide an even higher level of legitimacy because mobile IPs rotate frequently and are associated with actual mobile devices or sometimes with regional CGNAT pools. This makes them particularly useful for tasks that require high anonymity and dynamic IP changes. Typically, the same companies that offer residential proxy services also have an offer for mobile proxy services. These are often used to test mobile apps and websites, manage social media accounts, bypass geographical restrictions on mobile content, and, let’s not forget, perform cyberattacks. How these networks operate Affiliation and Recruitment Programs Residential and mobile proxy companies often offer affiliate programs to incentivize developers to integrate their SDK into mobile apps, TV apps, browser extensions, VPN apps, etc. These programs allow developers to earn commissions or other benefits by integrating the SDK and becoming a network node to proxy traffic when remotely instructed by their “command-and-control” network. Figure 1 These affiliation programs can be a vital source of revenue for developers who still struggle to generate enough revenue from their applications. Figure 2 Some companies are stricter; others are not so much, but ultimately, it all depends on one’s ability to monitor what is being proxied by these SDKs to be able to prevent becoming part of a malicious Botnet, and this is a hard task to expect from a regular end-user. Below is a fragment from one of the SDK developer’s End-User Agreements. Figure 3 Traffic Flow Figure 4 Utilization for malicious activities: While residential and mobile proxies have legitimate uses, they are also increasingly used for cyberattacks. Here are some of the ways these networks are utilized for malicious activities: Web Scraping and Data Theft: Illegitimate Scraping: Today, with the AI hype, more than ever, DATA is GOLD and not only cybercriminals use residential mobile proxies to perform large-scale web scraping, extracting sensitive or proprietary information from websites without being detected or blocked. Credential Stuffing and Account Takeover: By blending their traffic using a mix of clean residential and mobile IPs and masking their identity, attackers can use stolen credentials to gain unauthorized access to user accounts across multiple platforms. Most importantly, they can validate the large dataset of credentials to ensure that when they sell it, a warranty is provided for the buyers. At the end of the day, Cybercriminals also need to keep their reputation, right? Carding: A very similar mechanism to Credential Stuffing applies to Carding, but here, cybercriminals can stealthily validate credit card numbers to make sure each one has not been flagged as compromised and is active for selling and being utilized by fraudsters. Gift Card Abuse: Fraudsters love Gift Cards because of their untraceable nature. Imagine combining that with the ability to brute-force numbers, validate and balance-check compromised ones. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: Traffic Diversion: Residential and mobile proxies help in distributing attack traffic across numerous IP addresses, making it challenging for defenders to mitigate DDoS attacks effectively. Ad Fraud: Click Fraud: Attackers use these proxies to simulate legitimate clicks on ads, defrauding advertisers by generating fake traffic. Impression Fraud: By repeatedly loading advertisements through residential proxies, fraudsters can inflate the number of ad impressions, misleading advertisers about the reach and effectiveness of their ads. Bypassing Geo-blocks and Anti-fraud Mechanisms: Content Manipulation: Malicious actors use proxies to bypass geographical restrictions and access region-specific content or services. Avoiding Detection: Proxies help in evading anti-fraud systems designed to detect and block suspicious activities, thereby facilitating various forms of online fraud. Residential and mobile proxy networks provide a legitimate service for enhancing online privacy and enabling activities like market research and ad verification. However, their misuse for cyberattacks poses significant challenges for cybersecurity professionals. Understanding the dual-use nature of these technologies is essential for developing effective countermeasures and ensuring the internet remains a safe and secure environment. F5’s Bot and Fraud prevention solutions can distinguish between human-originated requests and software-originated requests by leveraging the ability to collect untamperable client-side signals. This unique capability is layered with our surveillance network, which tracks residential and mobile proxies using proprietary mechanisms. This offers our customers complete visibility and protection against malicious traffic originating from different sources, regardless of whether the attacker is blending their attacks using clean residential or mobile IP addresses.169Views1like0CommentsThree things your proxy can’t do unless it’s a full-proxy
Proxies are one of the more interesting (in my no-doubt biased opinion) “devices” in the network. They’re the basis for caching, load balancing, app security, and even app acceleration services. They’re also a bridge between dev and ops and the network, being commonplace to all three groups and environments in most data center architectures. But not all proxies are built on the same architectural principles, which means not all proxies are created equal. A large number of proxies are half-proxies while others are full-proxies, and the differences between them are what mean the difference between what you can and cannot do with them. In fact, there are three very important things you can do with a full-proxy that you can’t do with a regular old proxy. Before we jump into those three things, let’s review the differences between them, shall we? Half-Proxy Half-proxy is a description of the way in which a proxy, reverse or forward, handles connections. Basically it’s describing the notion that the proxy only mediates connections on the client side. So it only proxies half the communication between the client and the app. The most important thing to recognize about a half-proxy is that it has only one network stack that it shares across both client and server. Full-Proxy By contrast, a full-proxy maintains two distinct network stacks – one on the client side, one of the app side – and fully proxies both sides, hence the name. While a full-proxy can be configured to act like a half-proxy, its value is in its typical configuration, which is to maintain discrete connections to both the client and the server. It is this dual-stack approach that enables a full-proxy to provide capabilities that a half-proxy with its single network stack simply cannot. The Three Things A full-proxy completely understands the protocols for which it proxies and is itself both an endpoint and an originator for those protocols and