9 Topicstmsh script to change a profile in all virtual servers in all partitions
Inspired by some articles on devcentral ( in special Stop Using the Base TCP Profile! and Rapid iRule Removal via Tmsh Script ), I decided to write a tmsh script to replace a profile for all virtual servers in all partitions. Maybe someone can use it or has any hints for optimization. Example: root@(lab1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) create cli alias shared changeprofile command "run cli script changeProfile.tcl" root@(lab1)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos) changeprofile /Common/tcp /Common/tcp-lan-optimized The /Common/tcp profile was replaced with the /Common/tcp-lan-optimized profile for the following virtuals in partition /Common : The /Common/tcp profile was replaced with the /Common/tcp-lan-optimized profile for the following virtuals in partition /LAB1 : testvip1-http testvip1-https testvip2-https tmsh script: cli script changeProfile.tcl { proc script::init {} { set ::info "Usage: changeprofile IMPORTANT: ALL virtual servers in ALL partitions!" } proc script::run {} { if { $tmsh::argc != 3 } { puts $::info exit 0 } set old_profile [lindex $tmsh::argv 1] set new_profile [lindex $tmsh::argv 2] set all_partitions [tmsh::get_config auth partition] foreach partition $all_partitions { set current_partition "/[lindex [split $partition " "] 2]" tmsh::cd $current_partition set profiles "" set vips [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual] puts "The $old_profile profile was replaced with the $new_profile profile for the following virtuals in partition $current_partition : " tmsh::begin_transaction foreach vip $vips { set profiles [tmsh::get_field_value $vip "profiles"] if { $profiles contains $old_profile } { tmsh::modify /ltm virtual [tmsh::get_name $vip] profiles delete "{" $old_profile "}" profiles add "{" $new_profile "}" puts "\t[tmsh::get_name $vip]" } } tmsh::commit_transaction } } proc script::help {} { if { $tmsh::argc != 3 } { tmsh::add_help $::info } } proc script::tabc {} { if { $tmsh::argc != 3 } { tmsh::add_tabc $::info } } }403Views0likes0CommentsMigrating older F5 BIG-IP has 3 partitions & Route Domains (RD) to new F5 BIG-IP with 2 partion & RD
Hi everyone, I have an old appliance with 3 partitions and each partition has its own route domain. I want to terminate one of the partitions in the new appliance due to a change in the design. Is there any way to remove the partition before moving it to the new appliances? Rather than migrating the configuration to the new appliance and starting deleting the configuration for a specific partition.2KViews0likes8CommentsMultiple Route Domains in same partition
Hi all, So my doubt is, if there is anything wrong in creating more than one route domain in partition common? I want to create Route Domain 3 ( 0 is the default and already exists), in order to separate the routing table of a VIP/Network, that will be created for Internet traffic only. For what i know i will have to create: 1 - Vlan 2 - Route Domain 3 - Assign created Vlan to Route Domain 4 - Self IP like and assign created Vlan to it. 5 - VIP like 6 - Nodes - 7 - Static Route - Gateway Is this correct or do we got to have anything more in attention? Is it better to create a partition for it, os its fine to just have the 2 route domains in same partition?979Views0likes3CommentsVCMP Increase /var Directory
Hi all, I have seen K14952 in regards to increasing directories on a VE. I have also reviewed K24156414 regarding increasing the disk space on a VCMP guest, however this seems cover increasing the size of HD1 rather than any of the directories. Can K14952 be used to increase the /var directory on physical units or VCMP guests as well? The use case here is that /var only has 3GB of disk space, so storing more than two UCS files (~500 MB) on the box in addition to the APM clients and EPSEC packages can quickly use that 3GB. I'm aware that best practice is to download a UCS off the unit and I'm also aware that I change the thresholds disk usage alerts via K8865. I'm trying to gauge if increasing /var is even possible or worth it. Thanks in advance!483Views1like1CommentEphemeral nodes goes in wrong partition
Hello everyone, I'm trying to create a pool with auto-populated nodes. These pools & nodes are in dedicated partitions, that have its own routing domain. The problem is that epheremal nodes are created in Common partitions, which contains no routes to realize monitoring checks, so my pool go red and become unusable. Is there a way to create ephemeral nodes in the same partition than nodes they belong to ? v12.1.3.6440Views0likes3CommentsFirefox 58.x/59.0 with the WebGUI is switching back to Common partition randomly
I have noticed that when using the latest Mozilla Firefox versions (58.x and 59.0) with WebGUI from TMOS/BigIP version 12.1.3 then editing objects in partitions other than Common, the partition switches randomly back to Common in the WebGUI This then causes errors when you try to save as the object is no longer referencing the correct partition (i.e. now Common) As we have no issue with IE or Chrome that it is something new to Firefox but it has been driving me nuts. I have switched to using Chrome as a workaround. Has anyone else had this effect or am I going mad ... I tried looking for other questions about this but found nothing related.265Views0likes1CommentvCMP, Partitions and managing self IP
Hi, Just reading vCMP for VIPRION Systems: Administration v13. I am a bit puzzled by description for creating self IPs Creating floating self IP addresses. Basically it describes that Partition assigned user (called customer administrator) is responsible for creating and managing Self IPs in his Partition. It seems to be mistake as in description of the task there is something like that: In the upper-right corner of any the BIG-IP Configuration utility screen, locate the Partition list and select the customer-specific administrative partition. If the partition selections are unavailable, you do not have a user role that allows you to change the current partition. An example of a selected partition is CustomerA_partition. How user assigned to specific partition (like Manager with Partition set to his Partition - not All) can switch Partitions? I was not able to configure user Role/Partition i a way that enables creating/editing Self IPs only for specific Partition - Am I missing something here? Piotr353Views0likes0CommentsMonitor BIG-IP partitions on BIG-IQ
Hi, I'm working with a BIG-IQ to monitor BIG-IPs with several partitions. When I create a new virtual server in ADC, it is automatically set in the Common partition. Is it possible to create VS in another partition, and create new partitions from the BIG-IQ ? Thanks, Marie-AnneSolved661Views0likes4CommentsMultiple partitions in same route-domain
Hi, we are currently working on a project where our developers should be allowed to use the API to configure certain VIPs, pools and nodes for there applications. The trendy word for it is DevOps I guess :) First of all the user roles is a bit general in my opinion. To use the REST API the user needs to be "administrator", which is crazy. Im not sure if this have been changed in the latest releases but at the moment its not an option to give users that kind of rights just to use the API. What we would like to do is to restrict a certain user to only have access to the VIP, pools and nodes it have created or that we define that it could modify. But from what i understand this is not possible in F5. If you have any suggestion how this can be solved, please let me know. So the workaround is to make a partition for each application so they cant break anything else and here is my real question; In our current production enviroment we have created two partitions, External_DMZ and Internal_DMZ with two different route-domains with RD 0 as a parent. Is it possible to create an additional partition with the same RD as External_DMZ when it is not RD 0? I have tried this but when I create a new partition i cannot select an existing RD except 0 or create a new one. If you need further info about the problem, please let me know and ill try to explain it a bit better! Cheers! // Mattias385Views0likes5Comments