4 TopicsDEVICE-0202 Error while adding rSeries as a provider in CM
Hi all, we just got out rSeries Hardware and I am now trying to add it as a provider to out Central Manager instance. Unfortunately I am always getting the following error Code when trying to connect it to CM. DEVICE-0202: BIG-IP Next instance internal server error: Certificate validation failed with error: provider DEVICE-0202: BIG-IP Next instance internal server error: SSL certificate is unusable: BIG-IP Next has an unknown or unusable device certificate; explicit trust is not possible. Error: EOF. . For creating the Device Cert on the rSeries Platform I used to following KB-Article which is for the DEVICE00060 Error: - I issued a self signed certifcate with DNS and IP as SAN Since the error didn't change I tried adding a few other things: - Adding the self signed cert to CentralManager via Applications>Certificates & Keys>import - Creating a crt signed by out Internal CA (no IP in SAN cause the CA doesn't allow that), applying it on the rSeries and uploading the chain to cm - Testing if the rSeries really uses the applied certs on port 8888 each time with openssl s_client connect which it always does But all that didn't change the error message at all. Any ideas? Thank you in advanceSolved99Views0likes4CommentsBIGIP Next - SHARED-00001: Internal server error
In the process of setting up a BIGIP Next Lab on 20.2. After getting the CM and two Instances deployed and the two instances pulled into CM. I get this error when trying to look at details of either instance. Error: Unable to retrieve this BIG-IP Next instance's creation manifest: SHARED-00001: Internal server error So far I have not been able to figure what is causing this error. Gone as rebuilt everything with 20.1 and 20.0 versions and the error is still there, just worded differently between the versions. Instance status show Healthy, i am just unable to move on with creating vlans, ha and such because that error message is preventing edit of instance details Any ideas? I am still new to working with Next so stumbling through were to find logs and such compare to BIGIP Classic :)Solved99Views0likes3CommentsHow to reset GUI password through CLI or API through F5 Next Central Manager(CM) ?
Hello, I have access to Central Manager(CM) through the CLI but the CLI password as mentioned in Unable to login as admin to the Central Manager GUI ( is different than the GUI password, so is there a way to reset it?99Views0likes4CommentsF5 Next - how to reference irule procedures
Hi, Anyone figured how references works for irule objects with the call command? and if it is possible do i need to assign it to the vs? This is my stack: I manage to use the call command to a proc within the samle irule but i haven't found a way how to reference proclibrary (irule) from my_irule { "_embedded": { "stacks": [ { "_links": { "self": "/applications/a95e7451-d077-4ec3-a9c1-d0f3bea7f615/stacks/e87175a1-34f3-43d2-b52a-7b7466ed8851" }, "clientSide": { "l4ClientSide": "default:service_2:vs", "persistence": { "cookieMethod": { "method": "COOKIE_INSERT_METHOD" }, "template": "COOKIE_TEMPLATE" } }, "enabled": true, "id": "e87175a1-34f3-43d2-b52a-7b7466ed8851", "irules": [ { "description": "default:service_2:proclibrary", "rule": "when RULE_INIT {\nlog local0. \"proclib started\"\n}\nproc responder {} {\n HTTP::respond 200 content {hell from proc}\n}" }, { "description": "default:service_2:my_irule", "rule": "proc test {} {\nHTTP::respond 200 content [virtual name]\n}\nwhen HTTP_REQUEST {\nset vs_name [virtual name]\nlog local0. \"hello there\"\ncall /app/default:service_2/proclibrary::responder\n\n}" } ], "name": "vs", "serverSide": { "l4ServerSide": "default:service_2:vs" }, "stackType": "HttpAdvancedProxy" } ] }, "_links": { "self": "/applications/a95e7451-d077-4ec3-a9c1-d0f3bea7f615/stacks?" }, "count": 1, "total": 1 }65Views0likes1Comment