58 TopicsBypass Azure Login Page by adding a login hint in the SAML Request
Problem this snippet solves: Enhance the login experience between F5 (SAML SP) and Azure (SAML IDP) by injecting the "email address" as a login hint on behalf of the user. This enhances the user experience because it allows to bypass the Azure Login Page and avoids the user to type two times his login/email address. Example of use Your application need to be accessed by both "domain users" and "federated users". Your application is protected by the F5 APM with a "Login Page" that asks for the user "email address". Based on the "email address" value you determine the domain: if the user is a "domain user", you authenticate him on the local directory (AD Auth, LDAP Auth or ...) if the user is a "federated user" (such as, you send him to the Azure IDP that will manage all federated access This snippet is particularly interesting for the "federated user" scenario because: without this code, a "federated user" will need to type his "login" twice. First time on "F5 Login Page" and the second time on "Azure Login Page" with this code, a "federated user" will need to type his "login" only on the F5 Login Page How to use this snippet: Go to "Access > Federation > SAML Service Provider > External IDP Connectors" and edit the "External IdP Connectors" object that match with the Azure IDP app. On the "Single Sign On Service Settings" add at the end of the "Single Sign On Service URL" the following string "?login_hint=" as shown in the picture below. The string "?login_hint=" is added here only to be able to uniquely identify it later by the iRule and replaced it. 3. Finally, apply the iRule below on the VS that has the Access Policy enabled and for which the SAML SP role is attributed and is binded to the Azure IDP application. The iRule will simply catch the "Single Sign On Service URL" and replace it with "?". Code : when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { ACCESS::restrict_irule_events disable } when HTTP_RESPONSE_RELEASE { if { [string tolower [HTTP::header value "Location"]] contains "/saml2/?login_hint="} { set user_login [ACCESS::session data get "session.logon.last.mail"] #log local0. "Before adding the hint [HTTP::header value "Location"]" set locationWithoutHint "?login_hint=" set locationWithHint "?login_hint=$user_login" HTTP::header replace Location [string map -nocase "${locationWithoutHint} ${locationWithHint}" [HTTP::header Location]] #log local0. "After adding the hint [HTTP::header value "Location"]" } } Tested this on version: No Version Found4.9KViews1like5CommentsConvert curl command to BIG-IP Monitor Send String
Problem this snippet solves: Convert curl commands into a HTTP or HTTPS monitor Send String. How to use this snippet: Save this code into a Python script and run as a replacement for curl. Related Article: How to create custom HTTP monitors with Postman, curl, and Python An example would be: % python -X POST -H "Host:" -H "User-Agent: Custom BIG-IP Monitor" -H "Accept-Encoding: identity" -H "Connection: Close" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{ "hello": "world" } ' "" SEND STRING: POST /post?show_env=1 HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\nUser-Agent: Custom BIG-IP Monitor\r\nAccept-Encoding: identity\r\nConnection: Close\r\nContent-Type: application/json\r\n\r\n{\n \"hello\":\n \"world\"\n}\n Code : Python 2.x import getopt import sys import urllib optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'X:H:d:') flat_optlist = dict(optlist) method = flat_optlist.get('-X','GET') (host,uri) = urllib.splithost(urllib.splittype(args[0])[1]) protocol = 'HTTP/1.1' headers = ["%s %s %s" %(method, uri, protocol)] headers.extend([h[1] for h in optlist if h[0] == '-H']) if not filter(lambda x: 'host:' in x.lower(),headers): headers.insert(1,'Host: %s' %(host)) send_string = "\\r\\n".join(headers) send_string += "\\r\\n\\r\\n" if '-d' in flat_optlist: send_string += flat_optlist['-d'].replace('\n','\\n') send_string = send_string.replace("\"", "\\\"") print "SEND STRING:" print send_string Python 3.x import getopt import sys from urllib.parse import splittype, urlparse optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'X:H:d:') flat_optlist = dict(optlist) method = flat_optlist.get('-X','GET') parts = urlparse(splittype(args[0])[1]) (host,uri) = (parts.hostname,parts.path) protocol = 'HTTP/1.1' headers = ["%s %s %s" %(method, uri, protocol)] headers.extend([h[1] for h in optlist if h[0] == '-H']) if not filter(lambda x: 'host:' in x.lower(),headers): headers.insert(1,'Host: %s' %(host)) send_string = "\\r\\n".join(headers) send_string += "\\r\\n\\r\\n" if '-d' in flat_optlist: send_string += flat_optlist['-d'].replace('\n','\\n') send_string = send_string.replace("\"", "\\\"") print("SEND STRING:") print(send_string) Tested this on version: 11.54.8KViews0likes17CommentsChecksums for F5 Supported Cloud templates on GitHub
