7 TopicsRelease Announcement: F5 OpenStack Product Suite
Release Announcement 12 July 2016 We are pleased to announce that F5's OpenStack product suite has been functionally tested and released for use in OpenStack Mitaka. Information regarding the Mitaka releases, as well as releases for the F5 OpenStackproduct suite for Kilo and Liberty, is provided below. F5 LBaaSv1 Release v9.0.1 introduces functionality in OpenStack Mitaka for Neutron LBaaSv1. F5 LBaaSv2 Release v9.0.1 of the f5-openstack-agent and f5-openstack-lbaasv2-driver introduces functionality in OpenStack Mitaka for Neutron LBaaSv2. Release v8.0.4 contains quality improvements for Neutron LBaaSv2 in OpenStack Liberty. F5 OpenStack Heat Plugins Release v9.0.1 of the F5 Heat Plugins introduced functionality in OpenStack Mitaka. Release v9.0.2 introduces two (2) new resource plugins used in conjunction with clustering: F5::Cm::Syncand F5::Sys::Save. Release v7.0.4 and v8.0.3 introduce the F5::Cm::Sync and F5::Sys::Save plugins for OpenStack Kilo and LIberty, respectively. Templates Release v9.01 introduces functionality for the F5 Heat templates in OpenStack Mitaka. Release v8.0.1 introduces functionality for the F5 Heat templates in OpenStack Liberty. Release v7.0.3 adds the new sync and save heat plugins to the ‘F5-supported’ Active-Standby Cluster template. Issues We welcome bug reports via the Issuespage for each project on GitHub:https://github.com/F5Networks. - The F5 OpenStack Product Team288Views0likes0CommentsOpenStack Heat Template Composition
Heat Orchestration Templates (HOT) for OpenStack's Heat service can quickly grow in length as users need to pile in ever more resources to define their applications. A simple Nova instance requires a small volume at first. Soon it needs a private network, a public network, a software configuration deployment, a load balancer, a deluxe karaoke machine. This means the HOT files get bloated and difficult to read for mere humans. Let's think about why that is.... A template defines the set of resources necessary and sufficient to describe an application. It also describes the dependencies that exist between the resources, if any. That way, Heat can manage the life-cycle of the application without you having to worry about it. Often, the resources in a long template need to be visually grouped together to alert the reader that these things depend on one another and share some common goal (e.g. create a network, subnet, and router). When templates get to this state, we need to start thinking about composition. Composition in HOT is done in a couple of ways. We will tackle the straight-forward approach first. Much of this material is presented in the official documentation for template composition. The Parent and Child Templates We'll often refer to a parent template and child template here. The parent template is the user's view into the Heat stack that defines our application. It's the entrypoint. A parent template contains all of the over-arching components of the application. The child on the other hand may describe a logically grouped chunk of that application. For example, one child template creates the Nova instances that launch BIG-IP devices while another child template creates all the network plumbing for those instances. Let's look at an example of this. Below is the parent template: heat_template_test.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: Setup infrastructure for testing F5 Heat Templates. parameters: ve_cluster_ready_image: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_standalone_image: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_flavor: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor use_config_drive: type: boolean default: false ssh_key: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair sec_group_name: type: string admin_password: type: string label: F5 VE Admin User Password description: Password used to perform image import services root_password: type: string license: type: string external_network: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network resources: # Plumb the newtorking for the BIG-IP instances networking: type: heat_template_test_networks.yaml properties: external_network: { get_param: external_network } sec_group_name: { get_param: sec_group_name } # Wait for networking to come up and then launch two clusterable BIG-IPs two_bigip_devices: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup depends_on: networking properties: count: 2 resource_def: # Reference a child template in the same directly where the heat_template_test.yaml is located type: cluster_ready_ve_4_nic.yaml properties: ve_image: { get_param: ve_cluster_ready_image } ve_flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } ssh_key: { get_param: ssh_key } use_config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } open_sec_group: { get_param: sec_group_name } admin_password: { get_param: admin_password } root_password: { get_param: root_password } license: { get_param: license } external_network: { get_param: external_network } mgmt_network: { get_attr: [networking, mgmt_network_name] } ha_network: { get_attr: [networking, ha_network_name] } network_1: { get_attr: [networking, client_data_network_name] } network_2: { get_attr: [networking, server_data_network_name] } # Wait for networking to come up and launch a standalone BIG-IP standalone_device: # Reference another child template in the local directory type: f5_ve_standalone_3_nic.yaml depends_on: networking properties: ve_image: { get_param: ve_standalone_image } ve_flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } ssh_key: { get_param: ssh_key } use_config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } open_sec_group: { get_param: sec_group_name } admin_password: { get_param: admin_password } root_password: { get_param: root_password } license: { get_param: license } external_network: { get_param: external_network } mgmt_network: { get_attr: [networking, mgmt_network_name] } network_1: { get_attr: [networking, client_data_network_name] } network_2: { get_attr: [networking, server_data_network_name] } Now that's still fairly verbose, but its doing some heavy lifting for us. It is creating almost all of the networking needed to launch a set of clusterable BIG-IP devices and a single standalone BIG-IP device. It takes in parameters from the user such as ve_standalone_image and external_network and passes them along to the child that requires them. The child stack then receives those parameters in the same way the template above does, by defining a parameter. The parent template references the heat_template_test_networks.yaml template directly, expecting the file to be in the same local directory where the parent template is located. This is always created in the type field of a resource. In addition to relative paths, you can also reference another template with an absolute path, or URL. You can also see the group of responsibilities here. One child stack (heat_template_test_networks.yaml) is building networks, another (cluster_ready_ve_4_nic.yaml) is launching a set of BIG-IP devices ready for clustering and yet another (f5_ve_standalone_4_nic.yaml) is launching a standalone BIG-IP device. Yet the dependencies are apparent in the depends_on property and the intrinsic functions called within that resource (more on that later). You will not successfully launch the standalone device without having the networking in place first, thus the standalone_device resource is dependent upon the networking resource. This means we can easily send data into the networking stack (as a parameter) and now we must get data out to be passed into the standalone_device stack. Let's look at the networking template and see what it defines as its outputs. heat_template_test_networks.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: > Create the four networks needed for the heat plugin tests along with their subnets and connect them to the testlab router. parameters: external_network: type: string sec_group_name: type: string resources: # Four networks client_data_network: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: client_data_network server_data_network: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: server_data_network mgmt_network: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: mgmt_network ha_network: type: OS::Neutron::Net properties: name: ha_network # And four accompanying subnets client_data_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: cidr: dns_nameservers: [] network: { get_resource: client_data_network } server_data_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: cidr: dns_nameservers: [] network: {get_resource: server_data_network } mgmt_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: cidr: dns_nameservers: [] network: { get_resource: mgmt_network } ha_subnet: type: OS::Neutron::Subnet properties: cidr: dns_nameservers: [] network: { get_resource: ha_network } # Create router for testlab testlab_router: type: OS::Neutron::Router properties: external_gateway_info: network: { get_param: external_network } # Connect networks to router interface client_data_router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router: { get_resource: testlab_router } subnet: { get_resource: client_data_subnet } server_data_router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router: { get_resource: testlab_router } subnet: { get_resource: server_data_subnet } mgmt_router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router: { get_resource: testlab_router } subnet: { get_resource: mgmt_subnet } ha_router_interface: type: OS::Neutron::RouterInterface properties: router: { get_resource: testlab_router } subnet: { get_resource: ha_subnet } open_sec_group: type: OS::Neutron::SecurityGroup properties: name: { get_param: sec_group_name } rules: - protocol: icmp direction: ingress - protocol: icmp direction: egress - protocol: udp direction: ingress - protocol: udp direction: egress - protocol: tcp direction: ingress