3 TopicsF5's monitor ansible module
Is there an elegant way to export/save the different types of monitors locally? Because currently it seems you have to save the different types of monitors individually, e.g.: - name: Saving HTTPS monitors copy: content: "{{ item | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: ./f5/{{inventory_hostname}}/monitors/https_monitors/{{}}.yml loop: "{{results.https_monitors }}" - name: Saving HTTP monitors copy: content: "{{ item | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: ./f5/{{inventory_hostname}}/monitors/http_monitors/{{}}.yml loop: "{{results.http_monitors }}" - name: Saving ICMP monitors copy: content: "{{ item | to_nice_yaml }}" dest: ./f5/{{inventory_hostname}}/monitors/icmp_monitors/{{}}.yml loop: "{{results.icmp_monitors }}" . . . Apart from that a small sidenote (maybe i'm grasping the concept of ansible wrong), but wouldn't it be better to introduce a key with the type of monitor instead of creating a dictionary for every type, as the current approach makes automatic iterating hard if the types change for some reason.240Views0likes0Comments