Problem this snippet solves: Checksums for F5 supported cloud templates F5 Networks provides checksums for all of our supported Amazon Web Services CloudFormation, Microsoft Azure ARM, Google Deployment Manager, and OpenStack Heat Orchestration templates. See the README files on GitHub for information on individual templates. You can find the templates in the appropriate supported directory on GitHub: Amazon CloudFormation templates: Microsoft ARM Templates: Google Templates: VMware vCenter Templates: OpenStack Heat Orchestration Templates: F5 Ansible Modules: Because this page was getting much too long to host all the checksums for all Cloud platforms, we now have individual pages for the checksums: Amazon AWS checksums Microsoft Azure checksums Google Cloud checksums VMware vCenter checksums OpenStack Heat Orchestration checksums F5 Ansible Module checksums Code : You can get a checksum for a particular template by running one of the following commands depending on your operating system: * **Linux**: `sha512sum ` * **Windows using CertUtil**: `CertUtil –hashfile SHA512`4.5KViews0likes0CommentsCode to create unreachable ELA license files from BIG-IQ
Problem this snippet solves: *NOTE* if you are upgrading your BIG-IP,please refer to F5 solution: BIG-IQ traditionally expects to be able to reach any BIG-IP devices it is going to license. This code helps create a license file from the ELA SKU offerings which can be applied on an Unreachable BIG-IP. I've added some troubleshoting steps at the end of the article, Dossier errors seen on the BIG-IP, just in case! How to use this snippet: SSH into the BIG-IP device and run the following command to gain the MAC address of the management interface tmsh show sys mac-address | grep -i interface [root@bigip1:Active:Standalone] config # tmsh show sys mac-address | grep -i interface ll:50:56:xx:xx:36 net interface mgmt mac-address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx net interface 1.3 mac-address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx net interface 1.1 mac-address xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx net interface 1.2 mac-address In the example above the MAC address we need is “ll:50:56:xx:xx:36” Now SSH into the BIG-IQ Move into the /shared directory (cd /shared) Copy over the Create-license.PY python script and run it by typing python The script runs and will prompt you for the following information [root@Preece-bigiq-cm1:Active:Standalone] shared # python Enter BIG-IQ user ID: admin Enter BIG-IQ Password: Enter Management IP address of BIG-IQ: Enter Management IP address of BIG-IP to be licensed: Enter Management MAC address of BIG-IP to be licensed: ll:50:56:xx:kk:36 Enter the name of the License Pool from which to take BIG-IP license: Load-18 Enter the license name to be assigned to the BIG-IP: F5-BIG-MSP-BT-1GIPIF-LIC-DEV Enter hypervisor used, valid options are: aws, azure, gce, hyperv, kvm, vmware, xen: vmware Optional: Enter chargeback tag if required: Department-A Optional: Enter tenant name if required: Customer-B Once the details have been filled in the script authenticates to the BIG-IQ and generates the license (30 seconds) If everything went well, you will be presented with a success message. The license file is saved as IP-address_bigip.license in the same directory as you run the script Using SCP copy the new license file from the BIG-IQ to your desktop. Copy the license file into the /config directory of the BIG-IP device. Rename the file, copy ip-address.bigip.license bigip.license Reload the license by typing reloadlic Observe the BIG-IP device restart its services and show as active. You can review in the GUI (System—License) and provision modules as needed. Code : import getpass # used to hide the users password input import json import os import requests from time import sleep """ This script uses the BIG-IQ API to license an unreachable (dark site) BIG-IP. The BIG-IQ licensing API needs certain details provided in order to license an appliance, these details can either be provided in a file call lic-data.json or if that file does not exist you will be prompted to enter them. The minimum contents of lic-data.json should be: { "licensePoolName": " -- Enter License Pool Name here. License Pool name can be found in BIG-IQ GUI -- ", "command": "assign", "address": " -- Enter MGMT IP Address of BIG-IP here -- ", "assignmentType": "UNREACHABLE", "macAddress": " -- Enter MAC address of MGMT IP for the BIG-IP here -- ", "hypervisor": " -- Enter hypervisor value here options are; aws, azure, gce, hyperv, kvm, vmware, xen: --", "unitOfMeasure": "yearly", "skuKeyword1": "-- Enter License Name here. License Name (or Offering name) can be found in the BIG-IQ GUI -- " } Additional Optional key:value pairs can be added to the JSON file to afix useful tags to the license. The json file with optional key:value pairs looks like: { "licensePoolName": " -- Enter License Pool Name here. License Pool name can be found in BIG-IQ GUI -- ", "command": "assign", "address": " -- Enter MGMT IP Address of