FQDN resolve in non default domain name.
Hi, Anyone can help to modify this irule using more than one DNS server (If this DNS server down, it will pick up other the DNS server Thanks for your help, i appreciate it. when HTTP_REQUEST { set ips [RESOLV::lookup @ "FQDN.amazonaws.com"] log local0. "example.com is currently at IP $ips, forwarding to node: [lindex $ips 0]%1 - The clients up address [IP::client_addr]" node [lindex $ips 0]%1 443 }5Views0likes0CommentsAnother FSE iRules Challenge, Even More Surprising Results
I have an awesome job. I get to play with cool technology, with good people, at an awesome company, and actually don’t get in trouble for doing so. I get to blend writing and talking and blathering on endlessly to anyone that will listen with completely geeking out and diving into the nuts and bolts of things to see what makes things work. This doesn’t suck. One of the things that doesn’t suck the most is getting to kick on the light bulb for people that haven’t quite gotten their hands around our programmability technologies just yet. F5 is laden with opportunities to get your script on. From iRules to iControl to iCall and TMSH scripting, there is no shortage of opportunities to get down and dirty with some code. That being said, not everyone is up to speed on such things yet and I take particular joy in being able to help them connect the wires, get the first flickers of that “Holy crap this stuff is cool!” halogen, and then go on their merry. Lucky as I am, what with the awesome job and all, I get many opportunities for just such interactions. More seasoned readers may be familiar with the one on which today’s post is focused, the FSE challenge. I haven’t posted one of these in a little bit so let’s have a refresher from days of yore. First off, What is an FSE? An FSE is a Field Sales Engineer. FSEs are the engineering lifeblood of the sales force here at F5. They’re the ones out in the trenches dealing with customer requirements and issues, building real world solutions, and generally doing all the cool stuff that I get to talk about theoretically, but in the real world. I’ve got mad respect for those FSEs that take their jobs seriously and learn how to build full fledged F5 solutions that leverage our crazy broad product set and, you guessed it, our out of the box tools like iControl and iRules. Those that choose to flex those muscles garner a special place in my encrypted little heart. Next, What is with this challenge business? Every time we get a new batch of FSEs in at corporate for brainwashing err, training we put them through what we lovingly refer to as a boot camp. This is, as you might expect given the name, a rapid way of getting folks up to speed on not only F5 technology but all of the surrounding whats-its and know-how that is expected of someone out in the field slinging our tech. This invariably includes a delve into iRules. There is formal training, of course, but the challenge is a different beast all together. I effectively pose as a customer in the field with a complex (at least complex by beginners’ standards) problem that needs solving. I present it to the batch of keyboard jockeys, give them time to ask questions, take notes, etc., then cut them loose. In their “free time” (See: sleepless hours well into the night) they get to hash out the solution to the problem. They are expected to write, test, and lightly document an iRules solution to eradicate the posed problem point by point. Points are awarded for effectiveness, efficiency, and exportability, meaning ease of use and hand-off. I come back in a week later, after pouring over the proffered code snippets, and announce the winners (top3) based on said criteria, who are then awarded fabulous cash and prizes! (Bold + italics means it must be true, right? Even when it’s not. Since it’s not. At all.) Lastly, What was the challenge? People are always curious to hear what the actual challenge was when looking at the submissions, so here you go: Scenario: A client has an https based application that is undergoing upgrades and large changes, and