NGINX Controller
4 TopicsNGINX(ingress controller)-F5 integration
Hello Team I am working on integrating F5 and NGINX(ingress controller) as per below article I have created F5 Container Ingress Services as per the link and have couple of questions - --bigip-username=$(root) --> this is GUI or CLI username and does it have to bracket, like mentioned - --bigip-password=$(shivshiv) --> this is GUI or CLI username and does it have to bracket, like mentioned - --bigip-url= --> do we need port 8443 to be mentioned or can i just put Also added envFrom: - configMapRef: name: as3-template ->> do we need to call config map here, its not part of yaml file in the above link - secretRef: --> i have created using imperative model, does this is OK as opaque or we need to refer bigip-ctlr created for CIS controller name: bigip-login --insecure=true ( i understand this will allow the session to be established without exchanging certificate, or is this the requirement) Once CIS controller been created and AS3 been defined, I understand i will be to connect with F5 and initial config can be done as specified in AS3. Is my understanding correct? Also i have installed following package, is this requirement? f5-appsvcs-3.17.1-1.noarch Most importantly: Does this integration supported between open source NGINX or do we NGINX+ as ingress controller ? Looking forward to the response. Thanks a lot in advance Kind Regards Kunal698Views1like3Commentserror: deployment "apigw" exceeded its progress deadline
Hi, I tried to install nginx-controller, when I tried to install and startup automatically i had this error: "16. Running database initialization task... Job k8s-ctrl-init failed to complete. Detailed information can be found in installation logs at /var/log/nginx-controller/failure. Retry NGINX Controller installation or contact support, providing all logs." If I installed without starting the services I can see this: ./ controller status error: deployment "apigw" exceeded its progress deadline ERROR: Service is not ready: deployment.apps/apigw kubectl logs apigw-6db76488c4-ddc6t nginx-init Error from server (BadRequest): container "nginx-init" in pod "apigw-6db76488c4-ddc6t" is waiting to start: PodInitializing Any idea? BR, Pedro Lourenço685Views0likes0CommentsCost of API usage
For the F5 API family below, is there any cost for using API? Per API usage or by tiers or subscription to a program, etc. outside of the purchase of the products. ingress controller in front of bigip
We have a application deployed in kubernetes cluster.We have configured VIP in bigip and necessary dns mapping is done. We have deployed a kubernetes ingress controller and rules to route the request to the application. Is it mandatory that we should use bigip controller/resource?331Views0likes1Comment