pool member
18 TopicsiRule for combination of FQDN pool member and route domains
I'm trying to configure an FQDN pool member for consuming a web service. The FQDN changes it's IP addreses resolution periodically. I configured the pool member inside its non-default Partition and Route Domain. That means the pool member is not in the default 'Common' partition and not in the default route domain '0'. As soon as I created the FQDN pool member, I noticed that the dynamically created node, created as a result of the FQDN resolution IP, was assigned the default route domain '0'. I opened a case with support to get some clarification on this and got the following response: "Unfortunately, Route domains are not supported with fqdn. We have logged in a Request For Enhancement, this, however, has no release date as of yet. 522465 RFE: Route domain support for FQDN nodes The most I can offer you is to request that this service request be added to that RFE. This will let our product development team that another customer is requesting this. Please let me know if you are interested in this." After doing some research I found the following iRules on Codeshare: https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/dynamic-ephemeral-node-fqdn-resolution-with-route-domains-with-dns-caching-irule-1148 https://devcentral.f5.com/s/question/0D51T00006j3E1I/fqdn-node-with-route-domains I've tried both iRules on versions 12.1.2 and 14.1.2, but am getting different TCL errors. Has anyone been able to get the combination of FQDN pool members with a non-default route domain?1.8KViews0likes4CommentsPolling Pool Member Status via SNMP?
Hello... I've been working thru the documentation at https://devcentral.f5.com/questions/bigip-snmp-pool-members-info. I can successfully query the pool member status OIDs after using snmptranslate to find them. However if I disable a pool member from the UI the result of the query of the pool member status OID always seems to be "4" even though the pool member shows 'Available (Disabled) - Pool member is available, user disabled' in the UI. I am assuming the query result should return "25" if the pool member has been manually disabled? What should be the correct value returned from the pool member monitor state if the pool member has been manually disabled in the UI? Thanks!1.3KViews0likes2CommentsGetting active pool member connections using Python
If I want to see all of the client connections connecting to a pool member from the CLI I can do something like a "show sys connection ss-server-addr". I can also do this using Postman mapping to ";, but I cannot figure out how to do this via Python. Using Python if I try to connect to "bigip.sys.raw" I do not see a module called "connection" or anything similar. Does anyone know how, or have some sample code on how to accomplish this? Thanks!1.2KViews0likes10CommentsRedirect to pool member based on URI with persistence
We are implementing Kronos 8 with SSL offloading on our LTM. The SSL offload options in Kronos forces all traffic through the LTM so our Kronos admin can no longer hit the application directly on the individual servers. To accomplish this I need to direct traffic directly to the pool member based on URI. I also need to append /wfc/logon to all URIs. I have built an iRule based on examples I have found here, but it doesn't work correctly. It lands on the initial logon page correctly, but after the logon doesn't persist to the pool member. Process I am trying to accomplish: http://kronos.xxx.edu/ap1 -> https://kronos.xxx.edu/wfc/logon on pool member 1 http://kronos.xxx.edu/ap2 -> https://kronos.xxx.edu/wfc/logon on pool member 2 http://kronos.xxx.edu/ -> https://kronos.xxx.edu/wfc/logon default LB for clients Allow server selection via uri when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] contains "ap1" } { HTTP::uri "/wfc/logon" pool Kronos member 80 } elseif {[HTTP::uri] contains "ap2"} { HTTP::uri "/wfc/logon" pool Kronos member 80 } elseif {[HTTP::uri] eq "/"} { HTTP::uri "/wfc/logon" pool Kronos } } Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.738Views0likes2CommentsF5 Not sending traffic to Pool Members
Hello guys, I have an issue with our F5 devices, we have 2 devices in a cluster in an Active and standby state. we noticed the issue started about two weeks ago, the active F5 just stops sending traffic to the pool member behind the VS, we tried some couple of troubleshooting whenever this occurs we check the var/log/ltm and var/log/monitor logs for the pool affected but we cant see any stating a failure. we changed the health monitor and it is still the same. we can confirm that it is not the network because the other pools are working fine and checkup was done on the affected server to confirm all services and functions are working as should. Even after deleting and adding the pool member back to the pool, F5 doesn't send traffic to it. what i noticed is the statistics page show bits in without any bits outs also for packets Please what can cause this as it is an intermittent issue that occurs almost daily. we have to failover to the secondary device before F5 starts sending traffic out to pool member, this is a production issue as application server stops working(stops recieving traffic) until an administrator is able to do this.600Views0likes3CommentsCan F5 use virtual server of another F5 as pool member?
Hi I have F5 in two separate zone (ie. zone internal,DMZ) i want to use F5 internal zone LB to different virtual server in different F5 DMZ zone (pool member is VS_1 of F5_1 DMZ & VS_2 of F5_2 DMZ ) network Flow is Client >> VS F5 internal LB >>>> LB between VS_1 of F5_1 DMZ & VS_2 of F5_2 DMZ >>> then each F5 DMZ will LB to their pool member respectively F5 internal zone will LB virtual server of another F5 can this doable? Is this will have issue? or prerequisite? Kridsana544Views0likes2Commentstmsh script modify pool member status
Hi, I am trying to modify pool member admin status via tmsh script using such command: tmsh::modify /ltm pool lamp_opi_pl members modify {lamp12_nd:http {session user-disabled}} but every time script is executed I've got such errors: pool-status.tcl: script failed to complete: can't eval proc: "script::run" members: required brace is missing "{" while executing "tmsh::modify /ltm pool "lamp_opi_pl" members modify {"lamp12_nd:http" {session user-disabled}}" (procedure "script::run" line 35) invoked from within "script::run" line:1 script did not successfully complete, status:1 What is wrong with my command? Is that not possible to change admin status for pool member in script? Piotr500Views0likes3CommentsDisable Multiple Pools Members At Once
Making a single rest call, has anyone been able to disable multiple pool members? I'm running into a problem where I want to only disable 2 of the 4 members, but every time I use the PATCH or PUT method, it wipes out the members that are not referenced in the JSON data. I should mention that I'm also using the latest version of iControlRest. Example: URL: https://myf5.foobar.com/mgmt/tm/ltm/pool/testpool/ Method: PATCH Current Pool Members: member1,member2,member3,member4 Data: { "members":[ {"name":"member1:80","state": "user-up", "session": "user-disabled"}, {"name":"member2:80","state": "user-up", "session": "user-disabled"} ] } Expected Result: Half of the pool members will be disabled (1 and 2), while the other half are enabled (3 and 4) Actual Result: Pool members 3 and 4 are wiped out and only 1 and 2 are showing as part of the pool.499Views0likes6CommentsiControl REST API added member into existed Pool http 400 error
Big-IP version 12.1.2 When I used cURL or python SDK to add members into existed pool. I get below error. I am not sure. I need to install hotfix? raise iControlUnexpectedHTTPError(error_message, response=response) icontrol.exceptions.iControlUnexpectedHTTPError: 400 Unexpected Error: Bad Request for uri: Text: '{"code":400,"message":"\"pool\" unexpected argument","errorStack":[],"apiError":26214401}'441Views0likes1Comment