1 TopiciRule Limit the number of HTTP requests by a client within a specified time
This iRule block all the traffic from the clientes with the ip addresses listed inside the iRule, doesnt work like the logic code, can you help me to understand which is the issue with theiRule? when RULE_INIT { #This defines how long is the sliding window to count the requests. This example allows 10 requests in 1 seconds* set static::windowSecs 1 #IP Client address maximun request for each oneand the vlan id %819 for the partition set class::conn_limit_dg{ host {"4"} host {"4"} host {"4"} host {"4"} host {"26"} } } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { #Max connections per client IP set limit [class match -value [IP::client_addr] equals conn_limit_dg] log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: \$limit: $limit" } when HTTP_REQUEST { #Check if client IP is in the connection limit data group and the request is a GET if { $limit ne "" and [HTTP::method] eq "GET"} { set getCount [table key -count -subtable [IP::client_addr]] log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: getCount=$getCount" if { $getCount < $limit} { incr getCount 1 table set -subtable [IP::client_addr] $getCount "" indefinite $static::windowSecs } else {log local0. "[IP::client_addr]: exceeded the number of requests allowed. $getCount / $limit" #HTTP header with connection limit exceed the count request HTTP::respond 429 content "Too Many Requests" } } }722Views0likes4Comments