138 TopicsProgrammability in the Network: Canary Deployments
#devops The canary deployment pattern is another means of enabling continuous delivery. Deployment patterns (or as I like to call them of late, devops patterns) are good examples of how devops can put into place systems and tools that enable continuous delivery to be, well, continuous. The goal of these patterns is, for the most part, to make sure operations can smoothly move features, functions, releases or applications into production. We've previously looked at the Blue Green deployment pattern and today we're going to look at a variation: Canary deployments. Canary deployments are applicable when you're running a cluster of servers. In other words, you've got lots and lots of (probably active right now while you're considering pushing that next release) users. What you don't want is to do the traditional "we're sorry, we're down for maintenance, here's a picture of a funny squirrel to amuse you while you wait" maintenance page. You want to be able to roll out the new release without disruption. Yeah, that's quite the ask, isn't it? The Canary deployment pattern is an incremental upgrade methodology. First, the build is pushed to a small set of servers to which only a select group of users are directed. If that goes well, the release is pushed to a larger set of servers with a limited set of users. Finally, if that goes well, then the release is pushed out to all servers and all users. If issues occur at any stage, the release is halted - it goes no further. Hence the naming of the pattern - after the miner's canary, used because "its demise provided a warning of dangerous levels of toxic gases". The trick to implementing this pattern is two fold: first, being able to group the servers used in each step into discrete pools and second, the ability to direct specific sets of users to the appropriate pools. Both capabilities requires the ability to execute some logic to perform user-based load balancing. Nolio, in its first Devops Best Practices video, implements Canary deployments by manipulating the pools of servers at the load balancing tier, removing them to upgrade and then reinserting them for testing before moving onto the next phase. If your load balancing solution is programmable, there's no need to actually remove them as you can simply insert logic to remove them from being selected until they've been upgraded. You can also then insert the logic to determine which users are directed to which pool of servers. If the load balancing platform is really programmable, you can even extend that to determination to querying a database to determine user inclusion in certain groups, such as those you might use to perform AB testing. Such logic might base the decision on IP address (not the best option but an option) or later, when you're actually rolling out to a percentage of users you can write logic that randomly selects users based on location or their user name - like sharding, only in reverse - or pretty much anything you can think of. You can even split that further if you're rolling out an update to an API that's used by both mobile and traditional clients, to catch both or neither or specific types in an orderly fashion so you can test methodically - because you want to test methodically when you're using live users as test subjects. The beauty of this pattern is that allows continuous delivery. Users are never disrupted (if you do it right) and the upgrade occurs in a safely staged, incremental fashion. That enables you to back out quickly if necessary, because you do have a back button plan, right? Right?820Views1like1Comment20 Lines or Less #1
Yesterday I got an idea for what I think will be a cool new series that I wanted to bring to the community via my blog. I call it "20 lines or less". My thought is to pose a simple question: "What can you do via an iRule in 20 lines or less?". Each week I'll find some cool examples of iRules doing fun things in less than 21 lines of code, not counting white spaces or comments, round them up, and post them here. Not only will this give the community lots of cool examples of what iRules can do with relative ease, but I'm hoping it will continue to show just how flexible and light-weight this technology is - not to mention just plain cool. I invite you to follow along, learn what you can and please, if you have suggestions, contributions, or feedback of any kind, don't hesitate to comment, email, IM, whatever. You know how to get a hold of me...please do. ;) I'd love to have a member contributed version of this once a month or quarter or ... whatever if you guys start feeding me your cool, short iRules. Ok, so without further adieu, here we go. The inaugural edition of 20 Lines or Less. For this first edition I wanted to highlight some of the things that have already been contributed by the awesome community here at DevCentral. So I pulled up the Code Share and started reading. I was quite happy to see that I couldn't even get halfway through the list of awesome iRule contributions before I found 5 entries that were neat, and under 20 lines (These are actually almost all under 10 lines of code - wow!) Kudos to the contributors. I'll grab another bunch next week to keep highlighting what we've got already! Cipher Strength Pool Selection Ever want to check the type of encryption your users are using before allowing them into your most secure content? Here's your solution. when HTTP_REQUEST { log local0. "[IP::remote_addr]: SSL cipher strength is [SSL::cipher bits]" if { [SSL::cipher bits] < 128 }{ pool weak_encryption_pool } else { pool strong_encryption_pool } } Clone Pool Based On URI Need to clone some of your traffic to a second pool, based on the incoming URI? Here you go... when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/clone_me" } { pool real_pool clone pool clone_pool } else { pool real_pool } } Cache No POST Have you