BIG-IP here -- ", "assignmentType": "UNREACHABLE", "macAddress": " -- Enter MAC address of MGMT IP for the BIG-IP here -- ", "hypervisor": " -- Enter hypervisor value here options are; aws, azure, gce, hyperv, kvm, vmware, xen: --", "unitOfMeasure": "yearly", "skuKeyword1": "-- Enter License Name here. License Name (or Offering name) can be found in the BIG-IQ GUI -- ", "chargebackTag": "OPTIONAL: Remove this line if you are not going to use it", "tenant": "OPTIONAL: Remove this line if you are not going to use it" } A completed minimal lic-data.json file will look like this: { "licensePoolName": "byol-pool-utility", "command": "assign", "address": "", "assignmentType": "UNREACHABLE", "macAddress": "06:ce:c2:43:b3:05", "hypervisor": "kvm", "unitOfMeasure": "yearly", "skuKeyword1": "F5-BIG-MSP-BT-P3-3GF-LIC-DEV" } lic-data.json must reside in the directory from which you execute this python script. """ def bigiqAuth(_bigiqAuthUrl, _bigiqCredentials): """ This function authenticates with BIG-IQ and collects the authentication token provided. Theo token will be used for subsequent calls to BIG-IQ """ _errFlag=0 try:, data=json.dumps(_bigiqCredentials), verify=False) print(_bigiqAuthUrl) _bigiqAuthInfo.raise_for_status() print("Response code: %s" %_bigiqAuthInfo.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print(err) _errFlag=1 #end try if _errFlag==0: _bigiqResponse=_bigiqAuthInfo.json() _bigiqToken=_bigiqResponse['token'] for _token in _bigiqToken: if (_token == 'token'): _bigiqAuthToken=(_bigiqToken[_token]) # End if # Next _authHeaders={ "X-F5-Auth-Token": "{_authToken}".format(_authToken=_bigiqAuthToken) } else: _authHeaders=0 #end if print("** Completed Authentication ***") return(_authHeaders); #End Def def extractLicense(_rawLicenseJSON): """ This function pulls the generated license from BIG-IQ """ for _license in _rawLicenseJSON: if (_license=='licenseText'): _extractedLicense=_rawLicenseJSON[_license] #end if if (_license=='status'): if (_rawLicenseJSON[_license]=="FINISHED"): print("***** License has been assigned *****") else: _extractedLicense="FAILED" #end if #end if #next return(_extractedLicense); #End def def licenseData(): """ This function read the lic-data.json file. If it does not exist you will be prompted to enter the necessary values. """ if os.path.exists('lic-data.json'): with open('./lic-data.json') as licfile: _licdata = json.load(licfile) else: _bigipAddress=raw_input("Enter Management IP address of BIG-IP to be licensed: ") _bigipMACaddress=raw_input("Enter Management MAC address of BIG-IP to be licensed: ") _licensePoolName=raw_input("Enter the name of the License Pool from which to take BIG-IP license: ") _licenseSKU=raw_input("Enter the license name to be assigned to the BIG-IP: ") _hypervisorType=raw_input("Enter hypervisor used, valid options are: aws, azure, gce, hyperv, kvm, vmware, xen: ") _chargebackTag=raw_input("Optional: Enter chargeback tag if required: ") _tenantTag=raw_input("Optional: Enter tenant name if required: ") _licdata={ "licensePoolName": "{_licensePool}".format(_licensePool=_licensePoolName), "command": "assign", "address": "{_bigipIP}".format(_bigipIP=_bigipAddress), "assignmentType": "UNREACHABLE", "macAddress": "{_bigipMAC}".format(_bigipMAC=_bigipMACaddress), "hypervisor": "{_hypervisor}".format(_hypervisor=_hypervisorType), "unitOfMeasure": "yearly", "skuKeyword1": "{_license}".format(_license=_licenseSKU), "chargebackTag": "{_chargeback}".format(_chargeback=_chargebackTag), "tenant": "{_tenant}".format(_tenant=_tenantTag) } # End if return(_licdata); def urlConstruction(_bigiqUrl, _bigiqIP): """ This function rewrites the selflink URL returned by BIG-IQ to reflect BIG-IQ management IP address rather than localhost """ count=0 _urlDeConstruct=_bigiqUrl.split("/") _urlReConstruct="" for _urlElement in _urlDeConstruct: #print("%d %s" %(count,_urlElement)) if (_urlElement=="https:"): _urlReConstruct=_urlReConstruct+_urlElement+"//" elif (_urlElement=="localhost"): _urlReConstruct=_urlReConstruct+_bigiqIP else: if (_urlElement!=""): _urlReConstruct=_urlReConstruct+"/"+_urlElement #end if #end if count+=1 #Next return(_urlReConstruct); #End Def _userID=raw_input("Enter BIG-IQ user ID: ") _password=getpass.getpass(prompt="Enter BIG-IQ Password: ") _bigiqAddress=raw_input("Enter Management IP address of BIG-IQ: ") _credPostBody={ "username": "{_uname}".format(_uname=_userID), "password": "{_pword}".format(_pword=_password), "loginProvideriName": "RadiusServer" } _deviceToBeLicensed=licenseData() _bigipAddress=_deviceToBeLicensed['address'] print("BIG-IP Address is: %s" %_bigipAddress) _bigiq_session=requests.session() _bigiq_auth_url="https://{_bigiqIP}/mgmt/shared/authn/login".format(_bigiqIP=_bigiqAddress) # Authenticates with BIG-IQ _bigiqAuthHeader=bigiqAuth(_bigiq_auth_url, _credPostBody) # if _bigiqAuthHeader==0: print("Unable to authenticate with BIG-IQ. Check BIG-IQ reachability and credentials") else: _bigiq_url1="https://{_bigiqIP}/mgmt/cm/device/tasks/licensing/pool/member-management".format(_bigiqIP=_bigiqAddress) # # --- This section requests the license from BIG-IQ. Posting the criteria as laid out in the _deviceToBeLicensed JSON blob # _errFlag=0 try:, headers=_bigiqAuthHeader, data=json.dumps(_deviceToBeLicensed), verify=False) _bigiqLicenseDevice.raise_for_status() print("Response code: %s" %_bigiqLicenseDevice.