they need to create business logic in the network layer to allow for a smooth transition and consistent user experience. Desired Solution: Ensure that all requests from the client to the BIG-IP are SSL encrypted Ensure all traffic to the back end is plain-text For all canonical names of domain.com (I.E. bob.domain.com, app1.domain.com, etc.) remove the canonical name and prepend to URI (I.E. bob.domain.com/my/app becomes domain.com/bob/my/app). Standard canonicals are excluded from this re-writing (mail, smtp, www, ns, ns1) These host/uri changes must happen transparently to the clients accessing the application. Anyone accessing the application from the internal network (10.1.*) with an appropriate auth cookie (Name: X-Int-Auth. Value=True) bypasses the above logic and accesses the old structure. Log any request (IP of client and URI requested) to a canonical name x.domain.com that is non standard (mail, smtp, www, ns, ns1) so that data can be collected as to when users have fully transitioned. So now that the table is set, on with the feast! This time around I had another killer host of entries into the hopper. There were people of all experience levels from “newbie, never coded, what does this double equals thing do?” levels to one heck of a ringer, who would make himself known eventually, even though he flew under the radar at first, sly dog that he is. Out of the raft of valiant attempts and solid efforts, my arduous duty was to narrow it down to the top three and announce them to the group, and later (now) the world. Such was my task, and such was performed. I bring you this quarter’s FSE iRules Challenge winners: 3rd Place – Benn Alp Complete with ASCII art, Benn put in an heroic effort on this submission. He ended up with a heck of a lot of code, and most of it was extremely valid, which just goes to show that while he didn’t have the most efficient solution, he stuck with things until he got where he wanted. I encourage less meandering approaches to coding, but I was impressed by the thought that went into this one and the potential that is apparent in his thought process, logic and effort. Way to go Benn! ############################################################################## # _ ____ _ ____ _ _ _ # # (_) _ \ _ _| | ___ ___ / ___| |__ __ _| | | ___ _ __ __ _ ___ # # | | |_) | | | | |/ _ \/ __| | | | '_ \ / _` | | |/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ # # | | _ <| |_| | | __/\__ \ | |___| | | | (_| | | | __/ | | | (_| | __/ # # |_|_| \_\\__,_|_|\___||___/ \____|_| |_|\__,_|_|_|\___|_| |_|\__, |\___| # # |___/ # ############################################################################## # # Benn Alp b.alp@f5.com # when RULE_INIT { # # CONFIGURABLE ITEMS #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Debug Logging. (Note: Irrispective of how this is set logs to satisfy requirement 6 will be sent - # 6 Log any request (IP of client and URI requested) to a canonical name x.domain.com that is non standard # (mail, smtp, www, ns, ns1) so that data can be collected as to when users have fully transitioned" is irrespective of this setting. # 0 - Disabled # 1 - Enabled #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set static::DebugLogging 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Behaviour when requirement 1 is violated for transformed apps (Ensure that all requests from the client to the BIG-IP are SSL encrypted) # Legacy apps continue to work as per normal. # 0 - Reject # 1 - Redirect to https #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set static::SSLBehaviour 1 #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } when HTTP_REQUEST { set Rewrite 0 if { $static::DebugLogging } { log local0. "Trigger HTTP_REQUEST" } # Requirement 5 - Anyone accessing the application from the Internal Network (10.1.x.x) and with an appropriate auth cookie (Name: X-Int-Auth Value=True) bypassess the above logic and access the old structure, or anybody using domain.com bypass/return if {[IP::client_addr] starts_with "10.1." and [HTTP::header "X-Init-Auth"] equals "True" or [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals "domain.com" } { if { $static::DebugLogging } { log local0. "Trigger return based on Requirement 5 or domain=domain.com" } return } else { if { [HTTP::host] contains ".domain.com" } { # Requirement 3.1 Standard canonicals are excluded from this re-writing (mail, smtp, www, ns, ns1) and # Requirement 6 - Log any request (IP of Client and URI requested) to a canonical name x.domain.com that is non standard (Mail.smtp,www,ns,ns1) so that data can be collected as to when users have fully transitioned # Switch -exact was faster than data groups.. switch -exact [string tolower [HTTP::host]] { "mail.domain.com" { log local0. "Legacy Connection - USERIP [IP::client_addr] - mail.domain.com/[HTTP::uri]" } "smtp.domain.com" { log local0. "Legacy Connection - USERIP [IP::client_addr] - smtp.domain.com/[HTTP::uri]" } "www.domain.com" { log local0. "Legacy Connection - USERIP [IP::client_addr] - URI www.domain.com/[HTTP::uri]" } "ns.domain.com" { log local0. "Legacy Connection - USERIP [IP::client_addr] - URI ns.domain.com/[HTTP::uri]" } "ns1.domain.com" { log local0. "Legacy Connection - USERIP [IP::client_addr] - URI ns1.domain.com/[HTTP::uri]" } ... And that's all I'm showing of Benn's solution. It goes on for a while, and was an awesome effort but it's...rather long. ;) 2nd Place – Max Iftikhar Max set a high bar indeed with his submission which used the uber efficient stream profile, a solid cut at response re-writing, one of the pitfalls of this particular challenge, and some handy dandy string manipulation. This one was efficient, brief, and looked like it could have been the overall winner. All things being equal, in many other FSE classes this very well could have won, as it is a darn fine effort, and Max should hold his head high while coding. Unless of course he can’t see the monitor, then hold it rather normally and just know you kicked some tail, Max. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [TCP::local_port] == 80 } { # redirect to https HTTP::redirect "https://[getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1][HTTP::uri]" } } when HTTP_REQUEST { set rewrite 0 set canonical [getfield [HTTP::host] "." 1] set host1 [HTTP::host] set host2 [getfield [HTTP::host] "$canonical" 1] set uri1 "[HTTP::uri]" set uri2 ""/"$canonical[HTTP::uri]" if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals 10.1.x.x/16] and [HTTP::cookie exists"X-Int-Auth"} { pool http_pool } else { log local0. "Received request from [IP::client_addr] -> [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]" } # Rewrite the Host header HTTP::header replace "Host" $::host2 # Make uri path start with /canoncial if it doesn't already if { not ([HTTP::uri] starts_with "/$canonical") } { HTTP::uri [string map -nocase {$uri1 $uri2} [HTTP::uri]] set urlRewrite 1 } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if {$rewrite} { # Check if response is a redirect if {[HTTP::is_redirect] and [HTTP::header Location] contains $find} { # Rewrite the redirect Location header value HTTP::header replace "Host" $::host1 HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase "$url1 $url2" [HTTP::header Location]] } # Check if response payload type is text if {[HTTP::header value Content-Type] contains "text"} { # Set the replacement strings STREAM::expression "@$url1@$url2@" # Enable the stream filter for this response only STREAM::enable } } } Winner! – Joe Martin Last but the exact inverse of least, our winner in fact, was Joe Martin. Joe seemed like a normal, average, every day FSE challenge entrant upon first blush. He didn’t even bother to out himself at the onset as having written iRules before when I asked for experience levels. Clever ploy, Joe, very clever. As I was later to find out Joe seemed to in fact be a cyborg-robot-iRules-ninja-hacker-dinosaur sent back from the future to bust the curve for all FSE iRules Challengees everywhere. Seriously, this guy knew what he was doing. This iRule is pretty darn close to the code I would churn out to solve this particular problem and, not to self aggrandize, but