port_range_min: 1 port_range_max: 65535 - protocol: tcp direction: egress port_range_min: 1 port_range_max: 65535 outputs: mgmt_network_name: value: { get_attr: [mgmt_network, name] } ha_network_name: value: { get_attr: [ha_network, name] } client_data_network_name: value: { get_attr: [client_data_network, name] } server_data_network_name: value: { get_attr: [server_data_network, name] } You can see the logical grouping here, and this is where template composition shines. This simple template creates a security group, four networks, four subnets, and ties them together with a router. Even though the heat_template_test.yaml parent template uses this to build its networks for defining its application, another user may decide they want the same networking infrastucture, but they want four standalone devices and eight pairs of clusterable devices. Their only modification would be in the parent template, because the heat_template_test_networks.yaml template describes the set of networks those devices need to connect to. It is important to note that the above template is a fully functioning HOT template all by itself. You can launch it and it will build those four networks. So how does the data get out of the networking template? The outputs section takes care of that. For attaching BIG-IP devices in the parent template to these networks, all we require is the network name, so the networking template kicks those back up to whomever is curious about such things. We saw the get_param function earlier, and now we can see the use of the get_attr function. In the two_bigip_devices resource, the parent template references the networking resource directly and then it accesses the client_data_network_name attribute (as seen below). This operation retrieves the network name for the client_data_network and passes it into the cluster_ready_ve_4_nic.yaml stack. network_1: { get_attr: [networking, client_data_network_name] } With that, we've successfully sent information into a child stack, retrieved it, then sent it into another child stack. This is very useful when working in large groups of users because my heat_template_test_networks.yaml template may benefit others. In time, you can build quite a collection of these concise HOT templates then use a parent template to orchestrate them in many complex ways. Keep in mind however, that HOT is declarative, meaning there are no looping constructs or if/else decisions to decide whether to create seven networks or four. For that, you would need to create two separate templates. As seen in the OS::Heat::ResourceGroup resource for two_bigip_devices however, we can toggle the number of instances launched by that resource at stack creation time. We can simply make the count property of that resource a parameter and the user can decide how many clusterable BIG-IP devices should be launched. To launch the above template with the python-heatclient: heat stack-create -f heat_template_test.yaml -P "ve_cluster_ready_image=cluster_ready-BIGIP-;ve_standalone_image=standalone-BIGIP-;ve_flavor=m1.small;ssh_key=my_key;sec_group_name=bigip_sec_group;admin_password=pass;root_password=pass;license=XXXXX;external_network=public_net" bigip_test_stack New Resource Types in Environment Files The second way to do template composition is to define a brand new resource type in an environment file. The environment in which a Heat stack is launched affects the behavior of that stack. To learn more about environment files, check out the official documentation. We will use them here to define a new resource type. The cool thing about environments is that the child templates looks exactly the same, and only one small change is needed in the parent template. It is the environment in which those stacks launch that changes. Below we are defining a Heat environment file and defining a new resource type in the attribute_registry section. heat_template_test_environment.yaml parameters: ve_cluster_ready_image: cluster_ready-BIG-IP- ve_standalone_image: standalone-BIG-IP- ve_flavor: m1.small ssh_key: my_key sec_group_name: bigip_sec_group admin_password: admin_password root_password: root_password license: XXXXX external_network: public_net resource_registry: OS::Neutron::FourNetworks: heat_template_test_networks.yaml F5::BIGIP::ClusterableDevice: cluster_ready_ve_4_nic.yaml F5::BIGIP::StandaloneDevice: f5_ve_standalone_3_nic.yaml The parent template will now reference the new resource types, which are merely mappings to the child templates. This means the parent template has three new resources to use which are not a part of the standard OpenStack Resource Types. The environment makes all this possible. heat_template_test_with_environment.