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Issue received, check rquest and or check connectivity %s" %err) _errFlag=1 #end try if _errFlag==0: #print(_bigiqLicenseDevice.status_code) _bigiqResponse=_bigiqLicenseDevice.json() print(_bigiqResponse) print(_bigiqResponse['selfLink']) _bigiqLicenseStatus_url=_bigiqResponse['selfLink'] _bigiqLicenseStatus_url=urlConstruction(_bigiqLicenseStatus_url, _bigiqAddress) print(_bigiqLicenseStatus_url) print("--- Standby for 30 seconds whilst BIG-IQ generates license ---") sleep(30) _errFlag1=0 try: _licenseStatus=_bigiq_session.get(_bigiqLicenseStatus_url, headers=_bigiqAuthHeader, verify=False) _licenseStatus.raise_for_status() print("Response code: %s" %_licenseStatus.status_code) except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as err: print("Issue received, check rquest and or check connectivity %s" %err) _errFlag=1 #end try if _errFlag==0: print(_licenseStatus.content) _licenseStatusDetail=_licenseStatus.json() _licenseOutput=extractLicense(_licenseStatusDetail) if (_licenseOutput=="FAILED"): print("***** License Assignment Failed. Most likely a valid license already exists for device, revoke it before applying a new license *****") else: _licenseFname=(_bigipAddress+"_bigip.license") _licensefile=open(_licenseFname, "w") _licensefile.write("%s" %_licenseOutput) _licensefile.close() print(_licenseOutput) print("***** SUCCESS, the license is stored here %s *****" %_licenseFname) #end if #end if #end if #end if Tested this on version: 13.x, 14.x, 15.x and 16.x Troubleshooting When you apply the license to the BIG-IP you may see an error similar to: License is not operational (expired or digital signature does not match contents) This could simply be that you copy and paste the license file badly, please use MD5SUM on the BIG-IQ to the output license file and compare to the same file on the BIG-IP Example: md5sum You can also review the /var/log/ltm file for "Dossier error" messages Dossier error: 1 (MAC address is mismatched) Dossier error: 12 (Hypervisor is mismatched) If this does not help, please open a support case and attach a recent qkview file.2.7KViews3likes4CommentsCode comparison between deploying AS3 or FAST API Declarations with Ansible and Terraform
I found it interesting about the different ways to deploy AS3 declarations with Ansible and Terraform and I will provide some examples and a comparison at the end of the Article. My examples below are based on the links that are in the codeshare article. 1. Ansible and AS3/FAST With Ansible there are 2 ways to deploy AS3 declarations with the Ansible default URI module as given in the link (the example uses "delegate_to: localhost" but with "connection: local" it is the same and sometimes one or the other is used to solve some bugs from what I have seen) or using the new F5 module 'bigip_as3_deploy'' , as given in link , that is much newer and simpler. The two Ansible modules in most cases do the same and support jinja2 templates as shown below but as I mentioned the F5 module is just 4 lines of code, I recommend going with it and only if a bug or a limitation is found then to try the URI module. Another advantige that "bigip_as3_deploy" has is that when a change is pushed to the AS3 (an exta node is added to the declaration or something else) this is seen in the playbook output. F5 has ansible collection called "bigip_fast_application" that seems to use the f5 FAST iApp templates that are the replacement for the iApp templates for even simpler deployment of AS3 as FAST is a frontend for AS3 but there is not a lot of documentation about it but after playing around, I managed to figure it out 😉 (see example 3) --- - name: LINKLIGHT AS3 hosts: bigip connection: local gather_facts: false collections: - f5networks.f5_bigip vars: pool_members: "{{ groups['webnodes_as3'] }}" ansible_host: xxxx ansible_user: xxxx ansible_httpapi_password: xxxx ansible_httpapi_port: 443 ansible_network_os: f5networks.f5_bigip.bigip ansible_httpapi_use_ssl: yes ansible_httpapi_validate_certs: no private_ip: Example_1: tasks: - name: CREATE AS3 JSON BODY set_fact: as3_app_body: "{{ lookup('template', 'as3_template.j2', split_lines=False) }}" - name: Deploy or Update AS3 bigip_as3_deploy: content: "{{ lookup('template','tenant_base.j2', split_lines=False) }}" tags: [ deploy ] Example_2: tasks: - name: CREATE AS3 JSON BODY set_fact: as3_app_body: "{{ lookup('template', 'as3_template.j2', split_lines=False) }}" - name: PUSH AS3 uri: url: "https://{{ ansible_host }}/mgmt/shared/appsvcs/declare" method: POST body: "{{ lookup('template','tenant_base.j2', split_lines=False) }}" status_code: 