configuration string
1 TopicDeploy BIG-IP Edge Client (iOS) with configuration string
Greetings all, I'm very new to F5 (only responsible for deploying Edge Client with MDM) and need some basic assistance. Are there any more examples available for Configuration XML strings used to deploy the Edge Client via MDM and VPP to iOS devices with connection settings already established? Specifically we are utilizing JAMF as our MDM. Apps can be given configuration settings in their deployment. I was attempting to use the below string but I'm getting an error - 'Incorrect Format'. Help is appreciated. Thanks! We are using user name and password for authentication, and it is an SSL appliance. IPv4 UserDefinedName The Name of our connection VPN AuthName $USERNAME RemoteAddress our F5 Address OnDemandMatchAppEnabled VPNSubType [com.f5.F5-Edge-Client.vpnplugin](//com.f5.F5-Edge-Client.vpnplugin) VPNType VPN293Views0likes0Comments