11175 TopicsDirect Access 2012 and f5
We are testing Direct Access 2012 and are planning to use the f5 to handle load balancing between two DA servers. I haven't found much info specific to using f5, mainly this: The only real technical documentation is the old Forefront UAG back in 2009: I would like verifaction that the this older documention is still relevant with DA 2012. Thanks Mykel585Views0likes8CommentsDev Setup Help
Hi, I'm looking for advice on setting up an F5 client to help debug a javascript error on a VPN client. I don't have V-Sphere, but I was able to convert the .OVA BIG-IP Next Central Manger to a .vhdx and run on Hyper-V manager. I'm able to log into the VM and run the setup. I used all the default and the IP address on the VM for the hostname. This allows me to login to the UI and start the bootstrap process which fails and additional attempts return 500 error from the server. Is this something that I should be able to get working? Where can I view the server logs? Any recommendations would be appreciated. Best regards, JonathanSolved24Views0likes1CommentMaintenance page - hosted on LTM or redirect with fallback host - or both?
I'm in the process of implementing an automated maintenance page that is displayed when I have a pool with no healthy members. Looking around, I see two distinct methods of doing this - utilizing the fallback host feature and redirecting to another url, or setting up a page to be hosted on the LTM and using an iRule with " [active_members [LB::server pool]] < 1" in it. Does anyone have any opinions on which one is preferred, and why? Currently, I'm using the fallback host method and I'm redirecting to a page hosted on AWS. My setup includes about 70 virtual servers on a 3600 HA cluster - some are QA, some are non-http. I will likley have the need for multiple versions of the maintenance page, depending on the site content it fronts. The one thing I do see as an advantage of the LTM hosted option is that an iRule code example shows a refresh option being used to automatically pull up the healthy site when it becomes available. Thanks!! Chris349Views0likes5CommentsRemoving port from a redirect
Hi all, One of our web developers has asked me if we could strip off a port number in a redirect they are doing. I thought the following would do this, but it doesn't appear to work. when HTTP_REPSONSE { if { [HTTP::is_redirect] } { if { [HTTP::header Location] contains "" } { log "Original Location value: [HTTP::header Location]" HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase {} [HTTP::header value Location]] log "Updated Location value: [HTTP::header Location]" return } } } And here is what is written to the log Original Location value: Updated Location value: Note: actually the log includes http but if I enter in a URL in this new forum s/w it does odd things to it. Any help appreciated. Craig446Views0likes9CommentsUsing a default persistence profile and iRule persistence on the same VS
I have an iRule applied to a VS that sends traffic to different pools based on its uri. I have a default persistence profile defined already on the VS (smsession) but on one of the pools I would like to use a different method of persistence (cookie). If I define the persistence to that pool in my iRule as shown below, which method of persistence is used in the end? Can you use a default persistence profile AND specify a different method using an iRule? when HTTP_REQUEST { set header_uri [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] if { [matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::www_uri] } { pool WWW_Pool } elseif { [matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::oam_uri] } { HTTP::redirect "" } elseif { [matchclass $header_uri starts_with $::cp_uri] } { persist cookie insert "CP_Cookie" "0d 03:00:00" pool CP_Pool } else { pool My_Pool } }257Views1like2CommentsWildcard SSL doesn't handle root domain?
