api call
4 TopicsUpdate existing address list via API call?
I'm able to add an address list via a POST to /mgmt/cm/adc-core/working-config/net/ip-address-lists with a header containing the appropriate API token: Content-Type: application/json X-F5-Auth-Token: [token] and JSON body of: { "name" : "address_list_1", "addresses" : [ { "address" : "", "description" : "none" }, { "address" : "", "description" : "none" } ], "partition" : "Common", "description" : "this is an address list" } This works fine as long as the address list does not already exist. For an existing address list, I get: "code": 400, "message": "Duplicate item. Key already exists: partition : Common, name : address_list_1" However, I would like to be able to update an existing address list. How does one do that? I have tried changing the POST to PATCH: "code": 400, "message": "PATCH to collection not supported", or PUT: "code": 400, "message": "Collection PUT operations are not supported in collections that support references to items in the same collection" or DELETE, with the intention of recreating it: "code": 400, "message": "Collection DELETE operations are not supported in collections that support references to items in the same collection" I would appreciate any assistance. Being able to manipulate address lists seems like it should be a pretty basic function, but I'm stuck. Thanks!90Views0likes1Comment[APM] The F5 API returned the error BadRequest(400)
Hello Team , We use a tool for whitelisting the URL and IP's and push the configuration to F5 everyday . We have below error on the tool . Can we check anything on the F5 . I did not find any error message on the audit logs . Error : F5 synchronization batch reported an error while managing F5 : SendRequest: The F5 API returned the error BadRequest(400) received from the API: request failed with null exception145Views0likes1CommentCommand Line options for "roles" in API
I am trying to find a definitive list of the correct arguments that are allowed for the when perform an "add user" using the F5 API. I have searched through KBs and DevCentral and can not find the "list". I can find reference to what they are called and what they do in the GUI, but not the correct option for the API. https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K13225405users https://support.f5.com/kb/en-us/products/big-ip_ltm/manuals/product/bigip-user-account-administration-12-0-0/4.htmlunique_434454816 Anyone have any links or know this information? Example: Administrator = admin Operator = operator Acceleration Policy Editor = ?? Application Security Administrator = ?? Thanks!400Views0likes2Comments