32 TopicsApplication Service stats not yet reported in iWorkflow L4-L7 services deployed
Hi, I have deployed an iApp services (by the scratch template's implementation) through Workflow(2.1.0). On the LTM target I get it implemented, with virtual server in status GREEN, but on iWorkflow from the General Properties of this service, I get this message "Application Service stats not yet reported." If i use an "working" template provided with F5(), the message is Application Service is healthy. Reading the code of working template, I saw the following lines could solve it: iapp_conf create sys icall script publish_stats definition \{ $icall_script_src \} iapp_conf create sys icall handler periodic publish_stats interval 60 script publish_stats Are same references around?238Views0likes0CommentsF5 insertion to ACi
Do I need Big-IQ to work on F5-IP LTM in ACi with iworkflow? I am able to insert the F5-LTM and everthing works fine. I am planning to proceed to L4-L7 services (ACi) and import iWorkflow. What would be the impact while importing the package? is there interuption in F5 system? Thanks and regards,328Views0likes1Commentredirection issue on irule code
Have created the irule for redirection from http://pfc-pp.prodactive/jkhg/#/ to pfc.pp.cloud, while redirecting to pfc.pp.cloud i could see # value is not removed i get the result https://pfc.pp.cloud/#/ i want to remove as well # have to redirect to https://pfc.pp.cloud can you please help me on this when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[HTTP::uri] starts_with "/jkhg"} { HTTP::uri [string map {"/jkhg" ""} [HTTP::uri]] HTTP::respond 302 Location "https://pfc.pp.cloud[HTTP::uri]" TCP::close } else { HTTP::respond 302 Location "https://pfc.pp.cloud[[HTTP::uri]" TCP::close } }369Views0likes3CommentsTesting network bandwidth with and without F5 connection.
I wanted to test network bandwidth using iperf tool with and without F5 connection. Without F5 is straightforward. With F5 : I added the node I wanted to test, Created a Pool with service port for iperf (5201 in my case) and the node that I added, Selected the icmp for health monitoring, Created the VIP with the same service port and selected the pool that I created for iperf. But when I tested using the VIP the client failed to connect to the server. I'm a newbie to F5. Not sure what I am missing. Please help!650Views0likes2CommentsBigiq 6.0 or ansible
We've decided to do orchestration&automation of deployment of creation/modify/delete of virtual services, and we were using iWorkflow. Since F5 does not support anymore iworkflow we are about going to Bigiq 6.0 but we have still the doubt of ANSIBLE since we want to orchestrate other not F5 networking devices.434Views0likes1CommentDelete and Service from iWorkflow when BIG-IP is not reachable
How to delete an ASO from an iWorkflow when the Placement is in status "ERROR_IN_DELETION"? In version 2.3.0 iWorlflow will not let you delete the service until you "Update the service by issuing a PUT or a PATCH to bring the service state out of ERROR_IN_DELETION". I put the above in quotes because I copied it from the "Remove service" section of: https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iWorkflow.APIRef_cm_cloud_tenants_tenant-name_services_iapp.ashx I found that the directions are not very complete and almost impossible to follow. It seems like they do not work unless you are able to delete the Service very quick after changing the status. This is very hard to manually. I have already solved this problem by writing a script but I am posting this question here so I can make it available to others that may be hitting this problem. If you are hitting this issue you can get the script from github: https://github.com/tthomas0702/iwf_aso_deleteSolved756Views0likes2CommentsResearch into automation of deployment on BIG IP F5
At my work, I have been given the responsibility of researching feasibility (timing) with regards to automating deployments of BIG IP F5 VE/vCMPS. I'm a newbie to F5, but am familiar with the concepts of load balancing. How long does it take to set up automation of deployments on F5 ? What is entailed ? We will be utilizing iWorkflow. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!290Views0likes1CommentDoes anyone have an questions about F5 iWorkflow?
If you're looking to understand what all the noise is about, here are some links to help get you started: The iWorkflow Wiki home page This is where we will post all of the API documentation and example code to help you achieve new levels of programmable infrastructure driven automation and orchestration. https://devcentral.f5.com/wiki/iWorkflow.HomePage.ashx iWorkflow 101 Series The first episode titled "The Architecture Explained" has been posted. Read this to understand the various elements that will help you speed application deployments, simplify architecture, and reduce exposure to operational risk. https://devcentral.f5.com/articles/iworkflow-101-episode-1-the-architecture-explained-17866 Any other questions? Please don't hesitate to ask! We're here to help! Thanks, Nathan2.3KViews0likes36CommentsiWorkflow application deployment issue
Hi all, I'm trying iWorkflow in a Lab environment. Importing an iApp template and creating a service went well (but different than the 101 iWorkflow video's). But when trying to deploy an Application, it wont work. The error message it's throwing me is: Application Service unhealthy: unable to retrieve health status from device, No resources to place the app and Cloud has 1 devices associated but none qualified. Request help from iWorkflow administrator. I checked everything i could find on Wiki or other places. NTP is in sync and so on. What do i have to do to get this thing working ? Creating for example a VLAN from iWorkflow to Big-IP works fine. Hope somebody can help me out here ! Regards, RenéSolved593Views0likes10Comments