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: Setup infrastructure for testing F5 Heat Templates. parameters: ve_cluster_ready_image: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_standalone_image: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_flavor: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor use_config_drive: type: boolean default: false ssh_key: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair sec_group_name: type: string admin_password: type: string label: F5 VE Admin User Password description: Password used to perform image import services root_password: type: string license: type: string external_network: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network default_gateway: type: string default: None resources: networking: # A new resource type: OS::Neutron::FourNetworks properties: external_network: { get_param: external_network } sec_group_name: { get_param: sec_group_name } two_bigip_devices: type: OS::Heat::ResourceGroup depends_on: networking properties: count: 2 resource_def: # A new resource type: F5::BIGIP::ClusterableDevice properties: ve_image: { get_param: ve_cluster_ready_image } ve_flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } ssh_key: { get_param: ssh_key } use_config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } open_sec_group: { get_param: sec_group_name } admin_password: { get_param: admin_password } root_password: { get_param: root_password } license: { get_param: license } external_network: { get_param: external_network } mgmt_network: { get_attr: [networking, mgmt_network_name] } ha_network: { get_attr: [networking, ha_network_name] } network_1: { get_attr: [networking, client_data_network_name] } network_2: { get_attr: [networking, server_data_network_name] } standalone_device: # A new resource type: F5::BIGIP::StandaloneDevice depends_on: networking properties: ve_image: { get_param: ve_standalone_image } ve_flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } ssh_key: { get_param: ssh_key } use_config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } open_sec_group: { get_param: sec_group_name } admin_password: { get_param: admin_password } root_password: { get_param: root_password } license: { get_param: license } external_network: { get_param: external_network } mgmt_network: { get_attr: [networking, mgmt_network_name] } network_1: { get_attr: [networking, client_data_network_name] } network_2: { get_attr: [networking, server_data_network_name] } And here is how we utilize those new resources defined in our environment file. Note that we no longer define all the parameters in the cli call to the Heat client (with the -P flag) because it is set in our environment file. heat stack-create -f heat_template_test_with_environment.yaml -e heat_template_test_environment.yaml test_env_stack Resources: For more information on Heat Resource Types, along with the possible inputs and outputs: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html For more examples of how to prepare a BIG-IP image for booting in OpenStack and for clustering those clusterable instances: https://github.com/F5Networks/f5-openstack-heat Reference Templates: Below is the two child templates used in the above examples. We developed these on OpenStack Kilo with a BIG-IP image prepared from our github repo above. f5_ve_standalone_3_nic.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: This template deploys a standard f5 standalone VE. parameters: open_sec_group: type: string default: open_sec_group ve_image: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_flavor: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor use_config_drive: type: boolean default: false ssh_key: type: string constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair admin_password: type: string hidden: true root_password: type: string hidden: true license: type: string hidden: true external_network: type: string default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network mgmt_network: type: string default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_1: type: string default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_1_name: type: string default: network-1.1 network_2: type: string default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_2_name: type: string default: network-1.2 default_gateway: type: string default: None resources: mgmt_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: mgmt_network } security_groups: [ { get_param: open_sec_group }] network_1_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: network_1 } security_groups: [ { get_param: open_sec_group }] floating_ip: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP properties: floating_network: { get_param: external_network } port_id: { get_resource: mgmt_port } network_2_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: network_2 } security_groups: [ { get_param: open_sec_group }] ve_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: { get_param: ve_image } flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } key_name: { get_param: ssh_key } config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } networks: - port: {get_resource: mgmt_port} - port: {get_resource: network_1_port} - port: {get_resource: network_2_port} user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __admin_password__: { get_param: admin_password } __root_password__: { get_param: root_password } __license__: { get_param: license } __default_gateway__: { get_param: default_gateway } __network_1__: { get_param: network_1 } __network_1_name__: { get_param: network_1_name } __network_2__: { get_param: network_2 } __network_2_name__: { get_param: network_2_name } template: | { "bigip": { "f5_ve_os_ssh_key_inject": "true", "change_passwords": "true", "admin_password": "__admin_password__", "root_password": "__root_password__", "license": { "basekey": "__license__", "host": "None", "port": "8080", "proxyhost": "None", "proxyport": "443", "proxyscripturl": "None" }, "modules": { "auto_provision": "false", "ltm": "nominal" }, "network": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_prefix": "selfip-", "vlan_prefix": "network-", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "gateway": "__default_gateway__" } ], "interfaces": { "1.1": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_allow_service": "default", "selfip_name": "selfip.__network_1_name__", "selfip_description": "Self IP address for BIG-IP __network_1_name__ network", "vlan_name": "__network_1_name__", "vlan_description": "VLAN for BIG-IP __network_1_name__ network traffic", "is_failover": "false", "is_sync": "false", "is_mirror_primary": "false", "is_mirror_secondary": "false" }, "1.2": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_allow_service": "default", "selfip_name": "selfip.__network_2_name__", "selfip_description": "Self IP address for BIG-IP __network_2_name__ network", "vlan_name": "__network_2_name__", "vlan_description": "VLAN for BIG-IP __network_2_name__ network traffic", "is_failover": "false", "is_sync": "false", "is_mirror_primary": "false", "is_mirror_secondary": "false" } } } } } outputs: ve_instance_name: description: Name of the instance value: { get_attr: [ve_instance, name] } ve_instance_id: description: ID of the instance value: { get_resource: ve_instance } floating_ip: description: The Floating IP address of the VE value: { get_attr: [floating_ip, floating_ip_address] } mgmt_ip: description: The mgmt IP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [mgmt_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } mgmt_mac: description: The mgmt MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [mgmt_port, mac_address] } mgmt_port: description: The mgmt port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: mgmt_port } network_1_ip: description: The 1.1 Nonfloating SelfIP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [network_1_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } network_1_mac: description: The 1.1 MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [network_1_port, mac_address] } network_1_port: description: The 1.1 port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: network_1_port } network_2_ip: description: The 1.2 Nonfloating SelfIP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [network_2_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } network_2_mac: description: The 1.2 MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [network_2_port, mac_address] } network_2_port: description: The 1.2 port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: network_2_port } cluster_ready_ve_4_nic.yaml heat_template_version: 2015-04-30 description: This template deploys a standard f5 VE ready for clustering. parameters: open_sec_group: type: string default: open_sec_group ve_image: type: string label: F5 VE Image description: The image to be used on the compute instance. constraints: - custom_constraint: glance.image ve_flavor: type: string label: F5 VE Flavor description: Type of instance (flavor) to be used for the VE. constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.flavor use_config_drive: type: boolean label: Use Config Drive description: Use config drive to provider meta and user data. default: false ssh_key: type: string label: Root SSH Key Name description: Name of key-pair to be installed on the instances. constraints: - custom_constraint: nova.keypair admin_password: type: string label: F5 VE Admin User Password description: Password used to perform image import services root_password: type: string label: F5 VE Root User Password description: Password used to perform image import services license: type: string label: Primary VE License Base Key description: F5 TMOS License Basekey external_network: type: string label: External Network description: Network for Floating IPs default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network mgmt_network: type: string label: VE Management Network description: Management Interface Network. default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network ha_network: type: string label: VE HA Network description: HA Interface Network. default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_1: type: string label: VE Network for the 1.2 Interface description: 1.2 TMM network. default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_1_name: type: string label: VE Network Name for the 1.2 Interface description: TMM 1.2 network name. default: data1 network_2: type: string label: VE Network for the 1.3 Interface description: 1.3 TMM Network. default: test constraints: - custom_constraint: neutron.network network_2_name: type: string label: VE Network Name for the 1.3 Interface description: TMM 1.3 network name. default: data2 default_gateway: type: string label: Default Gateway IP default: None description: Upstream Gateway IP Address for VE instances resources: mgmt_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: { get_param: mgmt_network } security_groups: [{ get_param: open_sec_group }] network_1_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: network_1 } security_groups: [{ get_param: open_sec_group }] floating_ip: type: OS::Neutron::FloatingIP properties: floating_network: { get_param: external_network } port_id: { get_resource: mgmt_port } network_2_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: network_2 } security_groups: [{ get_param: open_sec_group }] ha_port: type: OS::Neutron::Port properties: network: {get_param: ha_network} security_groups: [{ get_param: open_sec_group }] ve_instance: type: OS::Nova::Server properties: image: { get_param: ve_image } flavor: { get_param: ve_flavor } key_name: { get_param: ssh_key } config_drive: { get_param: use_config_drive } networks: - port: {get_resource: mgmt_port} - port: {get_resource: ha_port} - port: {get_resource: network_1_port} - port: {get_resource: network_2_port} user_data_format: RAW user_data: str_replace: params: __admin_password__: { get_param: admin_password } __root_password__: { get_param: root_password } __license__: { get_param: license } __default_gateway__: { get_param: default_gateway } __network_1_name__: { get_param: network_1_name } __network_2_name__: { get_param: network_2_name } template: | { "bigip": { "ssh_key_inject": "true", "change_passwords": "true", "admin_password": "__admin_password__", "root_password": "__root_password__", "license": { "basekey": "__license__", "host": "None", "port": "8080", "proxyhost": "None", "proxyport": "443", "proxyscripturl": "None" }, "modules": { "auto_provision": "false", "ltm": "nominal" }, "network": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_prefix": "selfip-", "routes": [ { "destination": "", "gateway": "__default_gateway__" } ], "interfaces": { "1.1": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_allow_service": "default", "selfip_name": "selfip.HA", "selfip_description": "Self IP address for BIG-IP Cluster HA subnet", "vlan_name": "vlan.HA", "vlan_description": "VLAN for BIG-IP Cluster HA traffic", "is_failover": "true", "is_sync": "true", "is_mirror_primary": "true", "is_mirror_secondary": "false" }, "1.2": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_allow_service": "default", "selfip_name": "selfip.__network_1_name__", "selfip_description": "Self IP address for BIG-IP __network_1_name__", "vlan_name": "__network_1_name__", "vlan_description": "VLAN for BIG-IP __network_1_name__ traffic", "is_failover": "false", "is_sync": "false", "is_mirror_primary": "false", "is_mirror_secondary": "false" }, "1.3": { "dhcp": "true", "selfip_allow_service": "default", "selfip_name": "selfip.__network_2_name__", "selfip_description": "Self IP address for BIG-IP __network_2_name__", "vlan_name": "__network_2_name__", "vlan_description": "VLAN for BIG-IP __network_2_name__ traffic", "is_failover": "false", "is_sync": "false", "is_mirror_primary": "false", "is_mirror_secondary": "false" } } } } } outputs: ve_instance_name: description: Name of the instance value: { get_attr: [ve_instance, name] } ve_instance_id: description: ID of the instance value: { get_resource: ve_instance } mgmt_ip: description: The mgmt IP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [mgmt_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } mgmt_mac: description: The mgmt MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [mgmt_port, mac_address] } mgmt_port: description: The mgmt port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: mgmt_port } ha_ip: description: The HA IP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [ha_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } ha_mac: description: The HA MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [ha_port, mac_address] } ha_port: description: The ha port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: ha_port } network_1_ip: description: The 1.2 Nonfloating SelfIP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [network_1_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } network_1_mac: description: The 1.2 MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [network_1_port, mac_address] } network_1_port: description: The 1.2 port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: network_1_port } network_2_ip: description: The 1.3 Nonfloating SelfIP address of f5 ve instance value: { get_attr: [network_2_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] } network_2_mac: description: The 1.3 MAC address of f5 VE instance value: { get_attr: [network_2_port, mac_address] } network_2_port: description: The 1.3 port id of f5 VE instance value: { get_resource: network_2_port } floating_ip: description: Floating IP address of VE servers value: { get_attr: [ floating_ip, floating_ip_address ] }1.4KViews0likes1CommentF5 Heat Plugins Release Announcement - v7.0.3, v8.0.2