that’s not such a bad thing coming from the guy judging the challenge, amirite? Upon presenting the results and having shaken the hand of the Cylon (No windows, you may not autocorrect Cylon to colon. Go away, I’m making jokes here.) in charge of iRules affairs himself, I asked Joe how many iRules he’d written before, because it was obvious that he had done so. Much to his credit he admitted to having written hundreds, which makes a whole heck of a lot of sense, and makes me able to sleep just a bit better at night without keeping a light on to watch out for those cyborg iRules ninja invaders. Big congrats to Joe for a darn fine hunk of codey bits. when HTTP_REQUEST { set request_rewrite 0 #Check to see if this in an internal developer request (internal IP and X-Auth header) if { ([HTTP::header X-Int-Auth] equals "True") && ([IP::client_addr] equals "") } { pool http_pool } else { set orig_host [string tolower [HTTP::host]] scan $orig_host %s.%s.%s host domain tld set new_host "$domain.$tld" #Make sure "host" portion of DNS name is not in exclusion data group "class_no-rewrite" if { ![class match $host equals class_no-rewrite] } { #Flag connection as "request rewritten", rewrite host header and URI, and log request info" set request_rewrite 1 HTTP::header replace Host $new_host HTTP::uri "/$host[HTTP::uri]" log local0. "Request to $orig_host from [IP::client_addr] rewritten to [HTTP::uri]" pool http_pool } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { #If the request was rewritten we need to rewrite Location headers and embedded URLs if {$request_rewrite} { if { [HTTP::is_redirect] } { HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase "$new_host $orig_host" [HTTP::header Location]] } else { STREAM::expression "@/$host/@/@ @http://$new_host@https://$orig_host@" STREAM::enable } } } All said and done it was another fine experience hosting the FSE iRules challenge. There was code, and fun, and fun code, and coding fun, and funny code, and…well you get the idea. I’m looking forward to the next crop and seeing what they’re capable of. I’ll be working on my cyborg detection methodologies in the meantime. Until then, remember kids: code hard. #Colin #iRules #iRulesChallenge #Cylons752Views0likes1CommentHow can I find the current connectivity sessions via SNMP?
I am looking for the current number of VPN conenctions. show /apm license shows things like: total connectivity sessions: 500 current connectivity sessions: 197 How can I get these via SNMP? I cannot find locate the OID.433Views0likes5CommentsHow does the BIG-IP process multiple LTM policies on a virtual server?
I have a LTM traffic policy on a virtual server that I use to perform hostname-based routing for 10 different applications. There is a rule for each app, and once there is a match on the hostname, no further rules are evaluated and traffic is forwarded appropriately. Hypothetically, let's say that instead of using a single policy and multiple rules, I created a new policy for each of the 10 apps, with each policy having only one rule to route traffic for a single app. If a request for App_1 comes through and the hostname matches the rule in Policy_1, would the rules in policies 2-10 be evaluated, or would the evaluation stop similar to what happens with a single policy and multiple rules? I'd love to hear any thoughts on this. I've been reading through the BIG-IP documentation but I haven't found anything yet, so any help would be greatly appreciated. :)786Views0likes3CommentsDifferent SNAT for each member in the pool
I'm looking for possibility to define different SNAT for each member in the Pool. May be by iRule. But I'm not sure. Because any Selective SNAT iRules that I find based on some switching difference in Request (URI, SourceIP, etc...). In our case the Requests are same, with no difference, we just want to get different SNAT (different Src.IP) for each Node in the Pool that BigIP will choose by itself by LB algorithm defined for the Pool. If anybody knows, Thanks in advance21Views0likes1CommentHow to lift the connection limit for a given IP address ?
