cloud balancing
2 TopicsKeep the Old, In With the New
For decades, the infrastructure needed to keep your public-facing websites online has had a relatively simple design. After all, it was all contained in one or a few datacenters under your control, or under the control of a contractor who did your bidding where network architecture was concerned. It looked, in its simplest form, something like this: Requests came in, DNS resolved them, the correct server or pool of servers handled them. There was security, and sometimes a few other steps in between, but that still didn’t change that it was a pretty simplistic architecture. Even after virtualization took hold in the datacenter, the servers were still the same, just where they sat became more fluid. And then cloud computing became the rage. Business users started demanding that IT look into it, started asking hard questions about whether it would be cheaper or more cost-effective to run some applications from the cloud, where the up-front costs are less and the overall costs might be higher than internal deployment, might not, but were spread out over time. All valid questions that will have different answers depending upon the variables in question. And that means you have to worry about it. The new world looks a little different. It’s more complex, and thus is more in need of a makeover. DNS can no longer authoritatively say “oh, that server is over there” because over there might be outside the DNS’s zone. In really complex environments, it is possible that the answer DNS gives out may be vastly different depending upon a variety of factors. If the same application is running in two places, DNS has to direct users to the one most suited to them at this time. Not so simple, really, but comes with the current state of the world. In the new world, a better depiction would be this: In this scenario, a more global solution than just DNS is required. The idea that a user in one country could be sent to an app in a public cloud and users in another could be sent to the corporate datacenter kind of implies that localized DNS services are short of a full solution. That’s where GDNS – Global DNS comes into play. It directs users between local DNS copies to get the correct response required. If it is combined with something like F5 GTM’s Wide IPs, then it can direct people to shifting locations by offering an IP address that is understood at each location. Indeed, it isn’t even understood at each location, it’s a proxy for a local address. Use a Wide IP to give users (and more importantly your apps) a single place to go when GDNS responds, and then choose from a group of local DNS resolutions to direct the user where they need to go. It’s another layer on DNS, but it is an idea whose time has come. You can only go so far with zone-based LDNS, then you’re outside the zone, or directing users inefficiently. Global DNS is here, and the need is getting more imperative every day. Check it out. Call your ADC vendor to find out what they have on offer, or check out the InfoBlox and F5 information on if your ADC vendor doesn’t have a Global DNS solution. Cloud does have its uses, you just have to plan for the issues it creates. This is an easy one to overcome, and you might just get increased agility out of GDNS and Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB). Related Articles and Blogs: Carrier Grade DNS: Not your Parents DNS Audio White Paper - High-Performance DNS Services in BIG-IP ... DNS is Like Your Mom The End of DNS As We Know It Enhanced DNS Services: For Administrators, Managers and Marketers GTM Classless Classes v.10: GTM, Meet CLI DevCentral Interviews | Audio - GTM DevCentral Weekly Roundup | Audio Podcast - GTM Real IT Video Blog - Jason Reflects On GTM Topology207Views0likes0CommentsSo You Put an Application in the Cloud. Now what?
We need to stop thinking of cloud as an autonomous system and start treating it as part of a global application delivery architecture. When you decided you needed another garage to house that third car (the one your teenager is so proud of) you probably had a couple choices in architecture. You could build a detached garage that, while connected to your driveway, was not connected to any existing structures or you could ensure that the garage was in some way connected to either the house or the garage. In both cases the new garage is a part of your location in that both are accessed (most likely) from the same driveway. The only real question is whether you want to extend your existing dwellings or not. When you decide to deploy an application to the cloud you have a very similar decision: do you extend your existing dwelling, essentially integrating the environment with your own or do you maintain a separate building that is still “on the premises” but not connected in any way except that it’s accessible via your shared driveway. In both cases the cloud-deployed application is still located at your “address” – or should be – and you’ll need to ensure that it looks to consumers of that application like it’s just another component of your data center. THE OFF-SITE GARAGE Global application delivery (a.k.a. Global Server Load Balancing) has been an integral part of a multi-datacenter deployment model for many years. Whether a secondary or tertiary data center is leveraged for business continuity, a.k.a. “OMG our main site is down”, or as a means to improve performance of applications for a more global user base is irrelevant. In both cases all “sites” have been integrated to appear as a single, seamless data center through the use of global application delivery infrastructure. So why, when we start talking about “cloud” do we treat it as some external, disconnected entity rather than as the extension of your data center that it is? Like building a new garage you have a couple choices in architecture. There is, of course, the continued treatment of a cloud-deployed application as some external entity that is not under the management or control of the organization. That’s like using an off-site garage. That doesn’t make a lot of sense (unless your homeowners association has judged the teenager’s pride and joy an eyesore and forbids it be parked on premise) and neither does it make a lot of sense to do the same with a cloud-deployed application. You need at a minimum the ability to direct customers/users to the application in whatever situation you find yourself using it – backup, failover, performance, geo-location, on-demand bursting. Even if you’re only using off-premise cloud environments today for development or testing, it may be that in the future you’ll want to leverage the on-demand nature of off-premise cloud computing for more critical business cases such as failover or bursting. In those cases a completely separate, unmanaged (in that you have no real operational control) off-premise cloud is not going to provide the control necessary for you to execute successfully on such an initiative. You need something more, something more integrated, something more strategic rather