3 TopicsPool Member Status and how QTYPE works?
Hello, i wrote a small Irule for show the Pool Member status as json. whenHTTP_REQUEST{ if{[stringtolower[HTTP::host]]eq""}{ #updatePoollist, enter Pool names setpoolname"P_X_http80P_XX_http80P_XXX_https6443" #updateRootPartitionforreplacement setstringmap"\"%1234\"\"\:\"" setpoolnummer1 setjson"\{\"status\"\:\{\"time\"\:\"[clockformat[clockseconds]-format"%Y-%b-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z"]\"," foreachpool_n$poolname{ setlist_all"" setlist_up"" setlist_down"" setmember"" setmember_l"" foreachmember[members-list$pool_n]{ setmember_l"[stringmap$stringmap$member]" appendlist_all"\"$member_l\"," } setmember"" setmember_l"" foreachmember[members-list$pool_n]{ if{!([active_members-list$pool_n]contains$member)}{ setmember_l"[stringmap$stringmap$member]" appendlist_down"\"$member_l\"," } } setmember"" setmember_l"" foreachmember[active_members-list$pool_n]{ setmember_l"[stringmap$stringmap$member]" appendlist_up"\"$member_l\"," } setcount_a[active_members$pool_n] setcount[members$pool_n] setcount_d[expr{$count}-{$count_a}] appendjson"\"pool$poolnummer\"\:\{\"name\"\:\"$pool_n\",\"membercountactive\"\:$count_a,\"membercountdown\"\:$count_d,\"membercountall\"\:$count,\"memberactive\"\:\[[stringtrimright$list_up","]\],\"memberdown\"\:\[[stringtrimright$list_down","]\],\"memberall\"\:\[[stringtrimright$list_all","]\]\}," incrpoolnummer } setjson[stringtrimright$json","] appendjson"\}\}" HTTP::respond200content"$json""Content-Type""application/json" } } But i found that new implementation #v12 change to include QTYPE members [-list] [QTYPE] <poolName> [blue green yellow red gray] or Anyone know how this work or have a working irule with this "qtype"? I would like to see a example!398Views0likes1CommentExporting a full list of Attack Sigantures
Hi. I am looking to export a full list of the current signatures I have in blocking mode. If possible, I would like to separate these lists in to their signature sets. If I navigate to "Security ›› Options : Application Security : Attack Signatures : Attack Signature Sets" then I can view the different signature set types. Let's take the High Accuracy Signatures for instance. If I click on those, I get a list of signatures that are a part of that set, but I cannot copy and paste them. I have people asking me for a list of these signatures so I am hoping there is an easy way to extract these. They want to be able to share it within their team to show what the WAF is doing for them, and what it is blocking so they can test it out for themselves. Is it a possibility that a file exists in the console that I can pull down through WinSCP that has a list of these? Similarly if I go to "Security ›› Application Security : Attack Signatures" I would like to be able to export the full list of 2857 signatures I have for this policy. Thanks.694Views0likes2Comments