Ruby Wide IP Maker

Problem this snippet solves:

This is a utility created for the purpose of producing large numbers of WideIPs, including pools. This was created to make our testing efforts easier.


For MakeWideIps and DeleteWideIps to work, the following files need the following edits:

  1. gtmbigip-config.yml needs to be updated with the correct IP address of the GTM and the username and password.
  2. GlobalLB.Pool.wsdl needs to have the IP address on the second to last line of the file updated to the correct IP of the GTM
  3. GlobalLB.WideIp.wsdl needs to have the IP address on the second to last line of the file updated to the correct IP of the GTM

How to use this snippet:

Tool Usage

Add WideIPs

MakeWideIps.rb namePrefix numberOfWideIPs port ipsPerPool poolStartIP

This will create numberOfWideIPs WideIPs on the BIG-IP. These WideIPs will have names that begin with namePrefix. Every WideIP will answer on the specified port. Every WideIP will have its own unique pool containing ipsPerPool number of IP addresses as members. These nodes begin at poolStartIP IP address and count up . The IP addresses roll over at their boundaries. There will be numberOfWideIPs multiplied by ipsPerPool number of nodes created by this utility.

Delete WideIPs

DeleteWideIps.rb namePrefix numberOfWideIPs

This will delete the first numberOfWideIPs WideIPs from the BIG-IP beginning with namePrefix, along with the pools associated with them, assuming that they were created with the same utility as described above.

Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0

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