17 TopicsF5 APM / Connection to Provider via explicit proxy
Hi guys, we need to configure the APM module to use authentication provider (Okta, AzureAD). Because the f5 is not an edge device, we have to use an explitzit proxy for the connection of the f5 APM module to the public clouds. Any ideas how to configure it? During the federation configuration and the VE policy I don't see any possbility. The proxy db variable does not work for this kind of traffic. A layered VIP does not connect with an "HTTP connect" to the pool member which could be an explicit proxy..... Thank you31Views0likes2CommentsSaaS Federation iApp
Problem this snippet solves: f5.saas_idp.v.1.0.1rc1 The official release candidate iApp template has been posted to downloads.f5.com in the RELEASE_CANDIDATE directory of the iApp package. This release has the following changes: Added support for BIG-IP v12.1 Modified the 'SP Initiated?' field in the iApp to 'IdP Initiated?' and the values to 'No, SP only' and 'Yes, IdP and SP' to make this section more clear. f5.saas_idp.v.1.0.0rc1 This release candidate version of the iApp template, released on 4/20/16, provides improved functionality and additional options. The deployment guide has also been substantially updated. f5.saas_idp.v.0.9.0 This iApp allows you to configure F5 BIG-IP Access Policy Manager(APM) as SAML Identity Provider(IdP) to 11 commonly used SaaS applications: Office 365 Salesforce.com Workday Amazon Web Services(limited support) Concur Service-Now Jive Wombat Zendesk WebEx Google Apps How to use this snippet: For information on how to download, install, and use the iApp (and various other prerequisites), see the deployment guide for this configuration: http://f5.com/pdf/deployment-guides/saml-idp-saas-dg.pdf Code : https://downloads.f5.com/esd/product.jsp?sw=BIG-IP&pro=iApp_Templates649Views0likes2CommentsAPM Oauth clintless mode
Hi, We currently have the following setup: client( not a web browser) sends a post request to an internal oauth server with the following parameters: username: some_user password: some_pass scope: some_scope grant_type: some_grant if the client passes the authentication he receives a bearer access token which is inserted to the header on the response. Then he can access and use the rest api. We want to integrate F5 into the current scenario so it will act as a client/resource provider( I hope those are the right terms) and then will check the validity of the access token. I'm pretty new to all of the terms and the process of getting an access token, I have read couple of posts on devcentral, guides on f5 clouddocs and on ask f5 and started to play around with it. Those are the resources I've used so far: https://devcentral.f5.com/questions/apm-authentication-for-a-sessionless-and-clientless-api-62162 https://clouddocs.f5.com/training/community/iam/html/class2/module1/module1.html https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_apm/manuals/product/big-ip-access-policy-manager-single-sign-on-concepts-configuration-14-1-0/04.html https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_apm/manuals/product/big-ip-access-policy-manager-authentication-and-single-sign-on-14-0-0/38.html I have a very general idea how its supposed to work: Client sends a POST request to a VS with apm. An irule will check the request and insert clientless mode. somehow I need to parse the POST parameters and assign them to the appropriate APM variables. There must be a provider configuration and a request configuration ( with the appropriate variables which were parsed ). F5 requests an access token from the oauth server and if successful then on the response it inserts a bearer header with the received access token. The client sends requests to the api which is configured behind a different VS with a per request AP which will verify his bearer token and the scope with the Oauth server. I would like to know if that's something possible to achieve and where and how to start. Thanks, Alex613Views0likes1CommentOAuth 2.0 Dynamic Client Registration
Problem this snippet solves: OAuth 2.0 is now supported in version 13. Client applications need to be defined manually in the Web UI. We developed an irule allowing a client application to self register. How to use this snippet: This code makes calls to external functions : json2dict and HTTP Super SIDEBAND Requestor. You need to add them to your set of irules on the BIG-IP before configuring the client app registration service. json2dict proc json2dict JSONtext { string range [ string trim [ string trimleft [ string map {\t {} \n {} \r {} , { } : { } \[ \{ \] \}} $JSONtext ] {\uFEFF} ] ] 1 end-1 } Workflow The client application will do the following request : POST /f5-oauth2/v1/client-register HTTP/1.1 Host: oauthas.example.com User-Agent: curl/7.47.1 Accept: */* Content-Length: 29 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded username=user&password=pwd This request can be achieved using cURL : curl -k -vvv https://oauthas.example.com/f5-oauth2/v1/client-register -d 'username=user&password=pwd' Quick notes The irule is