samesite cookie for SAML authentication
Hi I'm using to setup and test F5 SP MS Azure iDP and I am using F5 script for setting cookies (F5 APM / ASM) samesite attributes, basically My issue is the return call from MS Azure is a 302 redirect back to the F5. the browser (Edge / Firefox) is not sending any of the F5 cookies. I presume because MRHSession is not being sent a new session is being created which breacks the SAML auth. I have samesite for this and all F5 to secure / http only / samesite => lax it looks like i need to set samesite to none for MRHsession are other facing this problem if so how are you dealing with it - I am thinking of making this change just for my SP VS/domain is there another solution ?1KViews0likes1Comment