Web UI Tweaks Chrome plugin

Problem this snippet solves:

ADC Chrome extension

Some of these features is also available in the Web UI Tweaks, but onwards new features and bug fixes will be corrected in the extension instead because:


  • It's much more flexible in terms of functionality
  • Easier to install/enable/disable
  • More performant since the script files can be separated
  • Able to visualize options (coming!)


Works in v12, v13, v14 and v15. It's been tested but use it at your own risk. 🙂


The manual can be found here:


And the plugin can be installed from here:


Here's some of the features!

Pool improvements


Pool list member statuses


When the pools contains one available member the status is still green today. This script shows you icons depending on what different statuses a pool contains.


  • If all members are disabled, the color is black.
  • If the pool contains both available and members being down, the circle is half green, half red.



Pool details on mouse over


Hovering the mouse over a status icon shows the member details:



Custom loading screen


Got a big partition so the statuses takes a while to load? No problem, the script will let you know when it's finished.



Default options when creating a pool


Pool name suffix, action on service down, load balancing method, and select node node instead of creating a new one can be pre-populated for you by editing the configuration.


Automatically generated monitor tests


Test strings for browser, curl and netcat commands are generated automatically for http monitors.



iRule improvements


Detecting data group lists


The when editing an iRule the script will detect the used data group lists and show them on the left hand side. Hovering the mouse over a data group list name will show it's content. Clicking on it will take you to that data group lists configuration form.



Data group list improvements


No more accidentally deleting data group list records


If you use data group lists as much as we do there's a chance that you have encountered this scenario. You need to edit a record, so you click on the "Edit" button, change the entries and then click on update. Ooops, now that record was deleted.


Instead, the script would disable the edit button after clicking on it. It won't be enabled again until either after you click add, or when you clear the text in the input fields.



Bulk import


The script allows you to do bulk edits to your data group lists.


Edit active list: Moves all the records from the active list to the import list.

Client SSL Profile improvements


Automatically match SSL Client profile name, certificate and key


When creating an SSL profile the script will attempt to find a matching certificate and key according to the name of the profile. So when you click on on the add button in the Client SSL Profile form you'd get everything automatically populated for you (providing that you have configured the default chain in the script).



SSL CSR improvements


Pre-populated profiles for creating certificate signing requests.



Other small things


  • Larger select fields when ie. choosing monitors, editing data group lists.
  • Mark objects in the current partition with bold text to distinguish them from the common partition.
  • Adds a link to the default pool in the virtual server resources configuration page.




  • The script parses the LTM log and displays the content in the top bar.


How to use this snippet:

Simply add the Chrome extension to your browser.

Tested this on version:

No Version Found

Updated Aug 11, 2023
Version 2.0

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