200 timeout: 300 body_format: json force_basic_auth: yes user: "{{ ansible_user }}" password: "{{ ansible_httpapi_password }}" validate_certs: no Example template as3_template.j2 "web_app": { "class": "Application", "template": "http", "serviceMain": { "class": "Service_HTTP", "virtualAddresses": [ "{{private_ip}}" ], "pool": "app_pool" }, "app_pool": { "class": "Pool", "monitors": [ "http" ], "members": [ { "servicePort": 443, "serverAddresses": [ {% set comma = joiner(",") %} {% for mem in pool_members %} {{comma()}} "{{ hostvars[mem]['ansible_host'] }}" {% endfor %} ] } ] } } Example template tenant_base.j2 { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "persist": true, "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.2.0", "id": "testid", "label": "test-label", "remark": "test-remark", "WorkshopExample":{ "class": "Tenant", {{ as3_app_body }} } } } Example_3 and template simple_http.json - name: Create FAST application bigip_fast_application: template: "examples/simple_http" content: "{{ lookup('template', 'simple_http.json') }}" state: "create" { "tenant_name": "Tenant9", "application_name": "Application1", "virtual_port": 443, "virtual_address": "", "server_port": 80, "server_addresses": [""] } 2. Terraform and AS3/FAST With Terraform there are again two ways to deploy AS3 declarations and one is to use the AS3 resource "bigip_as3" as seen in the link and the other is to use "bigip_fastxxx" resources as seen in the link that are based on the F5 fast templates that in the background are again AS3. The "bigip_as3" is a nice option, simalar to Ansible "files" but as we saw in Ansible we can also not only files Jinja2 templates that can use the Ansible variables to make a dynamic configuration. The workaround seems to use "bigip_fastxxx" but this still limits us to 4 predefined FAST templates. Example1: variable hostname { type = string default = "xxxx" } variable username { type = string default = "xxxx" } variable password { type = string default = "xxxx" } terraform { required_providers { bigip = { source = "F5Networks/bigip" } } } provider "bigip" { address = var.hostname username = var.username password = var.password } resource "bigip_as3" "as3-example2" { as3_json = "${file("example1.json")}" } resource "bigip_fast_https_app" "this" { application = "myApp4" tenant = "scenario4" virtual_server { ip = "" port = 443 } tls_server_profile { tls_cert_name = "/Common/default.crt" tls_key_name = "/Common/default.key" } pool_members { addresses = ["", "", ""] port = 80 } snat_pool_address = ["", "", ""] load_balancing_mode = "least-connections-member" monitor { send_string = "GET / HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nConnection: Close\\r\\n\\r\\n" response = "200 OK" } } Example file example1.file: { "class": "AS3", "action": "deploy", "persist": true, "declaration": { "class": "ADC", "schemaVersion": "3.0.0", "id": "example-declaration-01", "label": "Sample 1", "remark": "Simple HTTP application with round robin pool", "Sample_01": { "class": "Tenant", "defaultRouteDomain": 0, "Application_1": { "class": "Application", "template": "http", "serviceMain": { "class": "Service_HTTP", "virtualAddresses": [ "" ], "pool": "web_pool" }, "web_pool": { "class": "Pool", "monitors": [ "http" ], "members": [ { "servicePort": 80, "serverAddresses": [ "", "" ] } ] } } } } } Edit: Now I saw that F5 has made a new terraform resource named "bigip_fast_application" that is the same as the Ansible resource with the same name and it can use any FAST template and the JSON file from the Ansible example to create a FAST iApp Service but still the Jinja2 options for inserting variables in Templates are not possible with Terraform, so it will be more complex to make dynamic files for Terraform to ingest. Example2: resource "bigip_fast_application" "foo-app" { template = "examples/simple_http" fast_json = "${file("new_fast_app.json")}" } 3. Ansible and Terraform comparison Ansible and Terraform are great tools and it depends what you are seeking but Ansible defenetly seems the more versatile one, compared to Terraform with it's jinja2 support for sharing variables with the template files as with example "hostvars[mem]['ansible_host'] ", where the pool member's IP Addresses are taken from the Ansible inventory file. Terraform with it's "FAST" resources that utilize the FAST iApp templates, provides even more simplicy to configuring basic TCP/UDP/HTTP or HTTPS services but the Ansible module bigip_fast_application does the same and it is not limited to just 4 FAST templates (as I mentioned Terraform has released bigip_fast_application, so now it is not limited to just the 4 templates). With it's template support when a new RPM AS3 is released Ansible can use it as for Terraform in some cases a new resource needs to be created by the F5 vendor/provider for it to be available in Terraform. There are constantly new AS3 definitions and RPM packages and Ansible has the edge in that regard with it's flexible jinja2 