112 TopicsThe BIG-IP Application Security Manager Part 1: What is the ASM?
tl;dr - BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) is a layer 7 web application firewall (WAF) available on F5's BIG-IP platforms. Introduction This article series was written a while back, but we are re-introducing it as a part of our Security Month on DevCentral. I hope you enjoy all the features of this very powerful module on the BIG-IP! This is the first of a 10-part series on the BIG-IP ASM. This module is a very powerful and effective tool for defending your applications and your peace of mind, but what is it really? And, how do you configure it correctly and efficiently? How can you take advantage of all the features it has to offer? Well, the purpose of this article series is to answer these fundamental questions. So, join me as we dive into this really cool technology called the BIG-IP ASM! The Basics The BIG-IP ASM is a Layer 7 ICSA-certified Web Application Firewall (WAF) that provides application security in traditional, virtual, and private cloud environments. It is built on TMOS...the universal product platform shared by all F5 BIG-IP products. It can run on any of the F5 Application Delivery Platforms...BIG-IP Virtual Edition, BIG-IP 2000 -> 11050, and all the VIPRION blades. It protects your applications from a myriad of network attacks including the OWASP Top 10 most critical web application security risks It is able to adapt to constantly-changing applications in very dynamic network environments It can run standalone or integrated with other modules like BIG-IP LTM, BIG-IP DNS, BIG-IP APM, etc Why A Layer 7 Firewall? Traditional network firewalls (Layer 3-4) do a great job preventing outsiders from accessing internal networks. But, these firewalls offer little to no support in the protection of application layer traffic. As David Holmes points out in his article series on F5 firewalls, threat vectors today are being introduced at all layers of the network. For example, the Slowloris and HTTP Flood attacks are Layer 7 attacks...a traditional network firewall would never stop these attacks. But, nonetheless, your application would still go down if/when it gets hit by one of these. So, it's important to defend your network with more than just a traditional Layer 3-4 firewall. That's where the ASM comes in... Some Key Features The ASM comes pre-loaded with over 2,200 attack signatures. These signatures form the foundation for the intelligence used to allow or block network traffic. If these 2,200+ signatures don't quite do the job for you, never can also build your own user-defined signatures. And, as we all know, network threats are always changing so the ASM is configured to download updated attack signatures on a regular basis. Also, the ASM offers several different policy building features. Policy building can be difficult and time consuming, especially for sites that have a large number of pages. For example, DevCentral has over 55,000 pages...who wants to hand-write the policy for that?!? No one has that kind of time. Instead, you can let the system automatically build your policy based on what it learns from your application traffic, you can manually build a policy based on what you know about your traffic, or you can use external security scanning tools (WhiteHat Sentinel, QualysGuard, IBM AppScan, Cenzic Hailstorm, etc) to build your policy. In addition, the ASM comes configured with pre-built policies for several popular applications (SharePoint, Exchange, Oracle Portal, Oracle Application, Lotus Domino, etc). Did you know? The BIG-IP ASM was the first WAF to integrate with a scanner. WhiteHat approached all the WAFs and asked about the concept of building a security policy around known vulnerabilities in the apps. All the other WAFs said "no"...F5 said "of course!" and thus began the first WAF-scanner integration. The ASM also utilizes Geolocation and IP address intelligence to allow for more sophisticated and targeted defense measures. You can allow/block users from specific locations around the world, and you can block IP addresses that have built a bad reputation on other sites around the Internet. If they were doing bad things on some other site, why let them access yours? The ASM is also built for Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) compliance. In fact, you can generate a real-time PCI compliance report at the click of a button! The ASM also comes loaded with the DataGuard feature that automatically blocks sensitive data (Credit Card numbers, SSN, etc) from being displayed in a browser. In addition to the PCI reports, you can generate on-demand charts and graphs that show just about every detail of traffic statistics that you need. The following screenshot is a representative sample of some real traffic that I pulled off a site that uses the ASM. Pretty powerful stuff! I could go on for days here...and I know you probably want me to, but I'll wrap it up for this first article. I hope you can see the value of the ASM both as a technical solution in the defense of your network and also a critical asset in the long-term strategic vision of your company. So, if you already have an ASM and want to know more about it or if you don't have one yet and want to see what you're missing, come on back for the next article where I will talk about the cool features of policy building. What is the BIG-IP ASM? Policy Building The Importance of File Types, Parameters, and URLs Attack Signatures XML Security IP Address Intelligence and Whitelisting Geolocation Data Guard Username and Session Awareness Tracking Event Logging26KViews4likes6CommentsLayer 4 vs Layer 7 DoS Attack