been looking for a way to avoid sending those POST responses to your RAMCache module? You're welcome. when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::method] equals "POST" } { CACHE::disable } else { CACHE::enable } } Access Control Based on IP Here's a great example of blocking unwelcome IP addresses from accessing your network and only allowing those Client-IPs that you have deemed trusted. when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if { [matchclass [IP::client_addr] equals $::trustedAddresses] }{ #Uncomment the line below to turn on logging. #log local0. "Valid client IP: [IP::client_addr] - forwarding traffic" forward } else { #Uncomment the line below to turn on logging. #log local0. "Invalid client IP: [IP::client_addr] - discarding" discard } } Content Type Tracking If you're looking to keep track of the different types of content you're serving, this iRule can help in a big way. # First, create statistics profile named "ContentType" with following entries: # HTML # Images # Scripts # Documents # Stylesheets # Other # Now associate this Statistics Profile to the virtual server. Then apply the following iRule. # To view the results, go to Statistics -> Profiles - Statistics when HTTP_RESPONSE { switch -glob [HTTP::header "Content-type"] { image/* { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Images" } text/html { STATS::incr "ContentType" "HTML" } text/css { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Stylesheets" } *javascript { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Scripts" } text/vbscript { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Scripts" } application/pdf { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Documents" } application/msword { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Documents" } application/*powerpoint { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Documents" } application/*excel { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Documents" } default { STATS::incr "ContentType" "Other" } } } There you have it, the first edition of "20 Lines or Less"! I hope you enjoyed it...I sure did. If you've got feedback or examples to be featured in future editions, let me know. #Colin4.5KViews1like1CommentiControl REST 101: Modifying Objects
So far in this series we’ve shown you how to connect to iControl REST via cURL, how to list objects on the device (which is probably the most used command for most APIs, including ours), and how to add objects. So you’re currently able to get a system up and running and configure new services on your BIG-IP. What if, however, you want to modify things that are already running? For that, you need a modify command. Enter PUT. Remember that in REST based architectures the API is able to determine what type of action you’re performing, and thereby the arguments and structure it should expect to parse coming in, based on the type of HTTP(S) transaction. For us a GET is a list, a POST is an add, and to modify things, you use PUT. This allows the system to understand that you’re going to reference an object that already exists, and modify some of the contents. It is important that the API back end can tell the difference. If you just tried to do another POST with only the arguments you wanted to change, it would fail because you wouldn’t meet the minimum requirements. Without a PUT, you’d have to do a list on the object, save all the configuration options already on the system for that object, modify just the one you wanted to change in your memory structure, delete the object on the system, and then POST all of that data, including the one or two modified fields, back to the device. That’s way too much work. Instead, let’s just learn how to modify, shall we? Fortunately it’s simple. All you need to do is format your cURL request with a PUT and the data you want to modify, and you’re all set. First let’s list the object we want to modify, so you can see what it looks like as it sits on the box currently. For that we go back to our list command: curl -sk -u admin:admin | jq . So that’s what the object looks like Now what if we want to simply make that existing self IP address available for more than one port? We can use the “allowService” flag to do this. By setting it to “all” we’ll allow that IP to answer on any port, rather than just a specific one, thereby opening up our config a bit. So we have the object we want to modify as well as the attribute we want to modify for that object. All we need now is to send the command to do the work. Fortunately this is pretty easy, as I mentioned before. You use the same cURL structure as always with the –sk and user:pass supplied. This will look nearly identical to the add command with the changes being that we use the “PUT” method instead of “POST” and we only supply the one item we’re modifying about the object. It looks like this: curl -sk -u admin:admin -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT -d "{\"allowService\":\"all\"}" | jq . Notice that I’m still piping the output to jq here. This is because the response from the API when running most commands such as POST and PUT is actually quite useful. Here’s what I get when I run the above command: As you can see this returns the entire, new output of the object, including the piece that got modified. In this case it’s the sixth line of output, including the brace lines. What used to be the line defining the vlan is now "allowService": "all", just like we wanted. So there you have it, modifying objects on the BIG-IP remotely doesn’t get much easier than that. Armed with this knowledge on top of what we’ve covered in previous installments you’ll be able to tackle 90% of the challenges you might encounter. For our next and penultimate edition of this series we’ll cover the delete command, which should round out the methods you’ll need for the general application of the new iControl REST API.927Views1like8Comments