2 TopicsInstall internal company security certificate on BIG-IQ.
Hi, I try to install company internal certificate on BIG-IQ. I used the K14499.pdf but it still doesn't work. If I open https to BIG-IQ I get a certificate error. Here the steps that I did: Generated a random number file Created a client certificate key Created a client certificate signing request (CSR) Used the CSR to generate certificate and chain on internal certificate service solution and copied it to BIG-IQ (certnew.cer and certnew.p7b) Imported the CA certificate in tmsh crypto and saved it. After this the server was rebooted . Unfortunately if I open a browser and connect to the BIG-IQ the same certificate error appears: "There is a problem with this website’s security certificate. The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address. The security certificate presented by this website was not issued by a trusted certificate authority". It looks like the new certificate wouldn't be installed correctly. K14499.pdf is written for BIG-IP devices. Is there any instruction for BIG-IQ 5.1? Reg. Janus436Views0likes5CommentsError Message, opening Certs in GUI
Hello Community, Every time I click on a certificate i get the following Error Message: I found a work around, exporting the certificates over tmsh, but i finally want to fix this issue. Every help is much appreciated. Greetings, Maximilian MartinSolved662Views0likes9Comments