connections. This also means the full-proxy can have its own TCP connection behavior for each network stack such as buffering, retransmits, and TCP options. With a full-proxy each connection is unique; each can have its own TCP connection behavior. This means that a client connecting to the full-proxy device would likely have different connection behavior than the full-proxy might use for communicating with servers. Full-proxies can look at incoming requests and outbound responses and can manipulate both if the solution allows it. #1 Optimize client side and server side Because it can maintain separate network stacks and characteristics, a full-proxy can optimize each side for its unique needs. The TCP options needed to optimize for performance on the client side’s lower-speed, higher-latency network connection – particularly when mobile devices are being served – are almost certainly very different than those needed to optimize for performance on the server side’s high-speed, low latency data center network connection. A full-proxy can optimize both at the same time and thus provide the best performance possible in all situations. A half-proxy, with its single network stack, is forced to optimize for the average of its connections, which certainly means one side or the other is left with less than optimal performance. #2 Act as a protocol gateway Protocol gateways are an important tool in the architect’s toolbox particularly when transitioning from one version of an application protocol to another, like HTTP/1 to HTTP/2 or SPDY. Because a full proxy maintains those two unique connections, it can accept HTTP/2 on the client side, for example, but speak HTTP/1 to the server (app). That’s because a full-proxy terminates the client connection (the proxy is the server) and initiatives a different connection to the server (the proxy is the client). The protocol used on the client side doesn’t restrict the choice of protocols on the server side. Realistically, any protocol transition that makes sense (and even those that don’t) can be managed with a full-proxy. A programmable full-proxy ensures that even if its an uncommon (and thus not universally supported) that you can code up a gateway yourself without expending effort on reinventing the proxy-wheel. #3 Terminate SSL/TLS Technically this is a specialized case of a protocol gateway but the ascendancy of HTTP/S (and the urgency with which we are encouraged to deploy SSL Everywhere and Encrypt All The Things) makes me treat this as its own case. Basically terminating SSL/TLS is a critical capability in modern and emerging architectures because of the need to inspect and direct HTTP-based traffic (like REST API calls) based on information within the HTTP protocol that would otherwise be invisible thanks to encryption. The ability to terminate SSL/TLS means the proxy becomes the secure endpoint to which clients connect (and ultimately trust). Termination means the proxy is responsible for decrypting requests and encrypting responses and is thus able to “see” into the messages and use the data therein to make routing and load balancing decisions. So the next time you’re looking at a proxy, don’t forget to find out whether it’s a full proxy or not. Because without a full-proxy, you’re limiting your ability to really take advantage of its capabilities and reaping the benefits it can offer modern and emerging application architectures.3KViews1like3CommentsLDAP Proxy
Problem this snippet solves: Summary: An LDAP proxy used send read/write requests to different pools. For anyone that is interested, I recently was posed with the problem of proxying ldap requests. The requirement was to send read and write requests to different pools. As any familiar with ldap knows, you need to send a bind request to authenticate. The following will transparently resend the bind requests to the newly selected server prior to sending the new read/write request. Other functionality could be added to this, such as more verification of the ldap fields to ensure a valid request is being made. The expr commands could be optimized with proper bracing. See the TCL expr wiki page for details Code : class ldap_writes { 6 8 10 12 } # v11 compatabile version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set static::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set static::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set static::ldap_debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set static::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr {[expr {$ber_len + 0x100} % 0x100]} & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr {[expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100]} & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr {3 + $len_bytes}]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr {4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes}]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr {$msgtype & 31}] if {$static::ldap_debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $static::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $static::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[class match -- $msgtype equals ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![class match -- $msgtype equals ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr {[expr {($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100}]} & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr {[expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100]} & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr {3 + $len_bytes}]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr {4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes}]c msgtype set msgtype [expr {$msgtype & 31}] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release } # v10 CMP compatible version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set static::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set static::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set static::ldap_debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set static::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] if {$static::ldap_debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $static::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $static::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$static::ldap_debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $static::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release } # v9 compatible version when RULE_INIT { # Read Pool set ::readPool sun_ldap_read # Write Pool set ::writePool sun_ldap_write # Turn on debugging set ::debug 0 # A lookup table for debugging array set ::msg_types { 0 "bind request" 1 "bind response" 2 "unbind request" 3 "search request" 4 "search response" 6 "modify request" 7 "modify response" 8 "add request" 9 "add response" 10 "delete request" 11 "delete response" 12 "modifydn