My understanding of this may be lacking, but is there no way for a wilcard ssl certificate to handle the "root" domain? Example: I have a wildcard cert for "*". It handles SSL requests as expected for "", but browsers will throw an identify verification error if the request went directly to "". Both and resolve to the same IP address/F5 Pool. That pool is using the wildcard cert (and works correctly with Is this not a function of a wildcard SSL certificate? Thanks1.5KViews0likes7CommentsPass Client Cert to a Specific URI
I am attempting to do SSL Offloading with a MDM solution by MobileIron. Everything seems to work fine with SSL offloading except for one URL that mobile devices use to reach a WebClip (web based appstore) that requires a client cert. With a standard type Virtual server with SSL offloading, the client just hangs and eventually times out while trying to reach the link. As soon as I switch the virtual server type to Performance Layer 4 it works. LIke I said, everything else works with the exception of this single feature, but this has to work. Is there a way to either just pass the client cert on to the back end for the specific URI or for any URI? /mifs/c/api/v1/client/$DEVICE_CLIENT_ID$/appstore I have a SSL Server profile enabled with the back end servers so I am not really doing SSL Offloading, I am just trying to get log data as the application does not provide much insight into what is going on and I have need to apply iRules to restict access to specific URIs from public locations which I cannot do with out an HTTP profile. Thanks422Views0likes2CommentsEmbed images in an I-Rule with "HTTP::respond content" using only HTML
Hello everyone (this is my first post), Recently I was asked to write an I-Rule that served an HTML page when our server pool was unavailable. I thought this would be a piece of cake, until they demanded that the page include images. I did heavy forum searching and found several solutions to serve up images direclty from the F5, but they were all pretty involved/complicated for my tastes, so I came up with, what I believe is a new method. I encoded the images using the base64 algorithm. There are applications out there to do this, commands built into your OS depending on your machine, and even (my favorite) websites that will do this with the click of a button (great if your running a Microsoft OS). I've used with great success. Keep in mind that the encoded image will make for one really long line of text. I have some up to 7,000 characters long. The following image tag will tell the browser to decode the image (or rather text at this point) on the fly: img src="_ENCODED_TEXT_HERE" I've attached a sample HTML (txt) file with the F5 image embeded so you can see some funtional HTML. The process is simple. Encode your image in base64 Create your I-Rule with HTTP::respond content Embed the encoded text in your HTML Image Tag Here is an example outage I-Rule Hello everyone (this is my first post), Recently I was asked to write an I-Rule that served an HTML page when our server pool was unavailable. I thought this would be a piece of cake, until they demanded that the page include images. I did heavy forum searching and found several solutions to serve up images direclty from the F5, but they were all pretty involved/complicated for my tastes, so I came up with, what I believe is a new method. I encoded the images using the base64 algorithm. There are applications out there to do this, commands built into your OS depending on your machine, and even (my favorite) websites that will do this with the click of a button (great if your running a Microsoft OS). I've used with great success. Keep in mind that the encoded image will make for one really long line of text. I have some up to 7,000 characters long. The following image tag will tell the browser to decode the image (or rather text at this point) on the fly: img src="_ENCODED_TEXT_HERE" I've attached a sample HTML (txt) file with the F5 image embeded so you can see some funtional HTML. The process is simple. Encode your image in base64 Create your I-Rule with HTTP::respond content Embed the encoded text in your HTML Image Tag Here is an example outage I-Rule when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[active_members Pool_Name_Here] < 1} { HTTP::respond 503 content { html> body> center> h2>The Following Image has been embedded in this HTML file using base64 encodeing img src="_ENCODED_TEXT_HERE"> hr>I'm sure F5 won't mind me using their logo since this is after all, a document on how to embed images in an F5 HTTP::respond content command /center> /body> /html>399Views0likes1CommentiRule to retry with modulus operator
Hi, We have 4 pools and we are redirecting the request to each pool by calculating modulus of crc32 value of an http header id. I have written the following iRule for that : In http header we will get objectId and we will do crc32 and get a value and after we do a modulus to redirect to appropriate pool (and further redirection to appropriate pool via HTTP::uri). So that all same objectId remain in all same subsystem pools. From starting we know we have 3 nodes in each pool. when HTTP_REQUEST { set uri [HTTP::uri] if { [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/gateway" or [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/channel" or [string tolower $uri] contains "/api/space" } { set orgid [crc32 [HTTP::header objectId]] set key [expr $orgid % 3] log "mod value is $key" if { $key == 0 } { log "Redirecting to Pool 0" switch -glob [string tolower $uri] { "/api/channel*" { pool channel-pool member 8088 } "/api/space*" { pool space-pool member 8089 } "/api/gateway*" { pool gateway-pool member 8087 } default { pool default_pool member 80 } } } elseif { $key == 1 } { log "Redirecting Pool 1" switch -glob [string tolower $uri] { "/api/channel*" { pool channel-pool member 8088 } "/api/space*" { pool space-pool member 8089 } "/api/gateway*" { pool gateway-pool member 8087 } default { pool default_pool member 80 } } } elseif { $key == 2 } { log "Redirecting to Pool 2" switch -glob [string tolower $uri] { "/api/channel*" { pool channel-pool member 8088 } "/api/space*" { pool space-pool member 8089 } "/api/gateway*" { pool gateway-pool member 8087 } default { pool default_pool member 80 } } } } } Now we have a functionality that if one member in any pool went down it will not send request to the same node across all pools. But how can we can decrease the no. from 3 to 2 or some other value if it finds any member in any pool as down. If anybody can help me on this. Thanks.341Views0likes3Comments