per-request policy
7 TopicsiRule ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED VS APM Per-request Policy to insert APM variables in HTTP headers
Hi, When I need to insert APM session variable in a HTTP header, I use irule like the following : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set APMusername "" } when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { if {$APMusername equals ""} { set APMusername [ACCESS::session data get session.logon.last.username] } HTTP::header insert "USER" $APMusername } But during Agility 2017 labs, we configured header insertion in Per-request policy which seems to be more integrated. F5 communicates on performance improvement using LTM Policies instead of iRules. is there such improvement using Per-request policy? Is Per-request policy not using more memory than a simple iRule?395Views0likes1CommentCannot edit "per-request policies" Request status 500
Hello, I have some troubles to edit any block in any per-request policy. I tried it with all browsers. I always get an error "Server request for 'editActionDialogue' is failed: Request status=500". I can not edit any block in any of the per-request policies !?! (But I can edit APM access policy)... Has anyone ever encountered a similar problem? F5 version: 0.0.10-Point Release 5 Best regards, SpelaSolved697Views0likes5CommentsAPM Gating Criteria sub-routines
Does anyone have real-world examples of using the new per-request policies in APM 12.1? The docs are terse on how the gating criteria work, is there anything that I need to perform in the main access policy?390Views0likes1CommentCan the access policy variable session.logon.last.password be passed to a per-request policy subroutine?
Can the access policy variable session.logon.last.password be passed to a per-request policy subroutine? Version 13.1.0 I am attempting to pass the username and password from the Access Policy to the Per-Request-Policy subroutine for use after URL branching, without adding another logon prompt. Similar to this thread but without the OTP logon prompt. The mentioned thread solution works. It creates a logon prompt for the OTP as the password. This is still a prompt for a user to enter a "password" although it is an OTP. I can successfully pass the user name but not the originating session.logon.last.password from the access-policy. After the user logs on the site, I want to enable Radius MFA Push for specific URL paths. The user is already logged on the access policy. I don't feel they need another logon prompt during the per-request policy. I have tried many methods without success (per-request policy; subroutine, subroutine macro, access policy; decrypt password). Either I haven't found the right combination or it doesn't work this way. Am I missing something? mcget -secure {session.logon.last.password} mcget {session.logon.last.password} subsession.logon.last.password I am also trying other avenues such as using iRule LX to submit the request to the MFA API. I was just hoping radius would be an easier route.688Views0likes2CommentsPer-Request subroutine loop setup?
Hello All, I am trying to figure out how to configure a RADIUS authentication subroutine in a per request policy so the user can have more then one attempt to enter a one time password. The default gives them just one attempt then they need to close the session and start over. I am running and understand that the setting I need is under the "Subroutine Settings / Rename" button. The issue is when I try to modify this subroutine settings I keep getting this error message. I have attempted selecting a bunch of different things for the Gating Criteria but nothing works it always has same error message. Thanks for your help! I have also tried to use AD Auth as a test and I get a similar error saying that can't be found as well. Here is my Per-Request policy in case it might help figure out why I am getting this error.484Views0likes6CommentsCopy a branch of Per-request Policy
hi all! is there a way to copy a branch in a per request policy then paste it to another branch? i think that this can be done if the branch is already configured as a macro but in our scenario, all branches are configured manually. is there a way to do this or the only way is to configure it manually? Thank you.271Views0likes1CommentWhere is the APM/SWG Assign URL Filter action?
Where is the APM/SWG Assign URL Filter action within the VPE for per-request policies? I have a URL filter defined, but all the manual says is "To put a URL filter into effect, you must assign it in a per-request policy. A per-request policy runs each time a URL request is made." I may be blind, but I'm not seeing URL Filter under the Assignments tab (or any other) when editing the per-request policy. (v12.1.1).200Views0likes2Comments