load balancer
19 TopicsActive/Active load balancing examples with F5 BIG-IP and Azure load balancer
Background A couple years ago I wrote an article about some practical considerations using Azure Load Balancer. Over time it's been used by customers, so I thought to add a further article that specifically discusses Active/Active load balancing options. I'll use Azure's standard load balancer as an example, but you can apply this to other cloud providers. In fact, the customer I helped most recently with this very question was running in Google Cloud. This article focuses on using standard TCP load balancers in the cloud. Why Active/Active? Most customers run 2x BIG-IP's in an Active/Standby cluster on-premises, and it's extremely common to do the same in public cloud. Since simplicity and supportability are key to successful migration projects, often it's best to stick with architectures you know and can support. However, if you are confident in your cloud engineering skills or if you want more than 2x BIG-IP's processing traffic, you may consider running them all Active. Of course, if your total throughput for N number of BIG-IP's exceeds the throughput that N-1 can support, the loss of a single VM will leave you with more traffic than the remaining device(s) can handle. I recommend choosing Active/Active only if you're confident in your purpose and skillset. Let's define Active/Active Sometimes this term is used with ambiguity. I'll cover three approaches using Azure load balancer, each slightly different: multiple standalone devices Sync-Only group using Traffic Group None Sync-Failover group using Traffic Group None Each of these will use a standard TCP cloud load balancer. This article does not cover other ways to run multiple Active devices, which I've outlined at the end for completeness. Multiple standalone appliances This is a straightforward approach and an ideal target for cloud architectures. When multiple devices each receive and process traffic independently, the overhead work of disaggregating traffic to spread between the devices can be done by other solutions, like a cloud load balancer. (Other out-of-scope solutions could be ECMP, BGP, DNS load balancing, or gateway load balancers). Scaling out horizontally can be a matter of simple automation and there is no cluster configuration to maintain. The only limit to the number of BIG-IP's will be any limits of the cloud load balancer. The main disadvantage to this approach is the fear of misconfiguration by human operators. Often a customer is not confident that they can configure two separate devices consistently over time. This is why automation for configuration management is ideal. In the real world, it's also a reason customers consider our next approach. Clustering with a sync-only group A Sync-Only device group allows us to sync some configuration data between devices, but not fail over configuration objects in floating traffic groups between devices, as we would in a Sync-Failover group. With this approach, we can sync traffic objects between devices, assign them to Traffic Group None, and both devices will be considered Active. Both devices will process traffic, but changes only need to be made to a single device in the group. In the example pictured above: The 2x BIG-IP devices are in a Sync-Only group called syncGroup /Common partition is not synced between devices /app1 partition is synced between devices the /app1 partition has Traffic Group None selected the /app1 partition has the Sync-Only group syncGroup selected Both devices are Active and will process traffic received on Traffic Group None The disadvantage to this approach is that you can create an invalid configuration by referring to objects that are not synced. For example, if Nodes are created in /Common, they will exist on the device on which they were created, but not on other devices. If a Pool in /app1 then references Nodes from /Common, the resulting configuration will be invalid for devices that do not have these Nodes configured. Another consideration is that an operator must use and understand partitions. These are simple and should be embraced. However, not all customers understand the use of partitions and many prefer to use /Common only, if possible. The big advantage here is that changes only need to be made on a single device, and they will be replicated to other devices (up to 32 devices in a Sync-Only group). The risk of inconsistent configuration due to human error is reduced. Each device has a small green "Active" icon in the top left hand of the console, reminding operators that each device is Active and will process incoming traffic on Traffic Group None. Failover clustering using Traffic Group None Our third approach is very similar to our second approach. However, instead of a Sync-Only group, we will use a Sync-Failover group. A Sync-Failover group will sync all traffic objects in the default /Common partition, allowing us to keep all traffic objects in the default partition and avoid the use of additional partitions. This creates a traditional Active/Standby pair for a failover traffic group, and a Standby device will not respond to data plane traffic. So how do we make this Active/Active? When we create our VIPs in Traffic Group None, all devices will process traffic received on these Virtual Servers. One device will show "Active" and the other "Standby" in their console, but this is only the status for the floating traffic group. We don't need to use the floating traffic group, and by using Traffic Group None we have an Active/Active configuration in terms of traffic flow. The advantage here is similar to the previous example: human operators only need to configure objects in a single device, and all changes are synced between device group members (up to 8 in a Sync-Failover group). Another advantage is that you can use the /Common partition, which was not possible with the previous example. The main disadvantage here is that the console will show the word "Active" and "Standby" on devices, and this can confuse an operator that is familiar only with Active/Standby clusters using traffic groups for failover. While this third approach is a very legitimate approach and technically sound, it's worth considering if your daily operations and support teams have the knowledge to support this. Other considerations Source NAT (SNAT) It is almost always a requirement that you SNAT traffic when using Active/Active architecture, and this especially applies to the public cloud, where our options for other networking tricks are limited. If you have a requirement to see true source IP and need to use multiple devices in Active/Active fashion, consider using Azure or AWS Gateway Load Balancer options. Alternative solutions like NGINX and F5 Distributed Cloud may also be worth considering in high-value, hard-requirement situations. Alternatives to a cloud load balancer This article is not referring to F5 with Azure Gateway Load Balancer, or to F5 with AWS Gateway Load Balancer. Those gateway load balancer solutions are another way for customers to run appliances as multiple standalone devices in the cloud. However, they typically require routing, not proxying the traffic (ie, they don't allow destination NAT, which many customers intend with BIG-IP). This article is also not referring to other ways you might achieve Active/Active architectures, such as DNS-based high availability, or using routing protocols, like BGP or ECMP. Note that using multiple traffic groups to achieve Active/Active BIG-IP's - the traditional approach on-prem or in private cloud - is not practical in public cloud, as briefly outlined below. Failover of traffic groups with Cloud Failover Extension (CFE) One option for Active/Standby high availability of BIG-IP is to use the CFE , which can programmatically update IP addresses and routes in Azure at time of device failure. Since CFE does not support Active/Active scenarios, it is appropriate only for failover of a single traffic group (ie., Active/Standby). Conclusion Thanks for reading! In general I see that Active/Standby solutions work for many customers, but if you are confident in your skills and have a need for Active/Active F5 BIG-IP devices in the cloud, please reach out if you'd like me to walk you through these options and explore any other possibilities. Related articles Practical Considerations using F5 BIG-IP and Azure Load Balancer Deploying F5 BIG-IP with Azure Cross-Region Load Balancer1.8KViews2likes2CommentsSolving for true-source IP with global load balancers in Google Cloud