Not all DoS (Denial of Service) attacks are the same. While the end result is to consume as much - hopefully all - of a server or site's resources such that legitimate users are denied service (hence the name) there is a subtle difference in how these attacks are perpetrated that makes one easier to stop than the other. SYN Flood A Layer 4 DoS attack is often referred to as a SYN flood. It works at the transport protocol (TCP) layer. A TCP connection is established in what is known as a 3-way handshake. The client sends a SYN packet, the server responds with a SYN ACK, and the client responds to that with an ACK. After the "three-way handshake" is complete, the TCP connection is considered established. It is as this point that applications begin sending data using a Layer 7 or application layer protocol, such as HTTP. A SYN flood uses the inherent patience of the TCP stack to overwhelm a server by sending a flood of SYN packets and then ignoring the SYN ACKs returned by the server. This causes the server to use up resources waiting a configured amount of time for the anticipated ACK that should come from a legitimate client. Because web and application servers are limited in the number of concurrent TCP connections they can have open, if an attacker sends enough SYN packets to a server it can easily chew through the allowed number of TCP connections, thus preventing legitimate requests from being answered by the server. SYN floods are fairly easy for proxy-based application delivery and security products to detect. Because they proxy connections for the servers, and are generally hardware-based with a much higher TCP connection limit, the proxy-based solution can handle the high volume of connections without becoming overwhelmed. Because the proxy-based solution is usually terminating the TCP connection (i.e. it is the "endpoint" of the connection) it will not pass the connection to the server until it has completed the 3-way handshake. Thus, a SYN flood is stopped at the proxy and legitimate connections are passed on to the server with alacrity. The attackers are generally stopped from flooding the network through the use of SYN cookies. SYN cookies utilize cryptographic hashing and are therefore computationally expensive, making it desirable to allow a proxy/delivery solution with hardware accelerated cryptographic capabilities handle this type of security measure. Servers can implement SYN cookies, but the additional burden placed on the server alleviates much of the gains achieved by preventing SYN floods and often results in available, but unacceptably slow performing servers and sites. HTTP GET DoS A Layer 7 DoS attack is a different beast and it's more difficult to detect. A Layer 7 DoS attack is often perpetrated through the use of HTTP GET. This means that the 3-way TCP handshake has been completed, thus fooling devices and solutions which are only examining layer 4 and TCP communications. The attacker looks like a legitimate connection, and is therefore passed on to the web or application server. At that point the attacker begins requesting large numbers of files/objects using HTTP GET. They are generally legitimate requests, there are just a lot of them. So many, in fact, that the server quickly becomes focused on responding to those requests and has a hard time responding to new, legitimate requests. When rate-limiting was used to stop this type of attack, the bad guys moved to using a distributed system of bots (zombies) to ensure that the requests (attack) was coming from myriad IP addresses and was therefore not only more difficult to detect, but more difficult to stop. The attacker uses malware and trojans to deposit a bot on servers and clients, and then remotely includes them in his attack by instructing the bots to request a list of objects from a specific site or server. The attacker might not use bots, but instead might gather enough evil friends to launch an attack against a site that has annoyed them for some reason. Layer 7 DoS attacks are more difficult to detect because the TCP connection is valid and so are the requests. The trick is to realize when there are multiple clients requesting large numbers of objects at the same time and to recognize that it is, in fact, an attack. This is tricky because there may very well be legitimate requests mixed in with the attack, which means a "deny all" philosophy will result in the very situation the attackers are trying to force: a denial of service. Defending against Layer 7 DoS attacks usually involves some sort of rate-shaping algorithm that watches clients and ensures that they request no more than a configurable number of objects per time period, usually measured in seconds or minutes. If the client requests more than the configurable number, the client's IP address is blacklisted for a specified time period and subsequent requests are denied until the address has been freed from the blacklist. Because this can still affect legitimate users, layer 7 firewall (application firewall) vendors are working on ways to get smarter about stopping layer 7 DoS attacks without affecting legitimate clients. It is a subtle dance and requires a bit more understanding of the application and its flow, but if implemented correctly it can improve the ability of such devices to detect and prevent layer 7 DoS attacks from reaching web and application servers and taking a site down. The goal of deploying an application firewall or proxy-based application delivery solution is to ensure the fast and secure delivery of an application. By preventing both layer 4 and layer 7 DoS attacks, such solutions allow servers to continue serving up applications without a degradation in performance caused by dealing with layer 4 or layer 7 attacks.20KViews0likes3CommentsBig-IP and ADFS Part 1 – “Load balancing the ADFS Farm”
