Forum Discussion

Steve__Parker_7's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 15, 2005

Setting pool member ratio

We want to use an adaptive type load balancing method.


Can we use LocalLB.PoolMember.set_ratio to dynamically affect the Ratio load balancing method?


Or do we use the Dynamic Ratio load balancing method and use LocalLB.PoolMember.set_dynamic_ratio? But, the documentation on load balancing methods indicate the Dynamic Ratio type is used with a specific performance monitor.


1 Reply

  • Loc_Pham_101863's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    If you decide to use Ratio LB, you can use LocalLB::PoolMember::set_ratio to dynamically affect the LB decisions.



    If you decide to use Dynamic Ratio LB, then you can use LocalLB::NodeAddress::set_dynamic_ratio to influence the LB decisions.



    Yes, Dynamic Ratio LB is used in our performance monitors, which basically sets the dynamic ratio on the node addresses.