Background Recently a customer approached us with requirements that may seem contradictory: true source IP persistence, global distribution of load balancers (LB's), TCP-only proxying, and alias IP ranges in Google Cloud. With the help of PROXY protocol support, we offered a straightforward solution that is worth documenting for others. Customer requirements We have NGINX WAF running on VM instances in Google Cloud Platform (GCP) We want to expose these to the Internet with a global load balancer We must know the true source IP of clients when traffic reaches our WAF We do not want so use an application (HTTP/S) load balancer in Google. i.e., we do not want to perform TLS decryption with GCP or use HTTP/HTTPS load balancing therefore, we cannot use X-Forwarded-For headers to preserve true source IP Additionally, we'd like to use Cloud Armor. How can we add on a CDN/DDoS/etc provider if needed? Let's solve for these requirements by finding the load balancer to use, and then how to preserve and use true source IP. Which load balancer type fits best? This guide outlines our options for Google LB’s. Because our requirements include global, TCP-only load balancing, we will choose the highlighted LB type of “Global external proxy Network Load Balancer”. Proxy vs Passthrough Notice that global LB’s proxy traffic. They do not preserve source IP address as a passthrough LB does. Global IP addresses are advertised from multiple, globally-distributed front end locations, using Anycast IP routing. Proxying from these locations allows traffic symmetry, but Source NAT causes loss of the original client IP address. I've added some comments into a Google diagram below to show our core problem here: PROXY protocol support with Google load balancers Google’s TCP LB documentation outlines our challenge and solution: "By default, the target proxy does not preserve the original client IP address and port information. You can preserve this information by enabling the PROXY protocol on the target proxy." Without PROXY protocol support, we could only meet 2 out of 3 core requirements with any given load balancer type. PROXY protocol allows us to meet all 3 simultaneously. Setting up our environment in Google The script below configures a global TCP proxy network load balancer and associated objects. It is assumed that a VPC network, subnet, and VM instances exist already. This script assumes the VM’s are F5 BIG-IP devices, although our demo will use Ubuntu VM’s with NGINX installed. Both BIG-IP and NGINX can easily receive and parse PROXY protocol. # GCP Environment Setup Guide for Global TCP Proxy LB with Proxy Protocol. Credit to Tony Marfil, @tmarfil # Step 1: Prerequisites # Before creating the network endpoint group, ensure the following GCP resources are already configured: # # -A VPC network named my-vpc. # -A subnet within this network named outside. # -Instances ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 should have alias IP addresses configured: and, respectively, both using port 80 and 443. # # Now, create a network endpoint group f5-neg1 in the us-east4-c zone with the default port 443. gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups create f5-neg1 \ --zone=us-east4-c \ --network=my-vpc \ --subnet=outside \ --default-port=443 # Step 2: Update the Network Endpoint Group # # Add two instances with specified IPs to the f5-neg1 group. gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups update f5-neg1 \ --zone=us-east4-c \ --add-endpoint 'instance=ubuntu1,ip=,port=443' \ --add-endpoint 'instance=ubuntu2,ip=,port=443' # Step 3: Create a Health Check # # Set up an HTTP health check f5-healthcheck1 that uses the serving port. gcloud compute health-checks create http f5-healthcheck1 \ --use-serving-port # Step 4: Create a Backend Service # # Configure a global backend service f5-backendservice1 with TCP protocol and attach the earlier health check. gcloud compute backend-services create f5-backendservice1 \ --global \ --health-checks=f5-healthcheck1 \ --protocol=TCP # Step 5: Add Backend to the Backend Service # # Link the network endpoint group f5-neg1 to the backend service. gcloud compute backend-services add-backend f5-backendservice1 \ --global \ --network-endpoint-group=f5-neg1 \ --network-endpoint-group-zone=us-east4-c \ --balancing-mode=CONNECTION \ --max-connections=1000 # Step 6: Create a Target TCP Proxy # # Create a global target TCP proxy f5-tcpproxy1 to handle routing to f5-backendservice1. gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies create f5-tcpproxy1 \ --backend-service=f5-backendservice1 \ --proxy-header=PROXY_V1 \ --global # Step 7: Create a Forwarding Rule # # Establish global forwarding rules for TCP traffic on port 80 & 443. gcloud compute forwarding-rules create f5-tcp-forwardingrule1 \ --ip-protocol TCP \ --ports=80 \ --global \ --target-tcp-proxy=f5-tcpproxy1 gcloud compute forwarding-rules create f5-tcp-forwardingrule2 \ --ip-protocol TCP \ --ports=443 \ --global \ --target-tcp-proxy=f5-tcpproxy1 # Step 8: Create a Firewall Rule # # Allow ingress traffic on specific ports for health checks with the rule allow-lb-health-checks. gcloud compute firewall-rules create allow-lb-health-checks \ --direction=INGRESS \ --priority=1000 \ --network=my-vpc \ --action=ALLOW \ --rules=tcp:80,tcp:443,tcp:8080,icmp \ --source-ranges=, \ --target-tags=allow-health-checks # Step 9: Add Tags to Instances # # Tag instances ubuntu1 and ubuntu2 to include them in health checks. gcloud compute instances add-tags ubuntu1 --tags=allow-health-checks --zone=us-east4-c gcloud compute instances add-tags ubuntu2 --tags=allow-health-checks --zone=us-east4-c ## TO PULL THIS ALL DOWN: (uncomment the lines below) # gcloud compute firewall-rules delete allow-lb-health-checks --quiet # gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete f5-tcp-forwardingrule1 --global --quiet # gcloud compute forwarding-rules delete f5-tcp-forwardingrule2 --global --quiet # gcloud compute target-tcp-proxies delete f5-tcpproxy1 --global --quiet # gcloud compute backend-services delete f5-backendservice1 --global --quiet # gcloud compute health-checks delete f5-healthcheck1 --quiet # gcloud compute network-endpoint-groups delete f5-neg1 --zone=us-east4-c --quiet # # Then delete your VM's and VPC network if desired. Receiving PROXY protocol using NGINX We now have 2x Ubuntu VM's running in GCP that will receive traffic when we target our global TCP proxy LB's IP address. Let’s use NGINX to receive and parse the PROXY protocol traffic. When proxying and "stripping" the PROXY protocol headers from traffic, NGINX can append an additional header containing the value of the source IP obtained from PROXY protocol: server { listen 80 proxy_protocol; # tell NGINX to expect traffic with PROXY protocol server_name customer1.my-f5.com; location / { proxy_pass http://localhost:3000; proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header x-nginx-ip $server_addr; # append a header to pass the IP address of the NGINX server proxy_set_header x-proxy-protocol-source-ip $proxy_protocol_addr; # append a header to pass the src IP address obtained from PROXY protocol proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr; # append a header to pass the src IP of the connection between Google's front end LB and NGINX proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade; } } Displaying true source IP in our web app You might notice above that NGINX is proxying to http://localhost:3000. I have a simple NodeJS app to display a page with HTTP headers: const express = require('express'); const app = express(); const port = 3000; // set the view engine to ejs app.set('view engine', 'ejs'); app.get('/', (req, res) => { const proxy_protocol_addr = req.headers['x-proxy-protocol-source-ip']; const source_ip_addr = req.headers['x-real-ip']; const array_headers = JSON.stringify(req.headers, null, 2); const nginx_ip_addr = req.headers['x-nginx-ip']; res.render('index', { proxy_protocol_addr: proxy_protocol_addr, source_ip_addr: source_ip_addr, array_headers: array_headers, nginx_ip_addr: nginx_ip_addr }); }) app.listen(port, () => { console.log('Server is listenting on port 3000'); }) For completeness, NodeJS is using the EJS template engine to build our page. The file views/index.ejs is here: <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale-1"> <title>Demo App</title> </head> <body class="container"> <main> <h2>Hello World!