Release Announcement 10 June 2016 We are pleased to announce the release of v7.0.3 and v8.0.2 of the F5 Heat Plugins for OpenStack. Release Highlights A new resource plugin, F5::Cm::Cluster , has been added for clustering. This resource allows a Heat user to cluster two BIG-IP® devices together in a sync-failover group. Please see the documentation and GitHub release page for more information. Compatibility v7.0.3 is compatible with OpenStack Kilo. v8.0.2 is compatible with OpenStack Liberty. Issues We welcome bug reports through the project issues page on GitHub. - The F5 OpenStack Product Team180Views0likes0CommentsF5 Heat Plugins v8.0.1 released
Release Announcement 13 May 2016 We are pleased to announce the release of the v8.0.1 F5 Heat plugins for OpenStack. This is the initial release of the F5 Heat plugins in OpenStack Liberty. Please see thedocumentationand f5-openstack-heat-plugins release page for more information. Compatibility This release is compatible with OpenStack Liberty. Issues We welcome bug reports through theprojectissuespage on GitHub. - The F5 OpenStack Product Team211Views0likes0CommentsF5 Heat Templates v7.0.1 released
Release Announcement 22 April 2016 We are pleased to announce the release of the v7.0.1 F5 Heat templates for OpenStack. This release introduces limited F5 support for deploying BIG-IP VE in OpenStack using Heat. Please see thedocumentationand f5-openstack-heat release page for more information. Compatibility This release is compatible with OpenStack Kilo. Release Highlights The following F5-supported Heat templates are included in this release. f5_supported/ve/images/patch_upload_ve_image.yaml -- prepares a user-supplied BIG-IP® VE image for booting in Openstack f5_supported/ve/standalone/f5_ve_standalone_2_nic.yaml -- boots a prepared VE image attached to a single management network and a single data network f5_supported/ve/standalone/f5_ve_standalone_3_nic.yaml -- boots a prepared VE image attached to a single management network and two data networks (i.e., client and server networks) Issues We welcome bug reports through theprojectissuespage on GitHub. - The F5 OpenStack Product Team200Views0likes0CommentsF5 in OpenStack 101: An Introduction
So you’ve heard about OpenStack, right? Like, how it’s gaining momentum as a private cloud provider for enterprise and service provider production environments? Or, maybe, that F5 is developing open source solutions that will make F5 services more easily accessible and adaptable by developers? Do you have questions about what, exactly, this all means? If so, you’ve come to the right place and you’re not alone. What is OpenStack? OpenStack is an open-source cloud computing software platform made up of a number of core and optional services. Of particular interest from the F5 perspective are the Nova (compute), Neutron (networking), and Heat (orchestration) services. What can F5 do for me in OpenStack? F5’s application delivery services can be used in OpenStack-hosted applications via the Neutron LbaaS service and/or the Heat orchestration service. To learn more, check out (and bookmark!) our new DevCentral OpenStack wiki. This is the place to go to find out about our projects, latest releases, and more! F5’s OpenStack dev team has been working like crazy to provide you with tools that make deployment and management of OpenStack environments easier than ever. So far, we’ve released an LBaaSv1 plugin; a set of Heat templates that can deploy F5 services in OpenStack; and a developer-friendly Python SDK that lets you manage configuration objects on a BIG-IPin any Python project (not just in OpenStack). We’re hard at work preparing our first supported* release of the LBaaSv2 plugin as well. How do I use these wonderful tools? Our docs writer (yours truly) has also been hard at work ensuring that you not only know where to find our OpenStack plugins, but also how to use them. We’re pleased to announce that we now have documentation sets for each open source project that lives in GitHub. Our docs are all published on Read The Docs. In the central docs site linked to here, you’ll find descriptions of each of our open-source projects and links to the individual doc sets. If you’re unsure what, exactly, you need or where to find it, this is a great place to start. Questions? Join the F5 OpenStack team on Slack. There, you can ask questions, get tips, or just hang out and chat with F5’s OpenStack experts. * As of this writing, we have two unsupported LBaaSv2alpha releases available: agent driver docs382Views0likes0Comments