than tactical. Instead, you want to include cloud as a part of your greater, global (multi-site) application delivery strategy. It’s either detached or attached, but in both cases it is just an extension of your existing property. ATTACHED CLOUD In the scenario in which the cloud is “attached” to your data center it actually becomes an extension of your existing architecture. This is the “private virtual cloud” scenario in which the resources provisioned in a public cloud computing environment are not accessible to the general Internet public directly. In fact, customers/users should have no idea that you are leveraging public cloud computing as the resources are obfuscated by leveraging the many-to-one virtualization offered by an application delivery controller (load balancer). The data center is extended and connected to this pool of resources in the cloud via a secured (encrypted) and accelerated tunnel that bridges the network layer and provides whatever routing may be necessary to treat the remote application instances as local resources. This is simply a resource-focused use of VPN (virtual private network), one that was often used to integrate remote offices with the corporate data center as opposed to individual use of VPNs to access a corporate network. Amazon, for example, uses IPSEC as a means to integrate resources allocated in its environments with your data center, but other cloud computing providers may provide SSL or a choice of either. In the case that the provider offers no option, it may be necessary to deploy a virtual VPN endpoint in the cloud in order to achieve this level of seamless connectivity. Once the cloud resources are “attached” they can be treated like any other pool of resources by the application delivery controller (load balancer). [ This is depicted by connection (2) in the diagram ] DETACHED CLOUD A potentially simpler exercise (in both the house and cloud scenarios) is to treat the cloud-deployed resources as “detached” from the core networking and data center infrastructure and integrating the applications served by those resources at the global application delivery layer. [ This is depicted by connection (1) in the diagram ] In this scenario the application delivery network and resources it is managing are all deployed within an external cloud environment and can be accessed publicly (if one were to determine which public IP address was fronting them, of course). You don’t want users/customers accessing those resources by some other name (you’d prefer over of course) and further more you want to be able to make the decision when a customer will be using the detached cloud and when they will be using local data center resources. Even if the application deployed is new and no copy exists in the local data center you still want to provide a consistent corporate naming scheme to ensure brand identity and trust that the application is yours. Regardless, in this case the detached cloud resources require the means by which customers/users can be routed to them; hence the use of global application delivery infrastructure. In this case users attempt to access and are provided with an IP address that is either local (in your data center) or remote (in a detached cloud environment). This resolution may be static in that it does not change based on user location, capacity of applications, or performance or it may take into consideration such variables as are available to it: location, performance, security, device, etc… (context). Yes, you could just slap a record in your DNS of choice and resolve the issue. This does not, however, lay a foundation for more dynamic and flexible integration of off-premise cloud-deployed applications in the future. FOUR REASONS to LEVERAGE GLOBAL APPLICATION DELIVERY There are many reasons to include in a global application delivery strategy a global load balancing architecture, but these four stand out as the ones that provide the most benefit to both the organization and the user: Avoid unnecessary application changes due to changes in providers If all your images or a certain type of content are served by applications deployed in an external cloud computing environment, normalizing your global namespace eliminates the need to change the application references to that namespace in the case of a change of providers. The change is made at the global application delivery layer and is propagated quickly. This eliminates a form of vendor lock-in that is rarely remembered until a change in providers is desired. Developers should never be codifying domain names in applications, but legacy and third-party applications still need support and these often draw their name and information from configuration files that effectively codify the operational location of the server and application. These configurations are less important when the platforms are deployed behind a global application delivery controller and virtualized. Normalization of global name spaces preserves corporate identity and enables trust Applications served by a trusted domain are desirable in an age when phishing and malicious code often re/directs users to oddly named domains for the purposes of delivering a malware payload. Global application delivery normalizes global domain namespaces and provides a consistent naming scheme for applications regardless of physical deployment location. Enhances decision making processes Leveraging global application delivery enables more control over the use of resources at a user level as well as a business and technical layer. Decisions regarding which resources will be used by whom and when are the purview of global application delivery controllers (GSLB) and provide the organization with flexibility to determine which application instance is best suited to serve any given request based on the context of the request. Foundational component. Like load balancing, global load balancing (application delivery) is a foundational component of a well-rounded cloud computing architecture. It provides the means by which the first integrations of off-site cloud computing will be accomplished, e.g. cloud bursting, and lays the foundation upon which more advanced location-selection algorithms will be applied, e.g. cloud balancing. Without an intelligent, integrated global application delivery strategy it will be difficult to implement and execute on strategies which leverage external and internal cloud computing deployments that are more application and business focused. External (detached) cloud computing environments need not be isolated (silo’d) from the rest of your architecture. A much better way to realize the benefits associated with public cloud computing is to incorporate them into a flexible, global application delivery strategy that leverages existing architectural principles and best practices to architect an integrated, collaborative and seamless application delivery architecture. Related Posts from tag DNS The One Problem Cloud Can’t Solve. Or Can It? 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