configured to create Client Applications with Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (ROPC) mode activated. The irule needs to be modified to activate other modes Update (2018-05-01) Add a way to configure static client_id and client_secret Update (2018-01-12) URI decode username and password parameters Update (2017-11-07) Use HTTP::collect to workaround issues with large body Update (2017-10-25) Enhance JSON result parsing and attribute retrieval Code : when RULE_INIT { ### # credentials required to access iControl REST API ### set static::adm_user "admin" set static::adm_pwd "admin" ### # settings required to authenticate the user trying to register an application ### set static::timeout 300 set static::lifetime 300 set static::access_profile "/Common/ap-ldap-auth" ### # settings required to update the APM configuration with the newly created ClientApp configuraiton ### set static::adm_partition "Common" set static::oauth_profile "my-oauth-profile" set static::scopes "myscope" ### # settings required to sync the OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server access profile ### set static::oauth_access_policy "ap-oauth-auth-server" ### # settings required to publish the client registration service ### set static::client_register_uri "/f5-oauth2/v1/client-register" set static::host "oauthas.example.com" ### # Define a static client_id and client_secret ### set static::use_static_app 1 set static::client_id "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" set static::client_secret "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { ### # When we accept a connection, create an Access session and save the session ID. ### set flow_sid [ACCESS::session create -timeout $static::timeout -lifetime $static::lifetime] } when HTTP_REQUEST { ### # initialize vars ### set username "" set password "" set name "" set client_app "" set scopes "" set client_id "" set client_secret "" set agent "" set timestamp [clock seconds] switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::header "User-Agent"]] { "*android*" { set agent "android" } "*ios*" { set agent "ios" } default { set agent "default" } } ### # identify client registration request. The client applicaiton needs to do a POST request on client registration URI and provides username and password ### if { [HTTP::path] eq $static::client_register_uri and [HTTP::host] eq $static::host and [HTTP::method] eq "POST" } { HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length] } } when HTTP_REQUEST_DATA { set username [URI::decode [URI::query "/?$payload" username]] set password [URI::decode [URI::query "/?$payload" password]] ### # play inline ACCESS policy to validate user credentials ### ACCESS::policy evaluate -sid $flow_sid -profile $static::access_profile session.logon.last.username $username session.logon.last.password $password session.server.landinguri [string tolower [HTTP::path]] if { [ACCESS::policy result -sid $flow_sid] eq "deny" or [ACCESS::policy result -sid $flow_sid] eq "not_started" } { HTTP::respond 403 content "{\"error\": \"Invalid user credentials\",\"error-message\": \"Access denied by Acces policy\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close ACCESS::session remove -sid $flow_sid event disable all } ACCESS::session remove -sid $flow_sid if { !$static::use_static_app } { ### # generate client name and client application name ### set username [string map -nocase { "@" "." } $username] set name "$username-$agent-$timestamp" set client_app $name set scopes $static::scopes ### # prepare and execute API REST call to create a new client application. Endpoint: /mgmt/tm/apm/oauth/oauth-client-app ### set json_body "{\"name\": \"$name\",\"appName\": \"$client_app\",\"authType\": \"secret\",\"grantPassword\": \"enabled\",\"scopes\": \"$scopes\"}" set status [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate -uri "" -method POST -body $json_body -type "application/json; charset=utf-8" -rbody rbody -userid $static::adm_user -passwd $static::adm_pwd ] set json_result [call /Common/sys-exec::json2dict $rbody] if { $status contains "200" } { ### # extract client_id and client_secret from JSON body ### set client_id [lindex $json_result [expr {[lsearch $json_result "clientId"]+1}]] set client_secret [lindex $json_result [expr {[lsearch $json_result "clientSecret"]+1}]] ### # prepare and execute API REST call to bind the client application to the OAuth profile. Endpoint: /mgmt/tm/apm/profile/oauth/~$static::adm_parition~$static::oauth_profile/client-apps ### set json_body "{\"name\": \"$name\"}" set status [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate -uri "$static::adm_partition~$static::oauth_profile/client-apps" -method POST -body $json_body -type "application/json; charset=utf-8" -rbody rbody -userid $static::adm_user -passwd $static::adm_pwd ] set json_result [call /Common/sys-exec::json2dict $rbody] ### # if binding is successful, respond to the client with client_id and client_secret ### if { $status contains "200" } { ### # Prepare and execute API REST call to apply Access Profile after Client