templates that can ingest variables! Terraform seems to have a jinja2 provider, so maybe it can auto create file that Terraform can use bit it seems complex and I have not used it or found an article about how it works, so maybe I will do a post in the future about this 😎 I am not saying in no way that Terraform shouldn't be used as when deploying resources in the AWS/Azure or other cloud provider then there Terraform is king! Better have just one tool to deploy your IaC (infrastructure as code) that will deploy the cloud native services and the F5 Virtual Machines and their configuration. If you use standard configurations that Terraform is covering, by all means better have one tool than two tools for Automation. Also terraform is better for discovering the state of already existing resources that have already been deployed as Ansible is weaker in that regard. The deployment of F5 AWAF/ASM policies seems the next big thing as it can now also be automated, using the declarative model, so maybe I will do a comparison between Ansible and Terraform in the future for Declarative WAF deployments. Still from what I have seen the same principles seem in place, where with Terraform is easier to do it, especially for cloud deployments but Ansible has more flexibility. The cool thing is that the Declarative WAF has an "url" parameter, so the security policy can be pulled from github for example as a source of truth, so Ansible and Terraform can just be used to push the AS3 declaration to the F5 devices that will then pull the needed data from the URL. "Arcadia_WAF_API_policy": { "class": "WAF_Policy", "url": "", "ignoreChanges": true }, Till then, this is a nice video and articles about the subject: Edit: Now Terraform has the option for the F5 ASM/AWAF to inject learning suggestions that the policy builder has made for a Terraform created policy and this is something Ansible still can't do. In the future Ansible could be able to do the same. You can check: As a fast note also as of now GTM/DNS configurations can be managed with AS3 😀 Please share your opinions as I am glad hear them and get more usefull info for this topic!1.7KViews2likes0CommentsAutomate F5 Initial Setup - iControl & Ansible
Problem this snippet solves: While everyone loves F5, we all know the initial system setup, networking components and device service cluster is a tedious process. This simple Ansible playbook will allow you to automate the entire F5 initial setup by reading a CSV file and leave you with a ready to go active/standby pair. This does include setting up - NTP, DNS, Hostname, LACP, dot1q, Self-IPs, device trust, configuration sync, etc How to use this snippet: How to Use Required Items Ansible (tested on version 2.1) Blank pair of F5s with management IP configured (version 12.0 & 12.1) Install Ansible if Needed Official Ansible Install Guide Great 3rd Party Install Guide Download and Run F5 Ansible Setup Playbook - f5_ansible_setup.yml Please run the following Ansible Playbook. This will download the required modules, playbook for F5 Initial Setup and example CSV file. Be sure to run this playbook from ~/ansible/playbooks/ F5 Ansible Setup Playbook Fill Out CSV File - f5_initial_setup.csv Use the example CSV file as an example to fit to your environment. Using the CSV file allows you to not have to edit the actual F5 Initial Setup Playbook. This was tested on a pair of 5200v's with so adjust interfaces as needed. The CSV file will be automatically downloaded from GitHub when you run the F5 Ansible Install Playbook. Run F5 Initial Setup Playbook - f5_initial_setup.yml Once you have edited the CSV file to your needs, run the F5 Initial Setup Playbook. This playbook will read the CSV file and configure the two F5 devices from scratch. When everything completes, you should be left with an active/standby pair of devices ready to go! If you want to manually install the Ansible Playbook & Modules, please check out - GitHub Code : Tested this on version: 12.01.6KViews0likes15CommentsGoogle Analytics script injection
Problem this snippet solves: Add google analytics script in the html content of the HTTP response. Works also for other Analytics providers like Piwik. How to use this snippet: Installation Files The code below has to be imported as an ifile. By default, you must name this ifile google.js but you can change it in the irule if required. Google Analytics code : <!-- Google Analytics --> <script>||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', '$static::tracking_id', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <script async src=''></script> <!-- End Google Analytics --> Piwik javascript code : <!-- Piwik --> <script type="text/javascript"> var _paq = _paq || []; _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//$static::piwik_url/"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', {$static::siteid}]); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); </script> <!