Just like the early settlers who migrated en masse across the country by wagon train along the Oregon Trail, enterprises are migrating up into the cloud. Well okay, maybe not exactly like the early settlers. But, although there may not be a mass migration to the cloud, it is true that more and more enterprises are moving to cloud-based services like Office 365. So how do you provide seamless, or at least relatively seamless, access to resources outside of the enterprise? Well, one answer is federation and if you are a Microsoft shop then the current solution is ADFS, (Active Directory Federation Services). The ADFS server role is a security token service that extends the single sign-on, (SSO) experience for directory-authenticated clients to resources outside of the organization’s boundaries. As cloud-based application access and federation in general becomes more prevalent, the role of ADFS has become equally important. Below, is a typical deployment scenario of the ADFS Server farm and the ADFS Proxy server farm, (recommended for external access to the internally hosted ADFS farm). Warning…. If the ADFS server farm is unavailable then access to federated resources will be limited if not completely inaccessible. To ensure high-availability, performance, and scalability the F5 Big-IP with LTM, (Local Traffic Manager), can be deployed to load balance the ADFS and ADFS Proxy server farms. Yes! When it comes to a load balancing and application delivery, F5’s Big-IP is an excellent choice. Just had to get that out there. So let’s get technical! Part one of this blog series addresses deploying and configuring the Big-IP’s LTM module for load balancing the ADFS Server farm and Proxy server farm. In part two I’m going to show how we can greatly simplify and improve this deployment by utilizing Big-IP’s APM, (Access Policy Manager) so stay tuned. Load Balancing the Internal ADFS Server Farm Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes an ADFS server farm has been installed and configured per the deployment guide including appropriate trust relationships with relevant claims providers and relying parties. In addition, the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. The following diagram shows a typical, (albeit simplified) process flow of the Big-IP load balanced ADFS farm. Client attempts to access the ADFS-enabled external resource; Client is redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service; Client is redirected to its organization’s internal federation service, (assuming the resource’s federation service is configured as trusted partner); The ADFS server authenticates the client to active directory; The ADFS server provides the client with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the resource partner federation service where the token and claims are verified. If appropriate, the resource partner provides the client with a new security token; and The client presents the new authorization cookie with included security token to the resource for access. VIRTUAL SERVER AND MEMBER POOL – A virtual server, (aka VIP) is configured to listen on port 443, (https). In the event that the Big-IP will be used for SSL bridging, (decryption and re-encryption), the public facing SSL certificate and associated private key must be installed on the BIG-IP and associated client SSL profile created. However, as will be discussed later SSL bridging is not the preferred method for this type of deployment. Rather, SSL tunneling, (pass-thru) will be utilized. ADFS requires Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). Therefore pool members are configured to listen on port 443, (https). LOAD BALANCING METHOD – The ‘Least Connections (member)’ method is utilized. POOL MONITOR – To ensure the AD FS service is responding as well as the web site itself, a customized monitor can be used. The monitor ensures the AD FS federation service is responding. Additionally, the monitor utilizes increased interval and timeout settings. The custom https monitor requires domain credentials to validate the service status. A standard https monitor can be utilized as an alternative. PERSISTENCE – In this AD FS scenario, clients establish a single TCP connection with the AD FS server to request and receive a security token. Therefore, specifying a persistence profile is not necessary. SSL TUNNELING, (preferred method) – When SSL tunneling is utilized, encrypted traffic flows from the client directly to the endpoint farm member. Additionally, SSL profiles are not used nor are SSL certificates required to be installed on the Big-IP. In this instance Big-IP profiles requiring packet analysis and/or modification, (ex. compression, web acceleration) will not be relevant. To further boost the performance, a Fast L4 virtual server will be used. Load Balancing the ADFS Proxy Server Farm Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes an ADFS Proxy server farm has been installed and configured per the deployment guide including appropriate trust relationships with relevant claims providers and relying parties. In addition, the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. In the previous section we configure load balancing for an internal AD FS Server farm. That scenario works well for providing federated SSO access to internal users. However, it does not address the need of the external end-user who is trying to access federated resources. This is where the AD FS proxy server comes into play. The AD FS proxy server provides external end-user SSO access to both internal federation-enabled resources as well as partner resources like Microsoft Office 365. Client attempts to access the AD FS-enabled internal or external resource; Client is redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service; Client is redirected to its organization’s internal federation service, (assuming the resource’s federation service is configured as trusted partner); The AD FS proxy server presents the client with a customizable sign-on page; The AD FS proxy presents the end-user credentials to the AD FS server for authentication; The AD FS server authenticates the client to active directory; The AD FS server provides the client, (via the AD FS proxy server) with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the resource partner federation service where the token and claims are verified. If appropriate, the resource partner provides the client with a new security token; and The client presents the new authorization cookie with included security token to the resource for access. VIRTUAL SERVER AND MEMBER POOL – A virtual server is configured to listen on port 443, (https). In the event that the Big-IP will be used for SSL bridging, (decryption and re-encryption), the public facing SSL certificate and associated private key must be installed on the BIG-IP and associated client SSL profile created. ADFS