Application has been assigned to OAuth profile ### set json_body "{\"generationAction\": \"increment\"}" set status [call /Common/HSSR::http_req -state hstate -uri "$static::adm_partition~$static::oauth_access_policy" -method PATCH -body $json_body -type "application/json; charset=utf-8" -rbody rbody -userid $static::adm_user -passwd $static::adm_pwd ] set json_result [call /Common/sys-exec::json2dict $rbody] if { $status contains "200" } { HTTP::respond 200 content "{\"client_id\": \"$client_id\",\"client_secret\": \"$client_secret\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } else { HTTP::respond 403 content "{\"error\": \"Synchronization failed\",\"error-message\": \"[lindex $json_result 3]\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } } else { HTTP::respond 403 content "{\"error\": \"ClientApp binding failed\",\"error-message\": \"[lindex $json_result 3]\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } } else { HTTP::respond 403 content "{\"error\": \"ClientApp creation failed\",\"error-message\": \"[lindex $json_result 3]\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } } else { HTTP::respond 200 content "{\"client_id\": \"$static::client_id\",\"client_secret\": \"$static::client_secret\"}" noserver Content-Type "application/json" Connection Close event disable all } } Tested this on version: 13.01.2KViews0likes8CommentsFederation SP SAML with connector automation, Azure as Idp
Hello, I'm tring to setup connector automation for a customer where the BigIP is the SAML SP provider, and Azure as Idp. all is fine, everything is created and authentication is working. However after every "Frequency", the checksum is different and External IdP Connector is being recreated. And therefore the Access Policy needs to be applied. When the Azure, App Federation Metadata file, is download by a browser, the file is never the same. The "EntityDescriptor ID" changes with every download. And therefore also the checksum. So is the IdP Connector automation an option when Azure is IdP? Am I doing something wrong? I've tested with 15.1 and 16.1, but no different behaviour Thanks in advance814Views0likes3Commentstcl logic in SAML Attribute value field possible?
Hi. We're running BigIP as a SAML IDP. Can I somehow issue tcl logic in a SAML attributes? I'm talking about the Access ›› Federation : SAML Identity Provider : Local IdP Services, editing an object, under SAML Attributes. Based on what's in the memberOf attribute, I need to issue as a value either empty string or "SpecificValue". I am familiar with the %{session.variable} construct, but I don't want to clutter the session with more variables if I can avoid it, as that impacts all sessions using our IDP (30 or so federated services on the same VIP and AP). I tried these two approches: %{ set result {} ; if { [mcget {session.ad.last.attr.memberOf}] contains {| CN=SpecificGroup,OU=Resource groups,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com |}} { set result {SpecificValue} } ; return $result } expr { set result {} ; if { [mcget {session.ad.last.attr.memberOf}] contains {| CN=SpecificGroup,OU=Resource groups,OU=Groups,DC=Domain,DC=com |}} { set result {SpecificValue} } ; return $result } Expected result: An issued claim with the value "" or "SpecificValue" Actual result: An issued claim with the above code as the value As I mentioned, we've set it up using one VIP that is hosting 30 or so services. We're running They are using the same SSO configuration and there's an iRule triggerd at ACCESS_POLICY_AGENT_EVENT, which does some magic to extract issuer and suchlike, and that helps to make decisions later in the Access Policy. It also populates a few session variables under the session.custom namespace for use in the Access Policy. Additional session variables are being populated in the Access Policy, such as resolved manager and their email address. I have looked briefly at the ASSERT::saml functions, but even if it would bepossible to manipulate that way, I wish to keep this set up as stream lined as possible and with as few new "special cases" in an iRule. So while I appreciate pointers along that route as well, I would first of all like to know if there is a way to do it natively in the SAML attribute value field. And if there are any options I have not yet explored here?893Views0likes5CommentsEvaluating common integrations between Azure AD and APM - Part 1