</h2> <p>True source IP (the value of <code>$proxy_protocol_addr</code>) is <b><%= typeof proxy_protocol_addr != 'undefined' ? proxy_protocol_addr : '' %></b></p> <p>IP address that NGINX recieved the connection from (the value of <code>$remote_addr</code>) is <b><%= typeof source_ip_addr != 'undefined' ? source_ip_addr : '' %> </b></p> <p>IP address that NGINX is running on (the value of <code>$server_addr</code>) is <b><%= typeof nginx_ip_addr != 'undefined' ? nginx_ip_addr : '' %></b><p> <h3>Request Headers at the app:</h3> <pre><%= typeof array_headers != 'undefined' ? array_headers : '' %></pre> </main> </body> </html> Cloud Armor Cloud Armor is an easy add-on when using Google load balancers. If required, an admin can: Create a Cloud Armor security policy Add rules (for example, rate limiting) to this policy Attach the policy to a TCP load balancer In this way “edge protection” is applied to your Google workloads with little effort. Our end result This small demo app shows that true source IP can be known to an application running on Google VM’s when using the Global TCP Network Load Balancer. We’ve achieved this using PROXY protocol and NGINX. We’ve used NodeJS to display a web page with proxied header values. Thanks for reading. Please reach out with any questions!941Views3likes4CommentsCookie Tampering Protection using F5 Distributed Cloud Platform
This article aims to cover the basics of cookies and then showed how intruders can tamper cookies to modify application behavior. Finally, we also showcased how F5 XC cookie tampering protection can be used to safeguard our sensitive cookie workloads.363Views1like0CommentsHTTP Pipelining: A security risk without real performance benefits
Everyone wants web sites and applications to load faster, and there’s no shortage of folks out there looking for ways to do just that. But all that glitters is not gold, and not all acceleration techniques actually do all that much to accelerate the delivery of web sites and applications. Worse, some actual incur risk in the form of leaving servers open to exploitation. A BRIEF HISTORY Back in the day when HTTP was still evolving, someone came up with the concept of persistent connections. See, in ancient times – when administrators still wore togas in the data center – HTTP 1.0 required one TCP connection for every object on a page. That was okay, until pages started comprising ten, twenty, and more objects. So someone added an HTTP header, Keep-Alive, which basically told the server not to close the TCP connection until (a) the browser told it to or (b) it didn’t hear from the browser for X number of seconds (a time out). This eventually became the default behavior when HTTP 1.1 was written and became a standard. I told you it was a brief history. This capability is known as a persistent connection, because the connection persists across multiple requests. This is not the same as pipelining, though the two are closely related. Pipelining takes the concept of persistent connections and then ignores the traditional request – reply relationship inherent in HTTP and throws it out the window. The general line of thought goes like this: “Whoa. What if we just shoved all the requests from a page at the server and then waited for them all to come back rather than doing it one at a time? We could make things even faster!” Tada! HTTP pipelining. In technical terms, HTTP pipelining is initiated by the browser by opening a connection to the server and then sending multiple requests to the server without waiting for a response. Once the requests are all sent then the browser starts listening for responses. The reason this is considered an acceleration technique is that by shoving all the requests at the server at once you essentially save the RTT (Round Trip Time) on the connection waiting for a response after each request is sent. WHY IT JUST DOESN’T MATTER ANYMORE (AND MAYBE NEVER DID) Unfortunately, pipelining was conceived of and implemented before broadband connections were widely utilized as a method of accessing the Internet. Back then, the RTT was significant enough to have a negative impact on application and web site performance and the overall user-experience was improved by the use of pipelining. Today, however, most folks have a comfortable speed at which they access the Internet and the RTT impact on most web application’s performance, despite the increasing number of objects per page, is relatively low. There is no arguing, however, that some reduction in time to load is better than none. Too, anyone who’s had to access the Internet via high latency links can tell you anything that makes that experience faster has got to be a Good Thing. So what’s the problem? The problem is that pipelining isn’t actually treated any differently on the server than regular old persistent connections. In fact, the HTTP 1.1 specification requires that a “server MUST send its responses to those requests in the same order that the requests were received.” In other words, the requests are return in serial, despite the fact that some web servers may actually process those requests in parallel. Because the server MUST return responses to requests in order that the server has to do some extra processing to ensure compliance with this part of the HTTP 1.1 specification. It has to queue up the responses and make certain responses are returned properly, which essentially negates the performance gained by reducing the number of round trips using pipelining. Depending on the order in which requests are sent, if a request requiring particularly lengthy processing – say a database query – were sent relatively early in the pipeline, this could actually cause a degradation in performance because all the other responses have to wait for the lengthy one to finish before the others can be sent back. Application intermediaries such as proxies, application delivery controllers, and general load-balancers can and do support pipelining, but they, too, will adhere to the protocol specification and return responses in the proper order according to how the requests were received. This limitation on the server side actually inhibits a potentially significant boost in performance because we know that processing dynamic requests takes longer than processing a request for static content. If this limitation were removed it is possible that the server would become more efficient and the user would experience non-trivial improvements in performance. Or, if intermediaries were smart enough to rearrange requests such that they their execution were optimized (I seem to recall I was required to design and implement a solution to a similar example in graduate school) then we’d maintain the performance benefits gained by pipelining. But that would require an understanding of the application that goes far beyond what even today’s most intelligent application delivery controllers are capable of providing. THE SILVER LINING At this point it may be fairly disappointing to learn that HTTP pipelining today does not result in as significant a performance gain as it might at first seem to offer (except