brute force
2 TopicsHTTP Brute Force Mitigation Playbook: Slow Brute Force Protection Using Behavioural DOS - Chapter 6
Brute Force attack is where attacker tries to find the password of users quickly, there are times when attacker is not in hurry and do make his attack go under the radar, using very slow brute force attack. It can not be detected by detection criteria of Brute force protection feature of Advanced WAF/ASM reason being if you try to tweak the setting to catch slow brute force attack then its very hard for ASM/Advance WAF to distinguish between attack and legitimate user login atttempt. We may use other protection available in ASM/Advance WAF to protect from Slow brute force attack. In this chapter to protect from Slow brute force attack we will use TLS signature generated by behavioural DOS. But first: Benefits, Limitation and Requirement. Benefits Benefit of using TLS fingerprint: Good and bad Clients can be differentiated based on SSL handshake. Once the Advance WAF/ASM is 100% confident user does not have to do anything to find out unusual/attack traffic pattern. This can be also used to protect mobile application as it does not use Javascript. Limitations To get TLS fingerprinting signature using BADOS legitimate traffic should be learned by Advanced WAF/ASM On ASM, Behavioural DOS can be configured on max 2 virtual servers, where as on Advanced WAF, Although there is no license limitation of attaching DOS profile with BADOS enable to Virtual server but it is not recommended to configure more then 70 BADOS enabled Virtual server per box. Requirements ASM/Advanced WAF license. Appropriate rights to access/make changes from GUI and command line. Some of the reporting is available only if AFM is provisioned in addition to the above mentioned modules. (If AFM is not provisioned you can still find the information using CLI) Proactiveness As a general rule, instead of waiting for attack and then take necessary action, We should always be proactive in defending attack. Preparation for mitigating slow Brute force attack. Slow brute force is very hard to detect, So most important thing to protect application from slow brute force attack is Advanced WAF/ASM should know the normal traffic. For that we can use Behavioral & Stress-based (D)DoS Detection option under DoS Protection profile of Advance WAF/ASM. For Configuring DoS Protection profile, to protect against slow brute force attack using TLS fingerprinting follow the below mentioned steps. Important: For BIG-IP ASM/Advance WAF 14.1.0, you can access the TLS fingerprinting signatures configuration section only when you had previously selected Use Legacy Application Dos view in the HTTP Properties configuration pop-up. Go to Security ›› DOS Protection ›› Protection Profiles ›› click create. Enter the profile name as per your requirement, select the family as HTTP and press Commit Changes to System Click on newly shown HTTP and then click configure settings for HTTP Family settings. Next click on Use Legacy Application DOS View Go to Behavioral and stress-based detection under Application security. Change operation mode to blocking and Threshold mode to automatic. Under Behavioral Detection and Mitigation enable Request signature detection along with TLS fingerprinting signatures and Use approved signatures only (In case you don’t want to use unapproved signature). Leave all the settings unchanged and click save and finished. (Make Sure Bad actors behavior detection is unchecked as we want to use TLS signature) Select Mitigation to Standard or as per requirement from available options and then Click save Next apply the newly created dos profile to the appropriate https virtual server. Go to Local Traffic > Virtual Servers. Select the name of the HTTPS virtual server. Go to Security tab and select Policies. For DoS Protection Profile, select Enabled. For Profile, select the DoS profile created in above steps. Select the Update button. Let the normal traffic pass through the VS. This will allow ASM to learn the traffic. How do we know ASM is ready and is 100% confident about the normal traffic? Login to cli of BIGIP Run command “admd -s vs./Common/<VSname>+/Common/<>” For example admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ You will see output as similar to the one mentioned below. vs./Common/BF-Test+/Common/[0, 0, 0, 0] Once the traffic starts passing through vs these values will increase. Each value has its own meaning as described below. A. baseline_learning_confidence: Description: in % how confident the system is in the baseline learning. Desired Value: > 90% B. learned_bins_count: Description: number of learned bins Desired Value: > 0 C. good_table_size: Description: number of learned requests Desired Value: > 2000 D. good_table_confidence: Description: how confident, as %, the system is in the good table Desired Value: Must be 100 for signatures You may run the command again if the Behavioral DoS is still learning Still learning admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ Behavioural DOS feature is based on learning analysing all traffic to the web application, building baselines, and then identifying anomalies when server stress is detected. So its important to know when server is stress and how to check the server street level. To find out the stress level Go to Security ›› DoS Protection ›› Protected Objects (This option is only available if you have AFM Provisioned) Find out the VS for which you would like to check the status and Click the arrow below Attack status. Once you click you will detailed informed is displayed on the screen, which includes Server Stress To check the Server stress using CLI you may run below mentioned command. admd -s vs./Common/<VSname>+/Common/<> Server Stress value Range: If there is no traffic server value is 0.5 If server functions properly value is between (0,1) Value higher then 1 is considered as load and mitigation may be applied for example admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ Once the output of below command shows appropriate values (as mentioned above) which tells ASM is confident, ASM is ready to differentiate between normal and attack traffic. Below output shows ASM is 100% confident admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ Slow brute Force attack has been reported To check the status of attack and Server stress level. Go to Security ›› DoS Protection ›› Protected Objects (This option is only available if you have AFM Provisioned) Find out the VS for which you would like to check the status and Click the arrow below Attack status. Once you click you will see detailed informed is displayed on the screen. For example as show below Server Stress is 100 now. If AFM is not provisioned you may run below mentioned command to check if the server is under stress. admd -s vs./Common/<VSname>+/Common/<> Server Stress value Range: If there is no traffic server value is 0.5 If server functions properly value is between (0,1) Value higher then 1 is considered as load