301 redirect
7 TopicsGoogle bot Unreachable on 301 redirect iRules
Hello, premise: I'm not managing directly the F5, I'm just the web designer of the company, so I'm pretty new with this kind of stuff; I’m migrating all European websites (ccTLDs) of the company I work for to a global one (.com), and I have some issues with the google boot and 301 redirects. For example, what I'm doing: Example.fr > example.com/fr Example.co.uk > example.com/en-gb …etc.. My system eng. suggested me to implement the redirect with F5 iRules. This means that the actual flow is: Local domain name DNS changed to the F5 IP, inside F5 I put the iRules to redirect the pages to the new global website: i.e. example.fr > F5 > script for the redirect 301 > example.com/fr The iRules code I used is the following: when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ( [HTTP::host] eq "www.kerrdental.co.uk") or ( [HTTP::host] eq "kerrdental.co.uk" ) } { if { ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/AccessoriesForFillingMaterials/AmalgamAccessories/AmalgamGuns" ) } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.kerrdental.com/en-uk/dental-restoration-products/amalgam-guns-accessories" } elseif { ( [HTTP::uri] contains "/AccessoriesForFillingMaterials/CompositeRestorativeSystems/CompoRoller" ) } { HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://www.kerrdental.com/en-uk/dental-restoration-products/comporoller-accessories" } } } Now, the problem I have concerns the “Change of address” feature in Google Search Console (Webmaster tool): Search Console notify me that “Cannot confirm that 301-redirects work properly, we couldn’t crawl your site. Check that Googlebot can crawl the root of your site using the Fetch as Google tool” Then, when I go under “do Fetch as Google” the system returns me the status “Unreachable”. When I use RexSwain on the HTTP version of the old URL, I get a 503. Receiving Header: HTTP/1.1·503·Service·Unavailable(CR)(LF) Content-Type:·text/html;·charset=UTF-8(CR)(LF) Content-Length:·931(CR)(LF) Connection:·close(CR)(LF) P3P:·CP="CAO·PSA·OUR"(CR)(LF) Expires:·Thu,·01·Jan·1970·00:00:00·GMT(CR)(LF) Cache-Control:·no-store,·no-cache,·must-revalidate,·post-check=0,·pre-check=0(CR)(LF) Pragma:·no-cache(CR)(LF) (CR)(LF) Can someone help me to understand why google boot cannot find anything? Thank you in advance, Best regardsSolved506Views0likes2CommentsHTTPS (old) to HTTPS (new) Redirect with an existing VS and Client Profile
I have read many postings on similar setups, but I am not sure any of them fit mine. So I need to share my scenario. Here is the scenario: I have an existing VS and a client profile that is terminating SSL using the F5. This existing VS will have its client profile changed to the new SSL certificate. The old domain (https) will need to map or redirect to the new domain (https) without the users noticing. So, we need to redirect https://olddomain.com/path to https://newdomain.com/path. Both old and new domains will use the same DNS IPs. The goal is to ensure the user sees "https://newdomain.com/whatever/path" every time using a 301 redirect. The following is what I am proposing: when HTTP_REQUEST { HTTP::respond 301 Location "https://newdomain.com[HTTP::uri]" } Any issues with this proposal? Thanks D414Views0likes4CommentsLots of specific URLs to 301 redirect - best approach?