over high latency links like satellite or dial-up, which are rapidly dwindling in usage). But that may very well be a good thing. As miscreants have become smarter and more intelligent about exploiting protocols and not just application code, they’ve learned to take advantage of the protocol to “trick” servers into believing their requests are legitimate, even though the desired result is usually malicious. In the case of pipelining, it would be a simple thing to exploit the capability to enact a layer 7 DoS attack on the server in question. Because pipelining assumes that requests will be sent one after the other and that the client is not waiting for the response until the end, it would have a difficult time distinguishing between someone attempting to consume resources and a legitimate request. Consider that the server has no understanding of a “page”. It understands individual requests. It has no way of knowing that a “page” consists of only 50 objects, and therefore a client pipelining requests for the maximum allowed – by default 100 for Apache – may not be seen as out of the ordinary. Several clients opening connections and pipelining hundreds or thousands of requests every second without caring if they receive any of the responses could quickly consume the server’s resources or available bandwidth and result in a denial of service to legitimate users. So perhaps the fact that pipelining is not really all that useful to most folks is a good thing, as server administrators can disable the feature without too much concern and thereby mitigate the risk of the feature being leveraged as an attack method against them. Pipelining as it is specified and implemented today is more of a security risk than it is a performance enhancement. There are, however, tweaks to the specification that could be made in the future that might make it more useful. Those tweaks do not address the potential security risk, however, so perhaps given that there are so many other optimizations and acceleration techniques that can be used to improve performance that incur no measurable security risk that we simply let sleeping dogs lie. IMAGES COURTESTY WIKIPEDIA COMMONS4.6KViews0likes5CommentsBig-IP and ADFS Part 2 - APM: An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy
So let’s talk Application Delivery Controllers, (ADC). In part one of this series we deployed both an internal ADFS farm as well as a perimeter ADFS proxy farm using the Big-IP’s exceptional load balancing capabilities to provide HA and scalability. But there’s much more the Big-IP can provide to the application delivery experience. Here in part 2 we’ll utilize the Access Policy Manager, (APM) module as a replacement for the ADFS Proxy layer. To illustrate this approach, we’ll address one of the most common use cases; ADFS deployment to federate with and enable single sign-on to Microsoft Office 365 web-based applications. The purpose of the ADFS Proxy server is to receive and forward requests to ADFS servers that are not accessible from the Internet. As noted in part one, for high availability this typically requires a minimum of two proxy servers as well as an additional load balancing solution, (F5 Big-IPs of course). By implementing APM on the F5 appliance(s) we not only eliminate the need for these additional servers but, by implementing pre-authentication at the perimeter and advanced features such as client-side checks, (antivirus validation, firewall verification, etc.), arguably provide for a more secure deployment. Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module and basic understanding of the APM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. The following diagram shows a typical internal and external client access AD FS to Office 365 Process Flow, (used for passive-protocol, “web-based” access). Both clients attempts to access the Office 365 resource; Both clients are redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service, (Note: This step may be skipped with active clients such as Microsoft Outlook); Both client are redirected to their organization’s internal federation service; The AD FS server authenticates the client to active directory; * Internal clients are load balanced directly to an ADFS server farm member; and * External clients are: * Pre-authenticated to Active Directory via APM’s customizable sign-on page; * Authenticated users are directed to an AD FS server farm member. The ADFS server provides the client with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the Microsoft Federation Gateway where the token and claims are verified. The Microsoft Federation Gateway provides the client with a new service token; and The client presents the new cookie with included service token to the Office 365 resource for access. Virtual Servers and Member Pool – Although all users, (both internal and external) will access the ADFS server farm via the same Big-IP(s), the requirements and subsequent user experience differ. While internal authenticated users are load balanced directly to the ADFS farm, external users must first be pre-authenticated, (via APM) prior to be allowed access to an ADFS farm member. To accomplish this two, (2) virtual servers are used; one for the internal access and another dedicated for external access. Both the internal and external virtual servers are associated with the same internal ADFS server farm pool. INTERNAL VIRTUAL SERVER – Refer to Part 1 of this guidance for configuration settings for the internal ADFS farm virtual server. EXTERNAL VIRTUAL SERVER – The configuration for the external virtual server is similar to that of the virtual server described in Part 1 of this guidance. In addition an APM Access Profile, (see highlighted section and settings below) is assigned to the virtual server. APM Configuration – The following Access Policy Manager, (APM) configuration is created and associated with the external virtual server to provide for pre-authentication of external users prior to being granted access to the internal ADFS farm. As I mentioned earlier, the APM module provides advanced features such as client-side checks and single sign-on, (SSO) in addition to pre-authentication. Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. Take a deeper look at client-side checks at AskF5. AAA SERVER - The ADFS access profile utilizes an Active Directory AAA server. ACCESS POLICY - The following access policy is associated with the ADFS access profile. * Prior to presenting the logon page client machines are checked for the existence of updated antivirus. If the client lacks either antivirus software or does not have updated, (within 30 days) virus definitions the user is redirected to a mitigation site. * An AD query and simple iRule is used to provide single-url OWA access for both on-premise and Office365 Exchange users. SSO CONFIGURATION - The ADFS access portal uses an NTLM v1 SSO profile with multiple authentication domains, (see below). By utilizing multiple SSO domains, clients are required to authenticate only once to gain access to both hosted applications such as Exchange Online and SharePoint Online as well as on-premise hosted applications. To facilitate this we deploy multiple virtual servers, (ADFS, Exchange, SharePoint) utilizing the same SSO configuration. CONNECTIVITY PROFILE – A connectivity profile based upon the default connectivity profile is associated with the external virtual server. Whoa! That’s a lot to digest. But if nothing else, I hope this inspires you to further investigate APM and some of the cool things you can do with the Big-IP beyond load balancing. Additional Links: Big-IP and ADFS Part 1 – “Load balancing the ADFS Farm” Big-IP and ADFS Part 3 - “ADFS, APM, and the Office 365 Thick Clients” BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) Wiki Home - DevCentral Wiki Latest F5 Information F5 News Articles F5 Press Releases F5 Events F5 Web Media F5 Technology Alliance Partners F5 YouTube Feed4.3KViews0likes7CommentsBig-IP and ADFS Part 4 – “What about Single Sign-Out?”