request" 13 "modifydn response" 14 "compare request" 15 "compare response" 16 "abandon request" 23 "extended request" 24 "extended response" } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set rebind 0 set binding "" set replayop "" set writing 0 TCP::collect } when CLIENT_DATA { # Grab the current payload collected set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len # The first byte is the tag signifying an LDAP message, # Always is hex 30, if that is not so reject if { $ber_t ne "30" } { reject return } # The second byte is one of two values: # a) The length of the packet minus the above # defining byte and the length byte # OR # b) an octet describing how many subsequent bytes # hold the packet length # In either case the message type (what we are after) # follows the message id field which too can be a variable # number of bytes. set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } # How many bytes is the message id binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes # The message type is then 4 bytes + number length bytes + number of # message id bytes offset. binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype # msgtype - BER encoded value, bits 1-5 are the actual # type, 6 is the data type, 7-8 are the data class # Here we only care about the lower 5 bits set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] if {$::debug and [catch { log local0. "message type is: $::msg_types($msgtype) $msgtype" } ] } { log local0. "Bad message type: $msgtype" reject } # Each connection should start with a bind request # We'll save this packet for later rebinding when we # flip between servers if { $msgtype == 0 } { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Bind Request with: ldap_read"} set writing 0 set rebind 0 set binding $payload LB::detach pool $::readPool # If we come across a write request and are currently not # sending data to the write pool, detach, and set the rebind # flag so we can send the bind packet before we actually send # our write request } elseif {[matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing != 1} { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_write"} set rebind 1 set writing 1 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $::writePool # If we come across a read request while we are bound to a write server # we need to detach and rebind with a read server from the read pool } elseif {![matchclass $msgtype equals $::ldap_writes] and $writing == 1} { if {$::debug} {log local0. "Rebinding with: ldap_read"} set rebind 1 set writing 0 set replayop $payload TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] $binding LB::detach pool $::readPool } TCP::release TCP::collect } when SERVER_CONNECTED { # A change in the type of request has been detected # requiring a rebind, we've sent the bind now we need to # wait for the response before we send the actual request if { $rebind == 1 } { TCP::collect } } when SERVER_DATA { if { $rebind == 1 } { set rebind 0 # See above for details on this block. Stupid iRules, no proc grrrr set payload [TCP::payload] # Pull the first 2 bytes. binary scan $payload H2c ber_t ber_len set len_bytes 0 if { [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 128] > 0 } { set len_bytes [expr [expr ($ber_len + 0x100) % 0x100] & 127] } binary scan $payload x[expr 3 + $len_bytes]c msgid_bytes binary scan $payload x[expr 4 + $len_bytes + $msgid_bytes]c msgtype set msgtype [expr $msgtype & 31] # If the msgtype we have here is for a bind response just discard # it as we don't need to send it to the client if {$msgtype == 1 } { TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } # Now send the actual read or write op to the server # It should now have processed the bind TCP::respond $replayop } TCP::release }1.8KViews1like7CommentsFTp proxy via iRule
Hello, I'm trying to do an anonymous ftp connection through an F5 irule. My logs of the irule look like this: Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <CLIENT_ACCEPTED>: client FTP accepted Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <CLIENT_DATA>: client payload - USER anonymous@ Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <CLIENT_DATA>: sitename: - cmd:USER - uid:anonymous Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <CLIENT_DATA>: address port 21 Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_CONNECTED>: connected to server Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_DATA>: server payload 220-Welcome to the Belnet public FTP server ! This server is located in Brussels, Belgium and operated by Belnet, the Belgian Education and Research Network. If you have any problem, question or mirror request, please send them to This archive is available through the following means: RSYNC rsync:// (IPv4) HTTP (IPv4 + IPv6) FTP (IPv4 + IPv6) Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_DATA>: server found 220 ok Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_DATA>: server payload Note: opening too many parallel connections to this host is considered an abuse. All access is logged. Currently used storage capacity : 34T / 100T on /ftp 220 FTP server ready Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_DATA>: server payload 331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password When I check with a wireshark capture on my client; the '331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password' never reaches the client. Without the proxy, it does reach the client and filezilla knows how to deal with it. This is my server_data in the irule; when SERVER_DATA { if { $static::debug } { log local0. "server payload [TCP::payload]" } if { [TCP::payload] starts_with "220" }{ if { $static::debug } { log local0. "server found 220 ok" } TCP::respond "USER $uid\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } TCP::release TCP::collect } I also tried modifying the rule like this: when SERVER_DATA { if { $static::debug } { log local0. "server payload [TCP::payload]" } if { [TCP::payload] starts_with "220" }{ if { $static::debug } { log local0. "server found 220 ok" } TCP::respond "USER $uid\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } if { [TCP::payload] starts_with "331" }{ TCP::respond "PASS $\r\n" TCP::payload replace 0 [TCP::payload length] "" } TCP::release TCP::collect } This get's me one step further, but I'm still not able to connect. When I check with a wireshark capture on my client; the '331 Anonymous login ok, send your complete email address as your password' never reaches the client. Without the proxy, it does reach the client and filezilla knows how to deal with it. Rule /Common/iRule_ftp_proxy <SERVER_DATA>: server payload 230 Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply Why is the '331 server_data' not being forwarded to my client so it can respond to it, or is this the task of the proxy? And why is the '230 server data' not reaching the client? Cheers583Views1like0Comments