requires Transport Layer Security and Secure Sockets Layer (TLS/SSL). Therefore pool members are configured to listen on port 443, (https). LOAD BALANCING METHOD – The ‘Least Connections (member)’ method is utilized. POOL MONITOR – To ensure the web servers are responding, a customized ‘HTTPS’ monitor is associated with the AD FS proxy pool. The monitor utilizes increased interval and timeout settings. "To SSL Tunnel or Not to SSL Tunnel” When SSL tunneling is utilized, encrypted traffic flows from the client directly to the endpoint farm member. Additionally, SSL profiles are not used nor are SSL certificates required to be installed on the Big-IP. However, some advanced optimizations including HTTP compression and web acceleration are not possible when tunneling. Depending upon variables such as client connectivity and customization of ADFS sign-on pages, an ADFS proxy deployment may benefit from these HTTP optimization features. The following two options, (SSL Tunneling and SSL Bridging) are provided. SSL TUNNELING - In this instance Big-IP profiles requiring packet analysis and/or modification, (ex. compression, web acceleration) will not be relevant. To further boost the performance, a Fast L4 virtual server will be used. Below is an example of the Fast L4 Big-IP Virtual server configuration in SSL tunneling mode. SSL BRIDGING – When SSL bridging is utilized, traffic is decrypted and then re-encrypted at the Big-IP device. This allows for additional features to be applied to the traffic on both client-facing and pool member-facing sides of the connection. Below is an example of the standard Big-IP Virtual server configuration in SSL bridging mode. Standard Virtual Server Profiles - The following list of profiles is associated with the AD FS proxy virtual server. Well that’s it for Part 1. Along with the F5 business development team for the Microsoft global partnership I want to give a big thanks to the guys at Ensynch, an Insight Company - Kevin James, David Lundell, and Lutz Mueller Hipper for reviewing and providing feedback. Stay tuned for Big-IP and ADFS Part 2 – “APM – An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy”. Additional Links: Big-IP and ADFS Part 2 – “APM–An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy” Big-IP and ADFS Part 3 - “ADFS, APM, and the Office 365 Thick Clients”5.3KViews0likes3CommentsBig-IP and ADFS Part 2 - APM: An Alternative to the ADFS Proxy
So let’s talk Application Delivery Controllers, (ADC). In part one of this series we deployed both an internal ADFS farm as well as a perimeter ADFS proxy farm using the Big-IP’s exceptional load balancing capabilities to provide HA and scalability. But there’s much more the Big-IP can provide to the application delivery experience. Here in part 2 we’ll utilize the Access Policy Manager, (APM) module as a replacement for the ADFS Proxy layer. To illustrate this approach, we’ll address one of the most common use cases; ADFS deployment to federate with and enable single sign-on to Microsoft Office 365 web-based applications. The purpose of the ADFS Proxy server is to receive and forward requests to ADFS servers that are not accessible from the Internet. As noted in part one, for high availability this typically requires a minimum of two proxy servers as well as an additional load balancing solution, (F5 Big-IPs of course). By implementing APM on the F5 appliance(s) we not only eliminate the need for these additional servers but, by implementing pre-authentication at the perimeter and advanced features such as client-side checks, (antivirus validation, firewall verification, etc.), arguably provide for a more secure deployment. Assumptions and Product Deployment Documentation - This deployment scenario assumes the reader is assumed to have general administrative knowledge of the BIG-IP LTM module and basic understanding of the APM module. If you want more information or guidance please check out F5’s support site, ASKF5. The following diagram shows a typical internal and external client access AD FS to Office 365 Process Flow, (used for passive-protocol, “web-based” access). Both clients attempts to access the Office 365 resource; Both clients are redirected to the resource’s applicable federation service, (Note: This step may be skipped with active clients such as Microsoft Outlook); Both client are redirected to their organization’s internal federation service; The AD FS server authenticates the client to active directory; * Internal clients are load balanced directly to an ADFS server farm member; and * External clients are: * Pre-authenticated to Active Directory via APM’s customizable sign-on page; * Authenticated users are directed to an AD FS server farm member. The ADFS server provides the client with an authorization cookie containing the signed security token and set of claims for the resource partner; The client connects to the Microsoft Federation Gateway where the token and claims are verified. The Microsoft Federation Gateway provides the client with a new service token; and The client presents the new cookie with included service token to the Office 365 resource for access. Virtual Servers and Member Pool – Although all users, (both internal and external) will access the ADFS server farm via the same Big-IP(s), the requirements and subsequent user experience differ. While internal authenticated users are load balanced directly to the ADFS farm, external users must first be pre-authenticated, (via APM) prior to be allowed access to an ADFS farm member. To accomplish this two, (2) virtual servers are used; one for the internal access and another dedicated for external access. Both the internal and external virtual servers are associated with the same internal ADFS server farm pool. INTERNAL VIRTUAL SERVER – Refer to Part 1 of this guidance for configuration settings for the internal ADFS farm virtual server. EXTERNAL VIRTUAL SERVER – The configuration for the external virtual server is similar to that of the virtual server described in Part 1 of this guidance. In addition an APM Access Profile, (see highlighted section and settings below) is