Why stop at 3 when you can go to 4? Over the past few posts on this ever-expanding topic, we’ve discussed using ADFS to provide single sign-on access to Office 365. But what about single sign-out? A customer turned me onto Tristan Watkins’ blog post that discusses the challenges of single sign-out for browser-based, (WS-Federation) applications when fronting ADFS with a reverse-proxy. It’s a great blog post and covers the topic quite well so I won’t bother re-hashing it here. However, I would definitely recommend reading his post if you want a deeper dive. Here’s the sign-out process: 1. User selects ‘Sign Out’ or ‘Sign in as Different User’, (if using SharePoint Online); 2. The user is signed out of the application; 3. The user is redirected to the ADFS sign out page; and 4. The user is redirected back to the Microsoft Federation Gateway and the user’s tokens are invalidated. In a nutshell, claims-unaware proxies, (Microsoft ISA and TMG servers for example) are unable to determine when this process has occurred and subsequently the proxy session remains active. This in turn will allow access to ADFS, (and subsequently Office 365) without be prompted for new credentials, (not good!). Here’s where I come clean with you dear readers. While the F5 Big-IP with APM is a recognized replacement for the AD FS 2.0 Federation Server Proxy this particular topic was not even on my radar. But now that it is…… Single Sign-Out with Access Policy Manager You’ll may have noticed that although the Big-IP with APM is a claims-unaware proxy I did not include it in the list above. Why you ask? Well, although the Big-IP is currently “claims-unaware”, it certainly is “aware” of traffic that passes through. With the ability to analyze traffic as it flows from both the client and the server side, the Big-IP can look for triggers and act upon them. In the case of the ADFS sign-out process, we’ll use the MSISSignOut cookie as our trigger to terminate the proxy session accordingly. During the WS-Federation sign out process, (used by browser-based applications) the MSISSignOut cookie is cleared out by the ADFS server, (refer to the HttpWatch example below). Once this has been completed, we need to terminate the proxy session. Fortunately, there’s an iRule for that. The iRule below analyzes the HTTP response back from the ADFS server and keys off of the MSISSignOut cookie. If the cookie’s value has been cleared, the APM session will be terminated. To allow for a clean sign-out process with the Microsoft Federation Gateway, the APM session termination is delayed long enough for the ADFS server to respond. Now, APM’s termination can act in concert with the ADFS sign-out process. 1: when HTTP_RESPONSE { 2: # Review server-side responses for reset of WS-Federation sign-out cookie - MSISSignOut. 3: # If found assign ADFS sign-out session variable and close HTTP connection 4: if {[HTTP::header "Set-Cookie"] contains "MSISSignOut=;"} { 5: ACCESS::session data set session.user.adfssignout 1 6: HTTP::close 7: } 8: } 9: 10: when CLIENT_CLOSED { 11: # Remove APM session if ADFS sign-out variable exists 12: if {[ACCESS::session data get session.user.adfssignout] eq 1} { 13: after 5000 14: ACCESS::session remove 15: } 16: } What? Another iRule? Actually, the above snippet can be combined with the iRule we implemented in Part 3 creating a single iRule addressing all the ADFS/Office 365 scenarios. 1: when HTTP_REQUEST { 2: # For external Lync client access all external requests to the 3: # /trust/mex URL must be routed to /trust/proxymex. Analyze and modify the URI 4: # where appropriate 5: HTTP::uri [string map {/trust/mex /trust/proxymex} [HTTP::uri]] 6: 7: # Analyze the HTTP request and disable access policy enforcement WS-Trust calls 8: if {[HTTP::uri] contains "/adfs/services/trust"} { 9: ACCESS::disable 10: } 11: 12: # OPTIONAL ---- To allow publishing of the federation service metadata 13: if {[HTTP::uri] ends_with "FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml"} { 14: ACCESS::disable 15: } 16: } 17: 18: when HTTP_RESPONSE { 19: # Review serverside responses for reset of WS-Federation sign-out cookie - MSISSignOut. 20: # If found assign ADFS sign-out session variable and close HTTP connection 21: if {[HTTP::header "Set-Cookie"] contains "MSISSignOut=;"} { 22: ACCESS::session data set session.user.adfssignout 1 23: HTTP::close 24: } 25: } 26: 27: when CLIENT_CLOSED { 28: # Remove APM session if ADFS sign-out variable exists 29: if {[ACCESS::session data get session.user.adfssignout] eq 1} { 30: after 5000 31: ACCESS::session remove 32: } 33: } Gotta love them iRules! That’s all for now. Additional Links: Big-IP and ADFS Part 1 – “Load balancing the ADFS Farm” Big-IP and ADFS Part 2 – “APM–An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy” Big-IP and ADFS Part 3 – “ADFS, APM, and the Office 365 Thick Clients” BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) Wiki Home - DevCentral Wiki AD FS 2.0 - Interoperability with Non-Microsoft Products MS TechNet - AD FS: How to Invoke a WS-Federation Sign-Out Tristan Watkins - Office 365 Single Sign Out with ISA or TMG as the ADFS Proxy Technorati Tags: load balancer,ADFS,Office365,active directory,F5,federation,exchange,microsoft,network,blog,APM,LTM,Coward,SSO,single sign-on,single sign-out1KViews0likes2CommentsBig-IP and ADFS Part 1 – “Load balancing the ADFS Farm”
Just like the early settlers who migrated en masse across the country by wagon train along the Oregon Trail, enterprises are migrating up into the cloud. Well okay, maybe not exactly like the early settlers. But, although there may not be a mass migration to the cloud, it is true that more and more enterprises are moving to cloud-based services like Office 365. So how do you provide seamless, or at least relatively seamless, access to resources outside of the enterprise? Well, one answer is federation and if you are a Microsoft shop then the current solution is ADFS, (Active Directory Federation Services). The ADFS server role is a security token service that extends the single sign-on, (SSO) experience for directory-authenticated clients to resources outside of the organization’s boundaries. As cloud-based application access and federation in general becomes more prevalent, the role of ADFS has become equally important. Below, is a typical deployment scenario of the ADFS Server farm and the ADFS Proxy server farm, (recommended for external access to the internally hosted ADFS farm). Warning…. If the ADFS server farm is unavailable then access to federated resources will be limited if not completely inaccessible. To ensure high-availability, performance, and scalability the F5 Big-IP with LTM, (Local Traffic Manager), can be deployed to load balance the ADFS and ADFS Proxy server farms. Yes! When it comes to a load balancing and application delivery, F5’s Big-IP is an excellent choice. Just had to get that out there. So let’s get technical! Part one of this blog series addresses deploying and configuring the Big-IP’s LTM module for load balancing the ADFS Server farm and Proxy server farm. In part two I’m going to show how we can greatly simplify and improve this deployment by utilizing Big-IP’s APM, (Access Policy Manager) so stay tuned. Load Balancing the Internal ADFS Server Farm Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes an ADFS server farm has been installed and configured per the deployment guide including appropriate trust relationships with relevant claims providers and relying parties. In addition, the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. The following diagram shows a typical, (albeit simplified) process