-- End Piwik Code --> irule You need to install the irule on your Virtual Server. Variables set static::tracking_id "UA-XXXXX-Y" # replace the Google Tracking ID by your own set static::siteid "UA-XXXXX-Y" # replace the Piwik Site ID by your own set static::piwik_url "" # replace the Piwik URL by your own Features Version 1.0 Insert Google Analytics JS code within html response support for Piwik JS insertion Manage Multiple TrackingID by hostname (see Multiple "hostname and TrackingID section") Backlog Add logging External links Github : BONUS : Multiple hostname and TrackingID Prerequisite You need to add a string based Datagroup named HOST_TRACKING_MAPPING. ltm data-group internal HOST_TRACKING_MAPPING { records { { data UA-XXXXX-Z } { data UA-XXXXX-Y } } type string } The google.js ifile need to be replaced by the following example : <!-- Google Analytics --> <script>||function(){(ga.q=ga.q||[]).push(arguments)};ga.l=+new Date; ga('create', '$tracking_id', 'auto'); ga('send', 'pageview'); </script> <script async src=''></script> <!-- End Google Analytics --> Irule when RULE_INIT { set static::default_trackingid "UA-XXXXX-Y" } when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding" set host [HTTP::host] } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text/html" } { if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } { set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { set content_length 1000000 } if { $content_length > 0 } { HTTP::collect $content_length } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { set search "</head>" set tracking_id [class match -value -- $host equals HOST_TRACKING_MAPPING] if { $tracking_id eq "" } { set tracking_id $static::default_trackingid } HTTP::payload replace 0 $content_length [string map [list $search "[subst -nocommands -nobackslashes [ifile get google.js]]</head>"] [HTTP::payload]] HTTP::release } Code : when RULE_INIT { set static::tracking_id "UA-XXXXX-Y" set static::siteid "XXXXX" set static::piwik_url "https://www.piwik.url/piwik/piwik" } when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::header remove "Accept-Encoding" } when HTTP_RESPONSE { if { [HTTP::header Content-Type] contains "text/html" } { if { [HTTP::header exists "Content-Length"] } { set content_length [HTTP::header "Content-Length"] } else { set content_length 1000000 } if { $content_length > 0 } { HTTP::collect $content_length } } } when HTTP_RESPONSE_DATA { set search "" HTTP::payload replace 0 $content_length [string map [list $search "[subst -nocommands -nobackslashes [ifile get google.js]]"] [HTTP::payload]] HTTP::release } Tested this on version: 11.51.6KViews0likes3CommentsF5 BIGIP Management Pack for SCOM 2012 R2 ( free, source open )
Problem this snippet solves: Hi, I authored a small Management Pack to monitor some key components for F5 BIGIP devices. It works with SCOM 2012 R2 and will work with 2016. Under the hood REST (authentication taught by @Joel Newton) and SNMP is used. Diagram: State: Alert: Links: Management Pack Details Management Pack Setup Management Pack Management Pack VSAE 2015 Solution Feel free to contact me :-) Kind regards Ruben Code : Advanced HA iApp
Problem this snippet solves: SUMMARY For customers who want to deploy Public Internet-facing services on a traditional High Availability pair but also leverage the benefits of AWS’s Availability Zones, we introduce the AWS Advanced HA iApp. The AWS Advanced HA iApp helps facilitate the HA Across AZs deployment, an additional deployment option to those discussed in: F5 in AWS Part 1 - AWS Networking Basics F5 in AWS Part 2 - Running BIG-IP in an EC2 Virtual Private Cloud F5 in AWS Part 3 - Advanced Topologies and More on Highly Available Services As well as enable traditional HA pairs to perform basic route management of AWS route tables (whether in “Single AZ” or the “Across AZ” deployments introduced above). By having the Active BIG-IP take ownership of your client’s or application’s “default” or specific routes, this enables: Virtual Servers to avoid using SNAT* Manage Access Traffic (ex. point clients/servers to BIG-IP APM VPN for specific on-prem networks)* Facilitate various outbound proxy use cases (NAT, URI filtering, etc) For more information, see the Deployment Guide Minimum required BIG-IP version: 12.1.0 HF2. Supported BIG-IP versions: 12.1.0 HF2. Various Cloud Formation Templates that automate the installation of this solution are available on github. They are listed under the naming format "full-stack-across-az-cluster-*" We recommend you first start with "full-stack-" examples to get a fully functioning reference deployment and the "existing-*" ones once you're comfortable with the general requirements (security groups, route tables, etc). RELEASES v1.0.0 iApp template to configure HA Across Availability Zones in AWS by managing EIP mappings. v1.0.1 iApp template to configure HA Across Availability Zones in AWS by managing EIP and route mappings. v1.0.1rc1 This version 1.0.1rc1 of the iApp template is available at This official release candidate