Slave Malware Analysis

During the last couple of weeks, Nathan Jester, Elman Reyes, Julia Karpin and Pavel Asinovsky got together to investigate the new “Slave” banking Trojan. According to their research, the early version of the Slave performed IBAN swapping in two steps with great resemblance to the Zeus “man-in-the-browser” mechanism. First, the host header is compared to a hard-coded bank name. If the match is successful, the hard-coded HTML tag is searched throughout the request body and the content is swapped if it matches the IBAN pattern. Then, After the browser infection which takes place in the exact manner as the later version, the malware places hooks on the outbound traffic functions.

The latest version of the Slave is, of course, much more sophisticated than the first one and include creation of registry keys with random names, IE, Firefox and Chrome infections, kernel32.dll hooks and more. However, one of the most interesting capabilities of the Slave is the timestamp check. As can be seen in the screenshot below, the malware is conditioned to run before April 2015 and not after that so the sample is basically "valid" for two weeks only, probably to avoid research and detection.

Click here to download the full technical Malware Analysis Report. Or here for the Executive Summay Report.

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Editors Note : F5 and DevCentral do not condone the usage of the term ‘slave’ in the context of our technology. In this case the term ‘slave’ is a name, used to specify a particular piece of malware. We believe removing or changing the term, here, would only cause confusion and remove information necessary for effective application security.

Published Jun 25, 2015
Version 1.0

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