f5 bigip ltm
1 TopicLoad Balancing Omnissa Unified Access Gateway with BIG-IP LTM
This article highlights the renewed partnership between Omnissa and F5, focusing on updated guides for integrating F5 BIG-IP LTM with the Omnissa Unified Access Gateway (UAG) for Horizon. UAG, formerly known as VMware Unified Access Gateway, provides secure access to desktop and application resources for remote users. F5’s products enhance the reliability, scalability, and security of UAG deployments, particularly for large Horizon environments requiring multiple pods or data centers. The guide offers two deployment options: leveraging the existing iApp or using a manual method. Both approaches ensure efficient, seamless implementation tailored to users’ needs. The collaboration between F5 and Omnissa continues to drive faster deployments while preparing for future growth and requirements. Readers are also encouraged to explore the integration guide for F5 APM with Omnissa Workspace ONE.299Views2likes0Comments