assigned to the virtual server. APM Configuration – The following Access Policy Manager, (APM) configuration is created and associated with the external virtual server to provide for pre-authentication of external users prior to being granted access to the internal ADFS farm. As I mentioned earlier, the APM module provides advanced features such as client-side checks and single sign-on, (SSO) in addition to pre-authentication. Of course this is just the tip of the iceberg. Take a deeper look at client-side checks at AskF5. AAA SERVER - The ADFS access profile utilizes an Active Directory AAA server. ACCESS POLICY - The following access policy is associated with the ADFS access profile. * Prior to presenting the logon page client machines are checked for the existence of updated antivirus. If the client lacks either antivirus software or does not have updated, (within 30 days) virus definitions the user is redirected to a mitigation site. * An AD query and simple iRule is used to provide single-url OWA access for both on-premise and Office365 Exchange users. SSO CONFIGURATION - The ADFS access portal uses an NTLM v1 SSO profile with multiple authentication domains, (see below). By utilizing multiple SSO domains, clients are required to authenticate only once to gain access to both hosted applications such as Exchange Online and SharePoint Online as well as on-premise hosted applications. To facilitate this we deploy multiple virtual servers, (ADFS, Exchange, SharePoint) utilizing the same SSO configuration. CONNECTIVITY PROFILE – A connectivity profile based upon the default connectivity profile is associated with the external virtual server. Whoa! That’s a lot to digest. But if nothing else, I hope this inspires you to further investigate APM and some of the cool things you can do with the Big-IP beyond load balancing. Additional Links: Big-IP and ADFS Part 1 – “Load balancing the ADFS Farm” Big-IP and ADFS Part 3 - “ADFS, APM, and the Office 365 Thick Clients” BIG-IP Access Policy Manager (APM) Wiki Home - DevCentral Wiki Latest F5 Information F5 News Articles F5 Press Releases F5 Events F5 Web Media F5 Technology Alliance Partners F5 YouTube Feed4.2KViews0likes7CommentsAchieving firewall high-availability in Azure with F5
Background Due to the lack of Layer 2 functions (e.g. ARP) in public Cloud provider networks, certain firewall vendors recommend achieving Firewall (FW) high-availability (HA) through the use of load balancing. Take Palo Alto (PA) as an example, this article ( High Availability Considerations on AWS and Azure | Palo Alto Networks ) seems to suggest that load balancing is the only option, when deploying FW HA in Azure. For inbound HTTPS traffic, it does not make sense to pass that traffic as is to the FW, as the FW can't see it. The way to protect that traffic is using AWAF and AFM. This article focuses on load balancing FW's, achieving HA, and protect inbound non-HTTPS, as well as outbound traffic. - outbound being traffic originated from internal networks (e.g. user browsers) and destined to the Internet Inbound The following diagram depicts a two tier configuration. The VPC is associated with CIDR block. For the ease of testing, Client is placed within the VPC, however, it represents users coming from the Internet. Traffic flow is shown as below, 1. Client (20.4) -> vs (20.5) Note: vs is the LB VIP fronting a second LB VIP configured on F5-Outbound 2. LTM sends traffic to the backend (70.5), which is a LB VIP configured on F5-Outbound, frontending resources in Server network To get to the 70.0 subnet, we use a firewall pool, and the LTM selects a firewall from that pool. azureuser@(F5-Inbound)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list net route net route to_Server { network pool /Common/fw_pool } azureuser@(F5-Inbound)(cfg-sync Standalone)(Active)(/Common)(tmos)# list ltm pool fw_pool ltm pool fw_pool { members { { address session monitor-enabled state up } { address session monitor-enabled state up } } monitor custom_PING_mon } 3. For traffic to be routed to either FW (e.g. 30.10 or 40.10), we also need to leverage User Defined Route (UDR), an Azure construct. e.g. udr-fw1-inbound and udr-fw2-inbound shown in the diagram 4. Once traffic arrives at a FW, the FW forwards that traffic to the tier 2 LTM (e.g. F5-Outbound). Again, UDR's must be used, for both outgoing and returning traffic, otherwise Azure will send traffic to the default subnet gateway (e.g. .1 address of each subnet) 5. When traffic (src: 30.245 or 40.245, dst: 70.5) arrives at F5-Outbound. The tier 2 LTM makes a load balancing decision and proxies that traffic to Server. 6. Traffic makes its way back. Routes back to F5-Inbound must be created on the tier 2 LTM. net route to_10.3.30.245 { gw network } net route to_10.3.40.245 { gw network } This concludes inbound. Outbound For outbound traffic, we will only leverage the tier 2 LTM (e.g. F5-Outbound). Once traffic arrives at the FW's, they get sent to the Internet via Azure default gateway. See diagram below. Traffic flow is shown as below, 1. Traffic originates from Server (70.4) and destines to the Internet (e.g. 2. UDR must be created to route traffic to F5-Outbound 3. Once traffic arrives at the F5, a FW is selected as the next hop. See F5-Outbound config below. net route to_outside { network default pool /Common/fw_pool } ltm pool fw_pool { members { { address session monitor-enabled state up } { address session monitor-enabled state up } } monitor gateway_icmp } Again, watch the UDR's (we will need to create a new route and add to the existing UDR route table, as only one UDR is permitted per subnet) 4. Once traffic arrives at the FW, the FW sends it off to the Internet. To do this, SNAT must be enabled on the FW. For Linux, the following works. #FW1 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source #FW2 iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j SNAT --to-source Internal traffic traversing different vnet's also go through the load balanced FW's. FW's routing table will send traffic to the destination, using Azure system default gateway. Notice that SNAT must be