version contains the same functionality as the previous version (v1.0.1 on DevCentral), but the presentation has been updated. There is also a new F5 deployment guide to accompany the iApp template. Go to Click Find a Download. Click iApp Templates. Accept the EULA, and then download the iapps zip file to a location accessible from your BIG-IP system. Extract (unzip) the f5.aws_advanced_ha.v1.0.1rc1.tmpl file, found in the **_RELEASE CANDIDATE_** directory of the zip file. v1.1.0rc1 This version 1.1.0rc1 template is available for download on this page. F5 has released version 1.1.0rc1 of the iApp. This official release candidate version contains the same functionality as the previous version (v1.0.1rc1 on DevCentral), with further checks and support added for AWS EIP ownership. In previous versions, EIP ownership was indicated by which device owns the default floating traffic-group-1. As there was only one floating traffic group, this affected the global Active/Standby status of the devices. This iApp has been updated to validate EIP ownership after an active-active state scenario and ensures the current EIP owner is Active for traffic-group-1 (the traffic-group tied to the EIP mappings). CAVEATS Both BIG-IP devices will now report active for their global status, as each device will now own a device specific traffic group. The active status of the default floating traffic-group-1 will indicate which BIG-IP device is actively serving EIP production traffic. The BIG-IP hostname should not be changed during an active deployment of this iApp. This solution only supports the 3 traffic groups as described above. INSTALLATION If you are using a previous version of this iApp and need to update the application service with this updated iApp, there are two prerequisites before you run this iApp: Remove from the file /config/failover/active this line "python /config/failover/” Delete the file /config/failover/ entirely Reparent the application service to use the new version of iApp template This new version will modify the following files in /config/failover on first configuration run tgactive (modify) tgstandby (modify) and install the following aws_af_tgactive aws_af_tgstandby aws_advanced_failover.dat On subsequent reconfiguration, it updates the above 4 files listed. v1.2.0rc1 This version 1.2.0rc1 template is available for download on this page. F5 has released version 1.2.0rc1 of the iApp. This official release candidate version contains the same functionality as the previous version (v1.0.1rc1 on DevCentral, or v1.1.0rc1), with further checks and support added for AWS EIP ownership. In previous versions, EIP ownership was indicated by which device owns the default floating traffic-group-1. As there was only one floating traffic group, this affected the global Active/Standby status of the devices. This iApp has been updated to validate EIP ownership after an active-active state scenario and ensures the current EIP owner is Active. CAVEATS Noted caveats from v1.1.0rc1 removed. INSTALLATION If you are using a previous version of this iApp and need to update the application service with this updated iApp, there are a few prerequisites before you run this iApp: Remove from the file /config/failover/active this line "python /config/failover/” Delete the file /config/failover/ entirely Delete the file /config/failover/aws_af_tgactive (if previous version is v1.1.0rc1) Delete the file /config/failover/aws_af_tgstandby (if previous version is v1.1.0rc1) Reparent the application service to use the new version of iApp template This new version will modify the following files in /config/failover on first configuration run tgactive (modify) tgstandby (modify) tgrefresh (modify) and install the following aws_advanced_failover.dat On subsequent reconfiguration, it updates the above 2 files listed. Code : 708281.1KViews0likes3CommentsSlack Mutual TLS Recipe: Adding X-Client-Certificate-SAN header from client certificate
Problem this snippet solves: The following is based on the documentation from Slack of how to authenticate requests from Slack via mutual TLS and pass along the information to a service that is not capable of mutual TLS via a X-Client-Certificate-SAN header. Adapted from: Based on question from: How to use this snippet: Attach to Virtual Server that has both a HTTP and clientssl profile. The clientssl profile must be configured for "require" or "request" to process the client certificate and use a CA certificate that verifies that it is a trusted certificate. The iRule will replace any headers that are sent by the client. Code : when HTTP_REQUEST { if {[SSL::cert 0] ne ""}{ # extract SAN set santemp [findstr [X509::extensions [SSL::cert 0]] "Subject Alternative Name" 32 ","] # remove DNS: prefix set san [findstr $santemp "DNS" 4] # insert X-Client-Certificate-SAN header HTTP::header replace X-Client-Certificate-SAN $san } else { HTTP::header remove X-Client-Certificate-SAN } } Tested this on version: 11.51.1KViews1like3Comments