flow of the Big-IP load balanced ADFS farm. Client attempts to access the ADFS-enabled external resource; Client is redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service; Client is redirected to its organization’s internal federation service, (assuming the resource’s federation service is configured as trusted partner); The ADFS server authenticates the client to active directory; The ADFS server provides the client with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the resource partner federation service where the token and claims are verified. If appropriate, the resource partner provides the client with a new security token; and The client presents the new authorization cookie with included security token to the resource for access. VIRTUAL SERVER AND MEMBER POOL – A virtual server, (aka VIP) is configured to listen on port 443, (https). In the event that the Big-IP will be used for SSL bridging, (decryption and re-encryption), the public facing SSL certificate and associated private key must be installed on the BIG-IP and associated client SSL profile created. However, as will be discussed later SSL bridging is not the preferred method for this type of deployment. Rather, SSL tunneling, (pass-thru) will be utilized. ADFS requires Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). Therefore pool members are configured to listen on port 443, (https). LOAD BALANCING METHOD – The ‘Least Connections (member)’ method is utilized. POOL MONITOR – To ensure the AD FS service is responding as well as the web site itself, a customized monitor can be used. The monitor ensures the AD FS federation service is responding. Additionally, the monitor utilizes increased interval and timeout settings. The custom https monitor requires domain credentials to validate the service status. A standard https monitor can be utilized as an alternative. PERSISTENCE – In this AD FS scenario, clients establish a single TCP connection with the AD FS server to request and receive a security token. Therefore, specifying a persistence profile is not necessary. SSL TUNNELING, (preferred method) – When SSL tunneling is utilized, encrypted traffic flows from the client directly to the endpoint farm member. Additionally, SSL profiles are not used nor are SSL certificates required to be installed on the Big-IP. In this instance Big-IP profiles requiring packet analysis and/or modification, (ex. compression, web acceleration) will not be relevant. To further boost the performance, a Fast L4 virtual server will be used. Load Balancing the ADFS Proxy Server Farm Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes an ADFS Proxy server farm has been installed and configured per the deployment guide including appropriate trust relationships with relevant claims providers and relying parties. In addition, the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. In the previous section we configure load balancing for an internal AD FS Server farm. That scenario works well for providing federated SSO access to internal users. However, it does not address the need of the external end-user who is trying to access federated resources. This is where the AD FS proxy server comes into play. The AD FS proxy server provides external end-user SSO access to both internal federation-enabled resources as well as partner resources like Microsoft Office 365. Client attempts to access the AD FS-enabled internal or external resource; Client is redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service; Client is redirected to its organization’s internal federation service, (assuming the resource’s federation service is configured as trusted partner); The AD FS proxy server presents the client with a customizable sign-on page; The AD FS proxy presents the end-user credentials to the AD FS server for authentication; The AD FS server authenticates the client to active directory; The AD FS server provides the client, (via the AD FS proxy server) with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the resource partner federation service where the token and claims are verified. If appropriate, the resource partner provides the client with a new security token; and The client presents the new authorization cookie with included security token to the resource for access. VIRTUAL SERVER AND MEMBER POOL – A virtual server is configured to listen on port 443, (https). In the event that the Big-IP will be used for SSL bridging, (decryption and re-encryption), the public facing SSL certificate and associated private key must be installed on the BIG-IP and associated client SSL profile created. ADFS requires Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). Therefore pool members are configured to listen on port 443, (https). LOAD BALANCING METHOD – The ‘Least Connections (member)’ method is utilized. POOL MONITOR – To ensure the web servers are responding, a customized ‘HTTPS’ monitor is associated with the AD FS proxy pool. The monitor utilizes increased interval and timeout settings. "To SSL Tunnel or Not to SSL Tunnel” When SSL tunneling is utilized, encrypted traffic flows from the client directly to the endpoint farm member. Additionally, SSL profiles are not used nor are SSL certificates required to be installed on the Big-IP. However, some advanced optimizations including HTTP compression and web acceleration are not possible when tunneling. Depending upon variables such as client connectivity and customization of ADFS sign-on pages, an ADFS proxy deployment may benefit from these HTTP optimization features. The following two options, (SSL Tunneling and SSL Bridging) are provided. SSL TUNNELING - In this instance Big-IP profiles requiring packet analysis and/or modification, (ex. compression, web acceleration) will not be relevant. To further boost the performance, a Fast L4 virtual server will be used. Below is an example of the Fast L4 Big-IP Virtual server configuration in SSL tunneling mode. SSL BRIDGING – When SSL bridging is utilized, traffic is decrypted and then re-encrypted at the Big-IP device. This allows for additional features to be applied to the traffic on both client-facing and pool member-facing sides of the connection. Below is an example of the standard Big-IP Virtual server configuration in SSL bridging mode. Standard Virtual Server Profiles - The following list of profiles is associated with the AD FS proxy virtual server. Well that’s it for Part 1. Along with the F5 business development team for the Microsoft global partnership I want to give a big thanks to the guys at Ensynch, an Insight Company - Kevin James, David Lundell, and Lutz Mueller Hipper for reviewing and providing feedback. Stay tuned for Big-IP and ADFS Part 2 – “APM – An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy”. Additional Links: Big-IP and ADFS Part 2 – “APM–An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy” Big-IP and ADFS Part 3 - “ADFS, APM, and the Office 365 Thick Clients”5.3KViews0likes3CommentsLoad balancing is key to successful cloud-based (dynamic) architectures