enabled. Remarks It's also possible to have Inbound working on a single F5. The FW's will need to SNAT inbound traffic in this case. Diagrams is shown below. Make sure to enable IP forwarding on all interfaces that forward traffic. The setting is under Interface, IP Configurations, within the Azure portal. Azure CLI The following CLI completed 95% of this build. az network public-ip create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name Client-pub-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name c-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet f5-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address --public-ip-address Client-pub-ip az network public-ip create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name F5-Inbound-mgmt-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5-mgmt --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet mgmt --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address --public-ip-address F5-Inbound-mgmt-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet f5-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f51-int --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw1-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f52-int --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw2-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw1-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw1-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw2-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw2-front --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw1-int --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw1-back --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw2-int --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw2-back --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network public-ip create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name F5-Outbound-mgmt-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5o-mgmt --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet mgmt --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address --public-ip-address F5-Outbound-mgmt-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5o1-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw1-back --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5o2-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet fw2-back --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name f5o-int --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet server-subnet --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address az network public-ip create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name Server-pub-ip az network nic create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name s-ext --vnet-name cz-A1 --subnet server-subnet --network-security-group apply-all-nsg --private-ip-address --public-ip-address Server-pub-ip # Add nics (only use when missing interfaces) az vm nic add --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --vm-name F5-Inbound --nics f51-int f52-int # FW builds az vm create --image ubuntults --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name FW1 --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS1_v2 --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics fw1-ext fw1-int az vm create --image ubuntults --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name FW2 --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS1_v2 --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics fw2-ext fw2-int #F5 builds az vm image accept-terms --urn f5-networks:f5-big-ip-best:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-best-byol:latest az vm create --image f5-networks:f5-big-ip-best:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-best-byol:latest --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name "F5-Inbound" --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS3_v2_Promo --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics f5-mgmt f5-ext f51-int f52-int az vm create --image f5-networks:f5-big-ip-best:f5-bigip-virtual-edition-best-byol:latest --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name "F5-Outbound" --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS3_v2_Promo --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics f5o-mgmt f5o1-ext f5o2-ext f5o-int #Client and server builds az vm create --image ubuntults --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name Server --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS1_v2 --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics s-ext az vm create --image ubuntults --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name Client --admin-username azureuser --authentication-type ssh --size Standard_DS1_v2 --ssh-key-value "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCtQiakawV5Co...." --nics c-ext # Update nics to enable forwarding az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw1-ext --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw1-int --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw2-ext --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fw2-int --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fwo1-ext --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fwo2-ext --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fwo1-int --ip-forwarding true az network nic update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --name fwo2-int --ip-forwarding true # Create route-tables, associate to subnets and create routes az network route-table create --name udr-fw1-inbound --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --location eastus2 az network vnet subnet update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --vnet-name cz-A1 --name fw1-front --route-table udr-fw1-inbound az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw1-inbound --name fw1_toServer --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table create --name udr-fw2-inbound --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --location eastus2 az network vnet subnet update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --vnet-name