help me --------------------- when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[IP::addr [IP::client_addr] equals ] } { TCP::limxmit disable log local0. "#######limit disable action " } } ---------------------------- This script doesn't work, is there another way?38Views0likes2CommentsDeploying F5 Distributed Cloud Customer Edge in Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization
Learn how to integrate F5 Distributed Cloud Customer Edge (XC CE) into Red Hat OpenShift Virtualization to enhance your cloud-native environment with advanced networking and security capabilities.212Views1like0CommentsBIG-IP Next – Introduction to the Blueprints API
If you have ever attempted to automate the BIG-IP configuration, you are probably familiar with F5’s AS3 extension. Although AS3 is supported in BIG-IP Next, there is another API that might be the better option if you haven’t started your migration journey up until now. This is called the Blueprints API. In this article, I want to show you how to use it to automate your applications with AS3. Overview When you use the BIG-IP Next GUI, you instantly see the benefits of having a centrally managed configuration across all your BIG-IP instances. The steps to create an application service in the GUI now have a siloed setup where you define 4 main sections separately: Application Properties Virtual Server Properties Pool Properties Deployment Properties Each one of these sections allows you to adjust areas of your application service while still having a way to manage configurations across multiple BIG-IP instances. In other words, you can define one pool under the pool properties, but still have different pool members under the deployment properties for each of your BIG-IP instances. This creates a centrally managed application service that does not require the exact same configuration in each environment. When you perform these tasks in the GUI, BIG-IP Next is generating its own API calls internally. It takes each of your configuration items outlined in the 4 sections above and defines the application service as a Blueprint. This Blueprint is then used to modify anything about the configuration/deployment moving forward. If you aren’t a fan of using a GUI and you are trying to automate, this same exact API is exposed to you as well. This means we get to use the same centrally managed configuration in our API calls. It also means that we can easily automate existing application services by simply using the API to manage them moving forward. So what does this Blueprint API look like? Below is sample JSON used to create a Blueprint called “bobs-blueprint”: { "name":"bobs-blueprint", "set_name": "Examples", "template_name": "http", "parameters": { "application_description": "", "application_name": "bobs-blueprint", "enable_Global_Resiliency": false, "pools": [ { "loadBalancingMode": "round-robin", "monitorType": [ "http" ], "poolName": "juice", "servicePort": 8080 } ], "virtuals": [ { "FastL4_TOS": 0, "FastL4_idleTimeout": 600, "FastL4_looseClose": true, "FastL4_looseInitialization": true, "FastL4_pvaAcceleration": "full", "FastL4_pvaDynamicClientPackets": 1, "FastL4_pvaDynamicServerPackets": 0, "FastL4_resetOnTimeout": true, "FastL4_tcpCloseTimeout": 43200, "FastL4_tcpHandshakeTimeout": 43200, "InspectionServicesEnum": [], "TCP_idle_timeout": 60, "UDP_idle_timeout": 60, "ciphers": "DEFAULT", "ciphers_server": "DEFAULT", "enable_Access": false, "enable_FastL4": false, "enable_FastL4_DSR": false, "enable_HTTP2_Profile": false, "enable_HTTP_Profile": false, "enable_InspectionServices": false, "enable_SsloPolicy": false, "enable_TCP_Profile": false, "enable_TLS_Client": false, "enable_TLS_Server": false, "enable_UDP_Profile": false, "enable_WAF": false, "enable_iRules": false, "enable_mirroring": true, "enable_snat": true, "iRulesEnum": [], "multiCertificatesEnum": [], "perRequestAccessPolicyEnum": "", "pool": "juice", "snat_addresses": [], "snat_automap": true, "tls_c_1_1": false, "tls_c_1_2": true, "tls_c_1_3": false, "tls_s_1_2": true, "tls_s_1_3": false, "trustCACertificate": "", "virtualName": "bobs-vs", "virtualPort": 80 } ] } } As you can see, the structure of this JSON is siloed in a very similar way to the GUI: Note: For those readers who are wondering where the Deployment section is, that is handled in a separate API call after the blueprint has been created. I’ll discuss that in more detail later. In the sections below, I’ll review a few of the API endpoints you can use with some