278 TopicsHow to correctly monitor a Database Oracle
we are configuring a monitor health for a Oracle database which has the next configuration parameters: Send String: select * from dual Response: X user:CONSULTA_ANALISTA password:xxxxxxx connection string: PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %node_ip%)(PORT = %node_port%)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) Row:3 Column:1 alias address: alias service port:1527 the monitor doesn't work and the pool member never is seen up, i have looked at the debug of the connection and this is what i see in a portion of it: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors tail -30 Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = %node_ip%)(PORT = %node_port%)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=3 RECV_I=X SEND=select * from dual USERNAME=CONSULTA_ANALISTA TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ORACLE__Common_BD_monitor_PDN_::ffff:172.20. PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches EXCEPTION connecting to DBDaemon: fflush(): Connection reset by peer i have also tried putting all the info directly like this: ********** Debugging session beginning at: Mon Jul 6 17:07:02 2015 Arguments 1-2: ::ffff: 1527 Environment variables: COUNT=0 DATABASE=PRODM1 = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1527)) ) (CONNECT_DATA = (SID = PRODM1) ) ) DEBUG=yes MON_INST_LOG_NAME=/var/log/monitors/Common_BD_monitor_PDN-Common_BD-1527.log MON_TMPL_NAME=/Common/BD_monitor_PDN NODE_IP=::ffff: NODE_PORT=1527 PASSWORD=nc5gf56y RECVCOLUMN=1 RECVROW=1 RECV_I=ok SEND=TNSPING 1527 USERNAME=CONSULTA_ANALISTA TMOS_RD: 0 (0) Daemon port: 1521 count='0' converts to '0' Command-line PID filename: /var/run/ PID file /var/run/ exists. Checking for correctness of PID. DBDaemon on port 1521 says its PID is 19578. PID matches Asking daemon to ping remote database. Expected result not received: Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details. Database down, see /var/log/DBDaemon.log for details. If i look into /var/log/DBDaemon.log; it isn't updating. It seems that somehow the process is attached to other monitor over port 1521 an maybe that is the origin of the conflicto and fail of Oracle monitoring: [root@ltm1:Active:Changes Pending] monitors ps -fe|grep DB root 19578 1 0 Jun16 ? Ssl 43:33 /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjd k.x86_64/bin/java -cp /usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/rt.jar:/usr/lib/ jvm/jre-1.7.0-openjdk.x86_64/lib/charsets.jar:/usr/share/monitors/mysql-connecto r-java.jar:/usr/share/monitors/DB_monitor.jar:/usr/share/monitors/sqljdbc4.jar:/ usr/share/monitors/ojdbc6.jar:/usr/share/monitors/postgresql-8.3-604.jdbc3.jar - Xmx64m com.f5.eav.DBDaemon 1521 19578 01.2KViews1like5CommentsWhy do we use username and password in Healthcheck Monitor ?
Hi Team , We have an LDAP VIP , and we could see the heathcheck monitor which is applied to the pool has username password enabled and used . Why do we need to authenticate first before checking the services on the server ? When do we really need to enable username/pasword option in monitoring ?1.7KViews1like2CommentsHealth monitor for windows servers
I'm looking to implement a health monitor for a variety of different types of window servers. It would be ideal to check for a specific service that is running or for the existence of a file. It looks like SMB monitors work again after not working for a few versions? I see WMI as a monitor too but I'm not really clear on how to use it.483Views1like2CommentsConfigure a monitor/irule to check a webpage health only after login using a test credentials
I am looking for help to configure a monitor/irule to login to a web page with credentials then check the service up/down when the login is successful. It would be really appreciated if someone could be able to share/help me with coding/programming to achieve this. I have gone through some F5 articles but did not find a better solution.Solved1.4KViews1like2CommentsHTTP Monitor
Hi, I want to set an HTTP monitor with the "Receive String" and the "Receive Disable String" so my application return the below results : {"EXCEPTION":false,"RESULT":"{\"DBUp\":true,\"serverUp\":true}"} ==> app is OK {"EXCEPTION":false,"RESULT":"{\"DBUp\":true,\"serverUp\":false}"} ==> app is not OK {"EXCEPTION":false,"RESULT":"{\"DBUp\":false,\"serverUp\":true}"} ==> app is not OK {"EXCEPTION":false,"RESULT":"{\"DBUp\":false,\"serverUp\":false}"} ==> app is not OK my configuration is : Receive String : (true.*true) Receive Disable String : (DBUp\W{3}false)|(serverUp\W{3}false) but this monitor is not working, any one can help please ? Regards,844Views1like6CommentsCan you insert node_ip or node_name into the send strings on MSSQL monitor?
I am exploring using an MSSQL monitor where it is configured to use an alias IP and port to connect to a central DB server and in this DB server we have a table that lists the UP or DOWN status of our servers. What I then want to do is have the Send string of the monitor dynamically pick up the ip or name of the node it runs against and pass this into the SQL statement (i.e. the send string)... e.g. SELECT Server_Name, Server_IP, Server_Status FROM LB_STATUS WHERE Server_IP = %node_IP% This doesn't work, so either it is the wrong syntax or it just isn't possible. Does anyone know if this can be done?165Views1like0Comments