and mitigation may be applied For example admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ You may continue to monitor the output using command line or GUI to find out if attack has started. To check if attack has started you may check using command line. If the value is 0,0 then there is no attack if the value is 1 VS is under attack admd -s vs./Common/<VSname>+/Common/<> for example: admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ Using the GUI Go to Security ›› DoS Protection : Protected Objects Note: (To get this view AFM should be provisioned ) If you continue to monitor you may notice that BADOs has started generating signature. But accuracy in start will not be 100% and it may take some time to become 100% accurate. Using CLI admd -s vs./Common/BF-PHP+/Common/ Using GUI Security ›› DoS Protection ›› Protected Objects (This option is only available if you have AFM Provisioned) If the Dynamic Signature status is unready the signature is not ready and does not have 100% accuracy. Note: (To get this view AFM should be provisioned, If AFM is not provisioned you may continue monitor using CLI ) Once signature is ready Dynamic signature status will change as shown below. Note: (To get this view AFM should be provisioned, If AFM is not provisioned you may continue monitor using CLI ) Once the signature’s accuracy is 100%, It will be available under Security ›› DoS Protection : Signatures >> Dynamic. As shown below. You may notice in above screenshot that Accuracy of signature is 100% where as approval status is Unapproved, If you want to use only approved signature (which we have used in this case) you need to click the check box infront of the signature, as soon as you will enable check box a window on right side will pop up and you may enable check box in-front of Approved and then press update to manually approve the signature. Note: User approved signatures only under Behavioral & Stress-based (D)DoS Detection in the DOS profile should be enable. Once you approve the signature, Signature approval state will change to manually approved as shown below You may also check DOS logs by checking Security ›› Event Logs ›› DoS ›› Application Events Another Graphical view option for DOS can be checked by going to Security ›› Reporting : DoS : Dashboard If you want to check a specific attack ID then please on right side under Attack IDs find the attack ID and click on it. As soon as you will click on it page will show the data related to specific attack ID as shown below. As shown above during attack, TLS signature generate by Behavioural DOS is mitigating the attack and normal requests are still passing through using Behavioural attack signature. Note: By default, when the system identifies signature pattern anomalies, it silently drops the connection. You can change the mitigation mode and force the system to send a reset (RST) when the traffic matches a signature pattern. To change the mitigation mode from drop to reset, perform the following steps: 1. Log in to tmsh by typing the following command: tmsh 2. To change the mitigation mode to reset, type the following command: modify sys db adm.mitigation.accelerated.signatures.drop.mode value reset Note: If you want to generate HTTP signature using BADOS instead of TLS signature in DOS protection profile you can select accelerated signature and rest of the steps will remain same.1.3KViews2likes0CommentsMitigating “Sentry MBA” - Credentials Stuffing Threat
“Credentials stuffing” attack technique became a very popular way nowadays to brute force user accounts over web applications’ login pages. Instead of trying to guess a certain user password from a generated word list (a.k.a. “dictionary”), attackers “reuse” credentials leaked from other websites. The attack exploits the fact that people usually use the same user name and password on many different websites. Those attacks are executed using special tools tailored for this scenario, called by the hackers “Combo Checkers”, such as “Sentry MBA”. Figure 1: “Sentry MBA” Combo Checker Tool Although the tool is not new, the popularity of “Sentry MBA” amongst hackers is growing due to its high flexibility. Many “checkers” that are out there usually being developed to attack a certain website, while “Sentry MBA” is based on a configuration file that can be adopted to attack any website. This high configurability already created a market where people sell configurations for specific targets for only couple of US dollars. Being so popular amongst hackers and having a surprisingly high offering of “login” configurations for the most known brands just emphasize the current gap for businesses to have the right mitigations in place. Mitigating with BigIP-ASM By Tomer Zait Although this “Bruter” offers a unique flexibility and has several evasion techniques, it doesn’t support JavaScript anti-bot challenges. The tool is not able to pass ASM’s “client side integrity” brute-force mitigation, while also “Proactive Bot Defense” protection will block the tool on its first request. Figure 2: “Proactive Bot Defense” JavaScript Challenge blocks bot login attempt Figure 3: “Proactive Bot Defense” sends “TCP RESET” for each login attempt from the tool CAPTCHA Resistance Though not supporting JavaScript challenges, a really nice feature that “Sentry MBA” provides is “teseract” OCR (Optical Character Recognition) engine to solve CAPTCHAs. Many CAPTCHA images are succeptible to machine-based solution due to their weak image obscuring effects. While testing this capability against ASM the tool even failed to recognize the CAPTCHA image as it was “inline” in the HTML page, using the “data” url (i.e. “data:image/png;base64”), instead of loading it as an external resource. Another reason the tool will fail is that ASM CAPTCHA solution is submitted using JavaScript and not as an HTML FORM like the tool expects. Figure 4: “Sentry MBA” OCR Wizard fails to recognize CAPTCHA issued by ASM Even when perfroming an isolated test of ASM's issued CAPTCHA image with the teseract OCR engine, it failed to recognize the characters on the image. Default User-Agent Strings Besides the high configurability of “Sentry MBA” which allows adopting it to any target website, the properties of the issued HTTP request, such as method, referrer and user-agent headers can be customized as well. The tool ships with default user-agent strings which belong to relatively old browsers and could be used for tool identification and blocking. Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en) AppleWebKit/522.11.3 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Safari/522.11.3 Opera/9.80 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.2.0 Version/10.00 Figure 5: “Sentry MBA” default user-agent strings One can see two user-agents containing “Windows NT 5.1” which represents “Windows XP”. Another one is “Internet Explorer” version 7 coupled with “Windows Vista” (NT 6.0) and there is the “Opera” browser user-agent version before the year of 2009.1.3KViews0likes3Comments