Much of the dialogue today surrounding cloud computing and virtualization is still taking the 50,000 foot view. It's all conceptual; it's all about business value, justification, interoperability, and use cases. These are all good conversations that need to happen in order for cloud computing and virtualization-based architectures to mature, but as is often the case that leaves the folks tasked with building something right now a bit on their own. So let's ignore the high-level view for just a bit and talk reality. Many folks are being tasked, now, with designing or even implementing some form of a cloud computing architecture - usually based around virtualization technology like VMWare (a March 2008 Gartner Research report predicted VMWare would likely hold 85% of the virtualization market by the end of 2008). But architecting a cloud-based environment requires more than just deploying virtual images and walking away. Cloud-based computing is going to require that architects broaden their understanding of the role that infrastructure like load balancers play in enterprise architecture because they are a key component to a successful cloud-based implementation, whether that's a small proof of concept or a complex, enterprise-wide architectural revolution. The goal of a cloud-based architecture is to provide some form of elasticity, the ability to expand and contract capacity on-demand. The implication is that at some point additional instances of an application will be needed in order for the architecture to scale and meet demand. That means there needs to be some mechanism in place to balance requests between two or more instances of that application. The mechanism most likely to be successful in performing such a task is a load balancer. The challenges of attempting to build such an architecture without a load balancer are staggering. There's no other good way to take advantage of additional capacity introduced by multiple instances of an application that's also efficient in terms of configuration and deployment. All other methods require modifications and changes to multiple network devices in order to properly distribute requests across multiple instances of an application. Likewise, when the additional instances of that application are de-provisioned, the changes to the network configuration need to be reversed. Obviously a manual process would be time consuming and inefficient, effectively erasing the benefits gained by introducing a cloud-based architecture in the first place. A load balancer provides the means by which instances of applications can be provisioned and de-provisioned automatically, without requiring changes to the network or its configuration. It automatically handles the increases and decreases in capacity and adapts its distribution decisions based on the capacity available at the time a request is made. Because the end-user is always directed to a virtual server, or IP address, on the load balancer the increase or decrease of capacity provided by the provisioning and de-provisioning of application instances is non-disruptive. As is required by even the most basic of cloud computing definitions, the end user is abstracted by the load balancer from the actual implementation and needs not care about the actual implementation. The load balancer makes one, two, or two-hundred resources - whether physical or virtual - appear to be one resource; this decouples the user from the physical implementation of the application and allows the internal implementation to grow, to shrink, and to change without any obvious affect on the user. Choosing the right load balancer at the beginning of such an initiative is imperative to the success of more complex implementations later. The right load balancer will be able to provide the basics required to lay the foundation for more advanced cloud computing architectures in the future, while supporting even the most basic architectures today. The right load balancer will be extensible. When first implementing a cloud-based architecture you need simple load balancing capabilities, and little more. But as your environment grows more complex there will likely be a need for more advanced features, like layer 7 switching, acceleration, optimization, SSL termination and redirection, application security, and secure access. The right load balancing solution will allow you to start with the basics but be able to easily provide more advanced functionality as you need it - without requiring new devices or solutions that often require re-architecture of the network or application infrastructure. A load balancer is a key component to building out any cloud computing architecture, whether it's just a simple proof of concept or an advanced, provider-oriented implementation. Related articles by Zemanta Managing Virtual Infrastructure Requires an Application Centric Approach Infrastructure 2.0: The Diseconomy of Scale Virus The next tech boom is already underway The Context-Aware Cloud Battle brewing over next-generation private clouds 4 Things You Need in a Cloud Computing Infrastructure302Views0likes1CommentBack to Basics: The Theory of (Performance) Relativity
#webperf #ado Choice of load balancing algorithms is critical to ensuring consistent and acceptable performance One of the primary reasons folks use a Load balancer is scalability with a secondary driver of maintaining performance. We all know the data exists to prove that "seconds matter" and current users of the web have itchy fingers, ready to head for the competition the microsecond they experience any kind of delay. Similarly, we know that productivity is inherently tied to performance. With more and more critical business functions "webified", the longer it takes to load a page the longer the delay a customer or help desk service representative experiences, reducing the number of calls or customers that can be serviced in any given measurable period. So performance is paramount, I see no reason to persuade you further to come to that conclusion. Ensuring performance then is a vital operational directive. One of the ways operations tries to meet that objective is through load balancing. Distributing load ensures available and can be used to offset any latency introduced by increasing capacity (again, I don't think there's anyone who'll argue against the premise that load and performance degradation are inherently tied together). But just adding a load balancing service isn't enough. The algorithm used to distribute load will invariably impact performance – for better or for worse. Consider the industry standard "fastest response time" algorithm. This algorithm distributes load based on the historical performance of each instance in the pool (farm). On the surface, this seems like a good choice. After all, what you want is the fastest response time, so why not base load balancing decisions on the metric against which you are going to be measured? The answer is simple: "fastest" is relative. With very light load on a pool of, say, three servers, "fastest" might mean sub-second responses. But as load increases and performance decreases, "fastest" might start creeping up into the seconds – if not more. Sure, you're still automagically choosing the fastest of the three servers, but "fastest" is absolutely relative to the measurements of all three servers. Thus, "fastest response time" is probably a poor choice if one of your goals is measured in response time to the ultimate customer – unless you combine it with an upper connection limit. HOW TO USE "FASTEST RESPONSE TIME" ALGORITHMS CORRECTLY One of the negatives of adopting a cloud computing paradigm with a nearly religious-like zeal is that you buy into the notion that utilization is the most important metric in the data center. You simply do not want to be wasting CPU cycles, because that means you're inefficient and not leveraging cloud to its fullest potential. Well, horse-puckey. The reality is that 100% utilization and consistently well-performing applications do not go hand in hand. Period. You can have one, but not the other. You're going to have to choose which is more important a measurement – fast applications or full