Identity as a Service providers (IDaaS) are exploding in adoption rate, Azure AD being one that I encounter most frequently. Given that, I am often asked what options are available for integration between Azure AD and BIG-IP APM, including implementation steps. In this 4-part series, I will first summarize and contrast the integration options, including the pros and cons of each, then in each subsequent article we will dive into the requirements and implementation details for each method of integration. Please note that there may be additional integrations and authentication flows, this article series is however only covering 3 in particular. The 3 authentication flows we will discuss in this article series are: Network Policy Server (NPS) Azure MFA extension** SAML federation ROPC Oauth grant authentication flow **This replaces the legacy integration with Azure MFA Server which is no longer supported: https://devcentral.f5.com/s/articles/heres-how-i-did-it-integrating-azure-mfa-with-the-big-ip-19634 Method 1: Azure NPS Extension The method we will be examining in the first article of this series is integration between BIG-IP APM and Azure AD via a Network Policy Server (NPS) extension. This method is used to achieve Azure AD Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) capabilities for user authentication which is most often the primary business requirement for integration. User authentication requests are sent from BIG-IP APM to the NPS server where the NPS extension for Azure MFA will then inform Azure AD to initiate the MFA challenge. The NPS extension for Azure MFA does NOT support any conditional access policies, as the source of every authentication request from Azure AD's perspective will be that of the NPS server itself.By using this method, we can capture the username and password on the APM logon page for seamless password-based Single Sign-On (SSO), plus we get the MFA capabilities of Azure AD, truly the best of both worlds. Architecture and authentication flow: User requests a resource protected by BIG-IP APM and is presented with an APM logon page where they enter their credentials. BIG-IP captures these credentials as session variables and sends them to the predefined RADIUS AAA server, in this case that would be the NPS server with Azure MFA extension. The RADIUS server first validates user credentials, if successful then the 'AzureMFA' extension will notify Azure AD of the incoming user authentication request and initiate MFA challenge. The user is challenged using the chosen MFA method. Azure AD notifies the NPS extension of the MFA challenge result. The NPS extension responds back to the BIG-IP with a RADIUS response based on the outcome of the MFA challenge. If successful, the user is granted access to the protected application, webtop or resource. Pros: BIG-IP APM can capture both the username and password as session variables as part of the logon process, making password-based Single Sign-on (SSO) viable Requires no federation between BIG-IP and Azure AD Cons: Requires external infrastructure dependencies (Redundant NPS infrastructure) Azure AD Conditional access policy support is limited ***This however can be augmented with conditional policies on BIG-IP APM Method 2: SAML federation with Azure AD SAML is a well understood and adopted standard for federation between identity domains. By federating BIG-IP APM with Azure AD as the Identity Provider (IDP) we direct all user authentication requests to Azure AD. This means that all authentication features supported by Azure AD, such as Conditional Access Policies and MFA will work as intended, as the user is interfacing directly with Azure AD during authentication. By its very design, SAML federation limits the SAML Service Provider (SP), which is the role of BIG-IP APM in this case, from receiving the user's password as part of the authentication flow; this means we must use passwordless Single Sign-On (SSO) methods such as Kerberos or SAML for seamless access to applications and resources. Architecture and authentication flow: **Above depicts SP-initiated SAML authentication flow where BIG-IP APM is the Service Provider (SP) and Azure AD is the (IDP) User requests a resource protected by BIG-IP APM. APM responds to the user with a SAML request and directs them to the IDP (Azure AD). The user browser relays the SAML request to Azure AD. It is at this point that the user authenticates DIRECTLY with Azure AD. Once successfully authenticated (including MFA, if applicable), Azure AD responds to the user with a SAML response containing an Assertion and directs the user back to the BIG-IP APM. The user browser relays the SAML response to the BIG-IP and is provided access to the protected application or resource. Pros: Widely deployed and understood + very easy implementation Full support for conditional access policies and authentication functionality in Azure AD Cons: BIG-IP APM will not receive a password as part of the logon process - this means that password-based Single Sign-On (SSO) will not work out of the box ***We will explore options to get around this further in Article #3 Method 3: ROPC Oauth Grant The Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) grant allows an application or intermediary to sign a user in by directly handling their password. Put simply, BIG-IP APM first captures the user credentials with a standard logon page and then validates them with Azure AD directly. This authentication flow may resemble that of traditional authentication flows such as Active Directory domain controllers or RADIUS servers. In most cases, ROPC grant flows are not highly recommended, as the user credentials are provided to the Oauth 2.0 client (BIG-IP) directly instead of to the Authorization Server (Azure