steps on how to perform the following common tasks: Viewing an existing Blueprint Creating a new Blueprint Deploying a Blueprint Viewing an Existing Blueprint Before we start creating a new Blueprint from scratch, it is probably a good idea to explain how we can view a list of our current Blueprints. To do so, we simply make a GET request to the following API endpoint: GET https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints This will return a list of every Blueprint created by the GUI and/or API. Below is an example output: { "_embedded": { "appsvcs": [ { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints//3f2ef264-cf09-45c8-a925-f2c8fccf09f6" } }, "created": "2024-06-25T13:32:22.160399Z", "deployments": [ { "id": "1e5f9c06-8800-4ab7-ad5e-648d55b83b68", "instance_id": "ce179e66-b075-4068-bc4e-8e212954da49", "target": { "address": "" }, "parameters": { "pools": [ { "isServicePool": false, "poolMembers": [ { "address": "", "name": "old" }, { "address": "", "name": "new" } ], "poolName": "juice" } ], "virtuals": [ { "allow_networks": [], "enable_allow_networks": false, "virtualAddress": "", "virtualName": "juice-shop" } ] }, "last_successful_deploy_time": "2024-06-25T17:46:00.193649Z", "modified": "2024-06-25T17:46:00.193649Z", "last_record": { "id": "cb6a06a1-c66d-41c3-a747-9a27b101a0f1", "task_id": "6a65642d-810b-4194-9693-91a15f6d1ef0", "created_application_path": "/applications/tenantSrLEVevFQnWwXT90590F3USQ/juice-shop", "start_time": "2024-06-25T17:45:55.392732Z", "end_time": "2024-06-25T17:46:00.193649Z", "status": "completed" } }, { "id": "001e14e8-7900-482a-bdd4-aca35967a5cc", "instance_id": "0546acf5-3b88-422d-a948-28bbf0973212", "target": { "address": "" }, "parameters": { "pools": [ { "isServicePool": false, "poolMembers": [ { "address": "", "name": "old" }, { "address": "", "name": "new" } ], "poolName": "juice" } ], "virtuals": [ { "allow_networks": [], "enable_allow_networks": false, "virtualAddress": "", "virtualName": "juice-shop" } ] }, "last_successful_deploy_time": "2024-06-25T17:46:07.94836Z", "modified": "2024-06-25T17:46:07.94836Z", "last_record": { "id": "8a8a29be-e56b-4ef1-bf6a-92f7ccc9e9b7", "task_id": "0632cc18-9f0f-4a5e-875a-0d769b02e19b", "created_application_path": "/applications/tenantSrLEVevFQnWwXT90590F3USQ/juice-shop", "start_time": "2024-06-25T17:45:55.406377Z", "end_time": "2024-06-25T17:46:07.94836Z", "status": "completed" } } ], "deployments_count": { "total": 2, "completed": 2 }, "description": "", "fqdn": "", "gslb_enabled": false, "id": "3f2ef264-cf09-45c8-a925-f2c8fccf09f6", "modified": "2024-06-25T17:32:09.174243Z", "name": "juice-shop", "set_name": "Examples", "successful_instances": 2, "template_name": "http", "tenant_name": "tenantSrLEVevFQnWwXT90590F3USQ", "type": "FAST" } ] }, "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/" } }, "count": 1, "total": 1 } In the example above, I only have one Blueprint in my BIG-IP Next CM instance. If we look deeper into the output, we can start to see some detail around the configuration parameters as well as the deployment parameters for each BIG-IP. There is also an ID field in the JSON that we can use to reference a specific Blueprint. In the example above, we have: "id": "3f2ef264-cf09-45c8-a925-f2c8fccf09f6" This is important because as we start to modify, deploy, or delete our existing blueprints, we will need this ID to be able to make changes. We can also use this ID to view more detail on a specific Blueprint rather than an entire list of all Blueprints. To do so, we simply follow make a request to the endpoint below: GET https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/{{Blueprint_id}} In our example, this would be: GET https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/3f2ef264-cf09-45c8-a925-f2c8fccf09f6 The output from this API call provides robust detail on the Blueprint. It is probably too much detail to paste in an article like this, but there are some examples here if interested: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/bigip-next/mgmt-api/latest/ApiReferences/bigip_public_api_ref/r_openapi-next.html#tag/Application-Services/operation/GetApplicationByID Viewing a Blueprint like this can provide us with the latest configuration of our application service so that we can ensure we are using the most up-to-date files. It also can provide us with some templates/example configurations that we can use to create new application services moving forward. Creating a new Blueprint Now that we have a pretty