cz-A1 --name fw2-front --route-table udr-fw2-inbound az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw2-inbound --name fw2_toServer --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table create --name udr-fw1-f5t2 --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --location eastus2 az network vnet subnet update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --vnet-name cz-A1 --name fw1-back --route-table udr-fw1-f5t2 az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw1-f5t2 --name post_fw1_toServer --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw1-f5t2 --name server_return_fw1 --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw1-f5t2 --name to_outside_fw1 --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table create --name udr-fw2-f5t2 --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --location eastus2 az network vnet subnet update --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --vnet-name cz-A1 --name fw2-back --route-table udr-fw2-f5t2 az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw2-f5t2 --name post_fw2_toServer --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw2-f5t2 --name server_return_fw2 --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address az network route-table route create --resource-group cz-lb-fw-in_out_bound --route-table-name udr-fw2-f5t2 --name to_outside_fw2 --next-hop-type VirtualAppliance --address-prefix --next-hop-ip-address Updates: Alternative approaches have also been developed, and can be used to support the following use cases: vnet to vnet traffic be load balanced to FW's - a hub and spoke topology is used where the hub vnet hosts the services (F5's and FW's), and spoke vnets host consumer networks (e.g. DMZ, internal) vnet to Internet traffic be load balanced to FW's - traffic originated from spoke vnets, destined to Internet, traverses the hub vnet, where FW's are load balanced Inbound Intertnet to vnet's traffic be load balanced to FW's - e.g. RDP to internal machines, or application load balancing SNAT is optional for vnet to vnet, as well as inbound Internet traffic - The F5 can retain client IP addresses and pass traffic as is to FW's (e.g. No address translation on the F5) Due to variations in requirements and their associated complexities, it's not possible to share all the details here. If you have a particular requirement, please reach out to your Sales team!2.1KViews0likes4CommentsVirtual Patching: What is it and why you should be doing it
Yesterday I was privileged to co-host a webinar with WhiteHat Security's Jeremiah Grossman on preventing SQL injection and Cross-Site scripting using a technique called "virtual patching". While I was familiar with F5's partnership with WhiteHat and our integrated solution, I wasn't familiar with the term. Virtual patching should put an end to the endless religious warring that goes on between the secure coding and web application firewall camps whenever the topic of web application security is raised. The premise of virtual patching is that a web application firewall is not, I repeat is not a replacement for secure coding. It is, in fact, an augmentation of existing security systems and practices that, in fact, enables secure development to occur without being rushed or outright ignored in favor of rushing a fix out the door. "The remediation challenges most organizations face are the time consuming process of allocating the proper personnel, prioritizing the tasks, QA / regression testing the fix, and finally scheduling a production release." -- WhiteHat Security, "WhiteHat Website Security Statistic Reports", December 2008 The WhiteHat report goes on to discuss the average number of days it took for organizations to address the top five urgent - not critical, not high, but urgent - severity vulnerabilities discovered. The fewest number of days to resolve a vulnerability (SQL Injection) was 28 in 2008, which is actually an improvement over previous years. 28 days. That's a lifetime on the Internet when your site is vulnerable to exploitation and attackers are massing at the gates faster than ants to a picnic. But you can't rush finding and fixing the vulnerability, and the option to shut down the web application may not be an option at all, especially if you rely on that application as a revenue stream, as an integration point with partners, or as part of a critical business process with a strict SLA governing its uptime. So do you leave it vulnerable? According to White Hat's data, apparently that's the decision made for many organizations given the limited options. The heads of many security professionals just exploded. My apologies if any of the detritus mussed your screen. If you're one of the ones whose head is still intact, there is a solution. Virtual patching provides the means by which you can prevent the exploitation of the vulnerability while it is addressed through whatever organizational processes are required to resolve it. Virtual patching is essentially the process of putting in place a rule on a web application firewall to prevent the exploitation of a vulnerability. This process is often times a manual one, but in the case of WhiteHat and F5 the process has been made as easy as clicking a button. When WhiteHat's Sentinel, which provides vulnerability scanning as a service, uncovers a vulnerability the operator (that's you) can decide to virtually patch the hole by adding a rule to the appropriate policy on F5's BIG-IP Application Security Manager (ASM) with the click of a button. Once the vulnerability has been addressed, you can remove the rule from the policy or leave it in place, as is your wont. It's up to you. Virtual patching provides the opportunity to close a vulnerability quickly but doesn't require that you necessarily abandon secure coding practices. Virtual patching actual enables and encourages secure coding by giving developers some breathing room in which to implement a thorough, secure solution to the vulnerability. It isn't an either-or solution, it's both, and leverages both solutions to provide the most comprehensive security coverage possible. And given statistics regarding the number of sites infected of late, that's something everyone should be able to get behind. Virtual patching as a technique does not require WhiteHat or F5, but other solutions will require a manual process to put in place rules to address vulnerabilities. The advantage of a WhiteHat-F5 solution is its tight integration via iControl and ability to immediately close discovered security holes, and of course a lengthy list of cool security options and features to further secure web applications available with ASM. You can read more about the integration between WhiteHat and F5 here or here or view a short overview of the way virtual patching works between Sentinel and ASM.1.8KViews0likes2Comments4 reasons not to use mod-security