AD) which arguably introduces additional risk.By using this method however, we capture the username and password on the APM logon page for password-based Single Sign-On (SSO) without requiring any on-premises infrastructure such as domain controllers or AAA servers to handle authentication. Architecture and authentication flow: User requests a resource protected by BIG-IP APM and is presented with an APM logon page where credentials are input. BIG-IP captures these credentials as session variables and sends them to the predefined Oauth Authorization Server (AS), Azure AD. If the credentials are correct, Azure AD responds to the BIG-IP with an ID token, Access token and optionally a refresh token. If successful, the user is granted access to the protected application or resource. Pros: BIG-IP APM can capture both the username and password as session variables as part of the logon process, making password-based Single Sign-on (SSO) viable Requires no on-premises infrastructure such as Active Directory or RADIUS/NPS for authentication Cons: Not recommended by Microsoft for Security reasons. No direct support for Azure AD MFA No support for Azure AD conditional access policies ***This however can be augmented with conditional policies on BIG-IP APM Summary In the first article of this series we reviewed 3 unique options for integration between BIG-IP APM and Azure AD. We also described the authentication flow as well as the pros and cons for each method. In each subsequent article, we will dive deeper into these three methods, providing detailed implementation instructions, caveats, and requirements as well as some anecdotal wisdom from the field!1.2KViews7likes4CommentsADFS Proxy- first time setup
Very new to ADFS and SAML especially with dealing with the F5. I have business case to add ADFS to one of my current setups. My organization has ADFS setup and i have a few questions for the community. Do i first connect and test the application with our current ADFS setup to make sure it can work? Once the ADFS has been tested and working, do i then try to do ADFS proxy withthe setup? or do i skip step 1 and just start with the ADFS proxy first and try to get that to work with the application? I have seen a few online labs for ADFs proxy etc... but just wondering what the community thinks? looking to have it setup like this: User -> F5 (VIP with login portal) -> sends info to ADFS -> ADFS sends token to F5 -> traffic goes to VPN tunnel to actual portal -> accepts the ADFS token -> User is logged into the service. trying to keep the initial traffic going down the tunnel first and getting redirected back to the F5 for authentication.418Views0likes0CommentsVDI Gateway Federation with BIG-IP
Today let’s look at how F5 BIGIP APM can consolidate, secure and federate all the core VDI gateways technology. For instance, if an organization decides move from one VDI technology to another or if you’re consolidating VDI technologies, BIG-IP can help. On the BIG-IP we’ve set up three VDI environments. Microsoft RDS/RDP with a broker authentication server, VMware Horizon and Citrix XenApp. With only a corporate account, a user can authenticate to all of them as needed and access all available desktop content. In this example, we connect to the BIG-IP APM. This is the default view. And here we’ve put some advanced security fields like OTP or multifactor authentication for instance. So here we’d use our username and password and for additional security we'll choose a secondary grid. By default, a grid is not generally available from any of the VDI vendors. When we select grid, BIG-IP APM will present a grid for a PIN entry. This is provided through a partnership with Gemalto. BIG-IP is connecting to Gemalto servers to present the grid to the user. We then enter our confidential PIN. Upon auth, we’re presented with our BIG-IP APM Webtop and BIG-IP did the necessary single sign on for all the VDI technologies and environments assigned to us. With a single, multifactor authentication we’re able to gain access to our federated BIG-IP Webtop and select the specific VDI resource we need. From an administrative view, here is the full Visual Policy Editor (VPE) for the overall solution. This also shows where the OTP/Grid is if you follow the Host FQDN path. And here are the specific inspections and criteria for the VDI scenario. You can see a path for each VDI vendor along with specific inspections and actions depending on the situation. Special thanks to F5 Sr. Security SE Matthieu Dierick for the explanation and you can watch the demo video. ps777Views0likes6CommentsAutoFill username for Office 365 Federation
Hi. This is a simple question but I can't find a solution and ee are just getting started with our F5 implementation. I have deployed the office 365 federation using the f5.microsoft_office_365_idp.v1.1.0 iApp. I've got things working but when it redirects to my login page on the F5 the username field is blank, is this normal? is there any way to get the username from O365 and pre-populate that field? Thanks for any help Jon668Views0likes4Comments