I have a lot of specific URLs that are currently returning 404s that I need to 301 redirect to specific new locations (about 300+). The data is in an excel file with URL404 and URLNew as the columns - is there an easy way to use a Data Group and an iRule to handle these if I can get the pairs into the Data Group somehow? I'll continue to look as this is likely a common thing, but everything I've been finding tonight is about pattern matching/etc and my problem is literally a large number of specific 1-1 301s that are needed and I only really want to write one iRule and handle the 1-1s via something easily managed / modified. Thanks! Paul317Views0likes4Commentsneeds to some help with IRule that will assign sso
I'm trying to figure out a cleaner way to redirect clients when they try to access web page directly without login first to the portal Setup: 2 portal pages and 2 domains 2 internal applications that not suppose to be accessible directly 2 sso My iRule for internal application when ACCESS_ACL_ALLOWED { set domain [ACCESS::session data get "session.ad.last.actualdomain"] set authresult [ACCESS::session data get "session.ad.last.authresult"] if { $domain == "internal.org" and $authresult == 1 } then { WEBSSO::select internal.org_ntlm_sso } elseif { $domain == "external.local" and $authresult == 1} then { WEBSSO::select external.local_ntlm_sso This part doesn't work else { log local0. "Authentication Failed HTTP::redirect "http://something.org" } } Second iRule to handle error 20 when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { ACCESS::restrict_irule_events disable } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/my.logout.php3?errorcode=19" or [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/my.logout.php3?errorcode=20" } { HTTP::redirect "http://something.org" } } APM policy for internal sites: Start-Allow314Views0likes2CommentsLogic for iRule on a single VIP to redirect http (80)traffic based upon uri.
I'm creating an iRule on a single VIP to redirect http (80)traffic below as follows. webmail..com --> 302 redirect to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample.net webmail.sample.net --> 302 redirect to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample.net webmail.sample.com --> 302 redirect to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample.net onedrive..com --> 302 redirect to https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf? onedrive.gsiccorp.net --> 302 redirect to https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf? onedrive.gsicommerce.com --> 302 redirect to https://login.microsoftonline.com/login.srf? Can someone assist me with what my logic would look like. I'm a little unsure on my else if statements. I was thinking: When HTTP_Request { if{ [HTTP::header Host] == "www.sample.com" }{ pool pl_Sample -NOT POOL-I want a URL https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample.net elseif{ [HTTP::header Host] == "www.sample2.com" }{ pool pl_Sample -NOT POOL-I want a URL-https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample2.net elseif{ [HTTP::header Host] == "www.sample2.com" }{ pool pl_Sample --NOT POOL-I want a URL-https://outlook.office365.com/owa/sample3.net drop300Views0likes4CommentsRedirect Options for retired hostname using SSL
So, I am trying to tackle an interesting problem. I have a legacy domain with a certificate that I am trying to retire. I have a new domain, new hostname, new certificate, and separate Virtual Server setup. However, I have no control over users on the Internet with saved links. The URLs referencing this hostname on the legacy domain, have long since been removed from publication. Just looking today, there were still more than 100 active connections. I can perform a redirect, assuming I can un-encrypt the traffic. However, I have a need to retire the associated certificate. hostname.olddomain.com = VS-1:443 hostname.newdomain.com = VS-2:443 Is there any way to process traffic on port 443 without performing a certificate exchange, so that the user will send their request in a way that I can redirect them without having to un-encrypt the traffic? Would it be possible to use NAT in some fashion to force the user to a Virtual Server listening on port 80, or will that break due to the https:// in the URL? I fear that there is no way to solve this problem and I am forced to renew this certificate for another year.285Views0likes2CommentsThe Dreaded %20 for space
Does anyone have a idea how to create a iRule that takes into account spaces between words? I have the iRule below and when I enter abc.def.com/en-ca/Teams/Performance Improvement/0700Reports/default.aspx, the browser adds a %20. Example: http://abc.def.com/en-ca/Teams/Performance%20Improvement/0700Reports/default.aspx when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains "abc.def.com") and [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/en-ca/Teams/IT/IM/default.aspx" } { HTTP::redirect "http://def.ghi.com/IM2/default.aspx" } elseif { ([string tolower [HTTP::host]] contains "abc.def.com") and [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/en-ca/Teams/Performance Improvement/0700Reports/default.aspx" } { HTTP::redirect "http://def.ghi.com/PerformanceMeasures/0700Reports/default.aspx" } } Thoughts? RGW240Views0likes2Comments