Apache is a great web server if for no other reason than it offers more flexibility through modules than just about any other web server. You can plug-in all sorts of modules to enhance the functionality of Apache. But as I often say, just because you can doesn't mean you should. One of the modules you can install is mod_security. If you aren't familiar with mod_security, essentially it's a "roll your own" web application firewall plug-in for the Apache web server. Some of the security functions you can implement via mod_security are: Simple filtering Regular Expression based filtering URL Encoding Validation Unicode Encoding Validation Auditing Null byte attack prevention Upload memory limits Server identity masking Built in Chroot support Using mod_security you can also implement protocol security, which is an excellent idea for ensuring that holes in protocols aren't exploited. If you aren't sold on protocol security you should read up on the recent DNS vulnerability discovered by Dan Kaminsky - it's all about the protocol and has nothing to do with vulnerabilities introduced by implementation. mod_security provides many options for validating URLs, URIs, and application data. You are, essentially, implementing a custom web application firewall using configuration directives. If you're on this path then you probably agree that a web application firewall is a good thing, so why would I caution against using mod_security? Well, there's four reasons, actually. It runs on every web server. This is an additional load on the servers that can be easily offloaded for a more efficient architecture. The need for partial duplication of configuration files across multiple machines can also result in the introduction of errors or extraneous configuration that is unnecessary. Running mod_security on every web server decreases capacity to serve users and applications accordingly, which may require additional servers to scale to meet demand. You have to become a security expert. You have to understand the attacks you are trying to stop in order to write a rule to prevent them. So either you become an expert or you trust a third-party to be the expert. The former takes time and that latter takes guts, as you're introducing unnecessary risk by trusting a third-party. You have to become a protocol expert. In addition to understanding all the attacks you're trying to prevent, you must become an expert in the HTTP protocol. Part of providing web application security is to sanitize and enforce the HTTP protocol to ensure it isn't abused to create a hole where none previously appeared. You also have to become an expert in Apache configuration directives, and the specific directives used to configure mod_security. The configuration must be done manually. Unless you're going to purchase a commercially supported version of mod_security, you're writing complex rules manually. You'll need to brush up on your regular expression skills if you're going to attempt this. Maintaining those rules is just as painful, as any update necessarily requires manual intervention. Of course you could introduce an additional instance of Apache with mod_security installed that essentially proxies all requests through mod_security, thus providing a centralized security architecture, but at that point you've just introduced a huge bottleneck into your infrastructure. If you're already load-balancing multiple instances of a web site or application, then it's not likely that a single instance of Apache with mod_security is going to be able to handle the volume of requests without increasing downtime or degrading performance such that applications might as well be down because they're too painful to use. Centralizing security can improve performance, reduce the potential avenues of risk through configuration error, and keeps your security up-to-date by providing easy access to updated signatures, patterns, and defenses against existing and emerging web application attacks. Some web application firewalls offer pre-configured templates for specific applications like Microsoft OWA, providing a simple configuration experience that belies the depth of security knowledge applied to protected the application. Web application firewalls can enable compliance with requirement 6.6 of PCI DSS. And they're built to scale, which means the scenario in which mod_security is used as a reverse proxy to protect all web servers from harm but quickly becomes a bottleneck and impediment to performance doesn't happen with purpose-built web application firewalls. If you're considering using mod_security then you already recognize the value of and need for a web application firewall. That's great. But consider carefully where you will deploy that web application firewall, because the decision will have an impact on the performance and availability of your site and applications.1.6KViews0likes7CommentsVPN BIG-IP Edge client : firewall rules applied by BIG-IP Edge Client
We have established a VPN connection between a Windows client and a BIG-IP v15. We are using BIG_IP Edge client, with network access. According to table 3.5 in this document : when "always connected" mode is enabled, BIG-IP edge client applies firewall rules. Is there any other feature that allow BIG-IP edge client to apply firewall rules ? What kind of rules are applied ?1.5KViews0likes4Comments