good understanding of the JSON structure and we know how to view some examples of Blueprints that have already been created, we can simply use them as a reference and create our own Blueprint from scratch. The basic format for creating a new Blueprint is below: { "name": <blueprint_name>, "set_name": <template_set> "template_name": <template_name>, "parameters": { "application_description": <simple_description>, "application_name": <blueprint_name>, "enable_Global_Resiliency": false, "pools": [ { <pool_configuration_parameters> } ], "virtuals": [ { <virtual_server_configuration parameters> } ] } } More detail on each of the variable values below: <blueprint_name> - This is the name you choose for your blueprint. I generally recommend this name be the same in both the “name” field and the “application_name” field which is why in the JSON above you’ll see this in both. <template_set> - This is going to be the template set containing your FAST template. If you are using the default templates provided to you, this value would be “Examples” <template_name> - This is the specific FAST template you are going to use for the configuration. If you are using the default template provided to you, this value would be “http” <simple_description> - This can be any short description you would like to use for your application service. <pool_configuration_parameters> - This will be the list of parameters that you are going to define for your pool. You do not have to fill in every single value if the FAST template contains values for that field. <virtual_server_configuration parameters> - This will be the list of parameters that you are going to define for your virtual server. You do not have to fill in every single value if the FAST template contains values for that field. Important Note: When creating your JSON, you will be defining a FAST template to use along with your application service (just like you would in the GUI). This means that you do not have to fill out every value under your pool and virtual server configuration. It will take in the values provided from your FAST template. With our guide above, we can now make a new Blueprint for the “bobs-blueprint” example I referenced earlier: { "name":"bobs-blueprint", "set_name": "Examples", "template_name": "http", "parameters": { "application_description":"This is a test of the blueprints api", "application_name": "bobs-blueprint", "pools": [ { "loadBalancingMode": "round-robin", "monitorType": [ "http" ], "poolName": "juice_pool", "servicePort": 3000 } ], "virtuals": [ { "pool": "juice_pool", "virtualName": "blueprint_vs", "virtualPort": 80 } ] } } As you can see, this is a much more condensed version of the original JSON I had for the example shown in the beginning of this article. Again, this is because we are referencing the FAST template “Examples/http” and taking in those values to configure the rest of the application service. With our newly created JSON, the last step to creating this Blueprint is to send this in a POST request to the following API endpoint: POST https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints After sending our POST, you'll notice we are given the "id" of the Blueprint in the response. As mentioned above, we can use this ID to modify, deploy, etc. { "_links": { "self": { "href": "/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/9c35a614-65ac-4d18-8082-589ea9bc78d9/deployments" } }, "deployments": [ { "deploymentID": "1a153f44-acaf-4487-81c7-61b8b5498627", "instanceID": "4ef739d1-9ef1-4eb7-a5bb-36c6d1334b16", "status": "pending", "taskID": "518534c8-9368-48dd-b399-94f55e72d5a7", "task_type": "CREATE" }, { "deploymentID": "82ca8d6d-dbfd-43a8-a604-43f170d9f190", "instanceID": "0546acf5-3b88-422d-a948-28bbf0973212", "status": "pending", "taskID": "7ea24157-1412-4963-9560-56fb0ab78d8c", "task_type": "CREATE" } ], "id": "9c35a614-65ac-4d18-8082-589ea9bc78d9" } Now that the Blueprint has been created, we can go into our BIG-IP Next CM GUI and see our newly created application service: You’ll notice that our newly created application service is in Draft mode. This is because we have not deployed the service yet. We’ll discuss that in the next section. Deploying a Blueprint Once we have our Blueprint created, the final step is to configure the deployment. As discussed above, this is done through a separate API Call. The format for a deployment is as follows: { "deployments": [ { "parameters": { "pools": [ { "poolName": <pool_name> "poolMembers": [ { "name": <node1_name>, "address": <node1_ip_address> }, { "name": <node2_name>, "address": <node2_ip_address> } ] } ], "virtuals": [ { "virtualName": <virtual_server_name>, "virtualAddress": <virtual_server_ip_address> } ] }, "target": { "address": <bigip_instance_ip_address> }, "allow_overwrite": true } ] } Keep in mind that some of these values above are referencing names from your Blueprint configuration. These names need to be exactly the same. See below for more detail on each of these values: <pool_name> - This references the pool from your Blueprint. This value must match what was used for “poolName” in the pool configuration of the Blueprint. <node1_name> - This is any name you choose to describe your node in the pool <node1_ip_address> - This is the specific IP address for your node <node2_name> - If you are using more than one node, this would be the name you choose to represent your second node in the pool. This format can repeat for 3 nodes, 4 nodes, etc. <node2_ip_address> - If you are using more than one node, this would be the IP address of your second node. This format can repeat for 3 nodes, 4 nodes, etc. <virtual_server_name> - This references the virtual server from your Blueprint. This value must match what was used for “virtualName” in the virtuals configuration of the Blueprint. <virtual_server_ip_address> - This would be the IP address of the Virtual Server being deployed on the BIG-IP <bigip_instance_ip_address> - This is the IP address of the BIG-IP instance we are deploying to Important Note: If you are deploying the same application to more than one BIG-IP instance, you can include multiple deployment blocks in your API call. Using the format above, we can now create our deployment for “bobs-blueprint”: { "deployments": [ { "parameters": { "pools": [ { "poolName": "juice_pool", "poolMembers": [ { "name": "node1", "address": "" } ] } ], "virtuals": [ { "virtualName": "blueprint_vs", "virtualAddress": "" } ] }, "target": { "address": "" }, "allow_overwrite": true }, { "parameters": { "pools": [ { "poolName": "juice_pool", "poolMembers": [ { "name": "node1", "address": "" } ] } ], "virtuals": [ { "virtualName": "blueprint_vs", "virtualAddress": "" } ] }, "target": { "address": "" }, "allow_overwrite": true } ] } In this example deployment, I am deploying to two separate BIG-IP instances ( and This is where we can really start to see the value of the Blueprints API. With this structure, I can use the same pool and virtual server setup from our Blueprint, while still using different Virtual Server and Node IP addresses for the deployment at each instance. All of this is done with one API call. The final step is to send this in a POST request to our deployments endpoint. The endpoint is very similar to viewing a blueprint as it uses our same Blueprint ID. See the format below: POST https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/{{Blueprint_id}}/deployments Using the ID from the response we received after creating our example blueprint, our endpoint would be: POST https://{{bigip_next_cm_mgmt_ip}}/api/v1/spaces/default/appsvcs/blueprints/9c35a614-65ac-4d18-8082-589ea9bc78d9/deployments After sending our POST, we can go back to the BIG-IP Next CM GUI and see our application service is no longer considered a Draft. If we click into the application service, we’ll see our two deployments are up and healthy: Conclusion Hopefully after reading this article, you can see the value of using the Blueprints API for your automation. I think as an alternative to other automation methods, this can provide benefits such as: Same centrally managed format/structure as GUI created applications Since the BIG-IP Next CM GUI is already creating these JSON files under the hood, we can easily automate existing applications by using the Blueprints API for them moving forward Deployments are handled separately from your application configuration You can deploy your application service to multiple BIG-IP instances at once Combining the Blueprints API with FAST templates allows you make application on-boarding much more streamlined. If you liked this article and are looking for more information our our Blueprints API, please visit the API documentation here: https://clouddocs.f5.com/products/bigip-next/mgmt-api/latest/ApiReferences/bigip_public_api_ref/r_openapi-next.html#tag/Application-Services/operation/GetAllApplications163Views2likes2CommentsF5 NGINX One is going on tour in North America!
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