F5 Distributed Cloud
6 TopicsCannot Figure out GO payload for XC Volterra API
I have been trying to send a body I am creating from a jinja template for creating an Origin Pool. I am using Go so I use gonja but either way, the template loads correctly. However, I cannot seem to correctly send it via a payload and continuously get the error: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type map[string]json.RawMessage. This is the code snippet: payload := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(jsonString)) fmt.Println("Type of jsonObject:", reflect.TypeOf(payload)) req, err := http.NewRequestWithContext(ctx, http.MethodPost, apiURL, payload) The type returned is: Type of jsonObject: *bytes.Buffer so i do not know what else I would send?25Views0likes2CommentsDifference between site local inside and site local outside ?
Hi all, While reading the F5 distributed cloud documents for virtual network I got lost. Can someone please help me to clarify that what is the difference between the "site local inside" and "site local outside" virtual network. What I read the difference comes in when you configure network connectors, for connecting site local inside and site local outside we will have one additional option in this case and that is the SNAT option, is there any other difference exist between two virtual networks. Secondly when you read F5 networks it says that there could be only one network of this type at particular site (as mentioned in the snapshot below). What does this mean, cant we configure two local-inside type virtual network at one site and if yes then I don't understand why there is an option to configure virtual network of this type ?123Views0likes3CommentsIs there a list of the F5 XC API protections OpenAPI/Swagger custom supported extensions ?
Hello to Everyone, After my investigation of the OpenAPI/Swagger options for AWAF/ASM that I have questions underF5 AWAF/ASM support for wildcard url and parameter... - DevCentralthat I have still have questions now I have the same questions for XC Swagger/OpenAPI supported custom options and if there is a list? I see that XC supports Regex for wildcard in the path as shown below but what about parameters with wildcard names or if there could be a wildcard support for methods as to not have to specify each method under an http path or using custom word like "any" ? Other than that it will be nice if there is support for parameters to be specified as in any location not query or request body. Any help will appreciated. }, "servers": [ { "url": "/" } ], "paths": { "/niki.*": { "parameters": [ { "in": "query", "name": "userId", "schema": { "type": "integer" }, "required": true, "description": "Numeric ID of the user to get" }1.1KViews0likes3CommentsF5 XC - UDP traffic
Hi Team, I was wondering if there is any way to load balance UDP traffic through F5 XC. There is no option to configure UDP-LB like TCP. One of my customers has endpoint that sends logs via UDP to remote server at AWS. I checked this article regarding Virtual Hosts: https://docs.cloud.f5.com/docs/how-to/advanced-app-nwg/virtual-hosts does any one configured UDP traffic to pass through XC over the internet before?Solved939Views1like1Comment