utilization. In the six years I spent load testing everything from web applications to web application firewalls to load balancers to XML gateways one axiom always, always, remained true: As load increases performance decreases. You're welcome to test and retest and retest again to prove that wrong, but good luck. I've never seen performance increase or even stay the same as utilization approaches 100%. Now, once you accept that reality you can use it to your advantage. You know that performance is going to decrease as load increases, you just don't know at what point the degradation will become unacceptable to your users. So you need to test to find that breaking point. You want to stress the application and measure the degradation, noting the number of concurrent connections at which performance starts to degrade into unacceptable territory. That is your connection limit. Keep track of that limit (for the application, specifically, because not all applications will have the same limits). When you configure your load balancing service you can now select fastest response time but you also need to input hard connection limits on a per-instance basis. This prevents each instance from passing through the load-performance confluence that causes end-users to start calling up the help desk or sighing "the computer is slow" while on the phone with their customers. This means testing. Not once, not twice, but at least three runs. Make sure you've found the right load-performance confluence point and write it down. On your hand, in permanent marker. While cloud computing and virtualization have certainly simplified load balancing services in terms of deployment, it's still up to you to figure out the right settings and configuration options to ensure that your applications are performing with the appropriate levels of "fast". Back to Basics: Load balancing Virtualized Applications Performance in the Cloud: Business Jitter is Bad The “All of the Above” Approach to Improving Application Performance The Three Axioms of Application Delivery Face the facts: Cloud performance isn't always stable Data Center Feng Shui: Architecting for Predictable Performance A Formula for Quantifying Productivity of Web Applications Enterprise Apps are Not Written for Speed324Views0likes0CommentsApples to Apples - Comparing an APM Deployment to TMG
Okay, okay, I drank the Kool-aid. I’m a big fan of Access Policy Manager, (APM) and, full disclosure, an F5 employee. With that said, being a “Windows guy” and coming from a background of working with Threat Management Gateway, (TMG) I have historically been skeptical with regards to the ease at which one can deploy an application, (MS Exchange for example) behind the F5 Big-IP as opposed to TMG. After all, the Big-IP is a “network device” and can be complex with many knobs to turn and levers to pull. Counter that with TMG; a windows-based product that comes with deployment wizards for two of Microsoft’s most popular applications, Exchange and SharePoint. Of course, TMG is easier to configure! Right?….Well, that was before iApps. With the advent of iApps, the process of deploying applications behind the Big-IP has gone from hours to minutes. As organizations start looking for suitable replacements for TMG, F5’s Access Policy Manager is an excellent choice. Aside from providing more advanced features, (hardware-based SSL offloading, layer-7 health monitoring utilizing synthetic transactions, multi-factor authentication, endpoint inspection, etc.), publishing and securing applications, (like MS Exchange) are comparatively easy. So there you have it. Right? No? Okay, so maybe a little convincing is in order. To illustrate my point, let’s take a look at a typical Exchange 2010 deployment process behind TMG as well as the Big-IP with APM. Just a little sip of Kool-Aid, (grape’s my favorite), and away we go. The Playing Field For this side-by-side comparison, I’ve deployed a simple Exchange 2010 environment with a single mailbox server and two Client Access Servers, (CAS). We’ll be providing external access to Outlook Web Access, ActiveSync, and Outlook Anywhere, (RPC over HTTP). To keep it simple and allow TMG to use a single listener and external URL, (APM can handle multiple authentication methods on the same VIP), all three of the services have been configured in Exchange for Basic authentication and the public SSL certificate has been imported into both systems. In addition, both the TMG as well as the Big-IP reside in the perimeter and are not domain-joined. Exchange 2010 Publishing with TMG The following process utilizes TMG’s Exchange Web Client Access publishing wizard. Steps 1 through 6 - Select which client access service to publish, (only one service can be published at a time) and configure connectivity, (load balancing, SSL offload, health monitoring, etc.). With regards to health monitoring, you are limited to one of three options, (HTTP GET, PING request, or a TCP connection). Steps 7 through 12 - Configure the public side of the deployment. This includes the public FQDN, associated IP address(es), and the listener. Since TMG is in the perimeter and not joined to the domain, “LDAP, (Active Directory)” authentication is used. Steps 13 through 15 – Finish up by configuring SSO and authentication delegation. The previous steps are followed to publish Outlook Web Access. You’ll notice on the first step, (see above), each service, (OWA, OA, ActiveSync) must be published separately. In our side-by-side comparison the above wizard was ran three times, (once for each of the three web-based client access methods). The three, (3) completed publishing rules are shown below. Exchange 2010 Publishing with the Big-IP iApp Rather than presenting a series of configuration screens, the Big-IP iApp, (web-based GUI) presents a list of questions. Where appropriate, instructions and commentary are included. All services, (MAPI, OWA, Outlook Anywhere, ActiveSync, Autodiscover, POP3, and IMAP4) can be deployed quickly and simultaneously from one single form. Sections 1 through 3 - Select the Big-IP’s role in the deployment, APM pre-authentication settings, SSL offloading, and routing information. In addition, you may select whether to publish all services on one or multiple virtual servers. Note: The Big-IP VIP, (virtual IPs) and associated virtual servers are equivalent to TMG’s web listener and access rule. Sections 4 and 5 - Select the published IP address, services to be published, identify the CAS servers, and configure health monitoring. As previously mentioned, the Big-IP has the ability to perform synthetic L7 transactions as a part of it’s health monitoring. This ensures that not only is the service reachable but is functioning as well. Sections 6 – Finish by selecting the public FQDN for the deployment after which the completed virtual server and all related elements are created, (including an HTTP redirect virtual server). Final Thoughts While I am biased, (c’mon I work for F5) it’s not my intent to persuade you the reader to select the Big-IP with APM over TMG. Rather, the goal has been to illustrate the ease at which you can publish applications with the Big-IP. With the recent announcement of TMG’s imminent demise administrators are going to need to identify alternatives; coupled with the fact that the Big-IP is already in many environments, Access Policy Manager, (APM) is an excellent choice. Dare I say it? Yes, I dare; APM is the best choice. Additional Links TMG2F5 Series: Publishing Microsoft Exchange Using F5 To Pre-authenticate or Not to Pre-authenticate Pre-authentication with F5 LTM255Views0likes0Comments