pyControl Toggle Pool Member

Problem this snippet solves:

Summary: A sample pyControl script that toggles a pool member. The main point is the usage of the pycontrol.Utils module, that has some convenience functions for disabling/enabling/status checking of a pool member.

You'll need to change the parameters to reflect your system(s). In this example our BigIP system is with the default username and password info. Our test pool is called pyControl, and the pool member we are toggling is on port 80. Change these to reflect your environment (see syntax, below).


How to use this snippet:

The following syntax usage is taken from the IPython interactive shell.

In [10]: import pycontrol.pyControl as pc
In [11]: from pycontrol.Utils import disable_member, enable_member, show_status
In [12]: b = pc.BIGIP(hostname = '', username = 'admin', password = 'admin', wsdl_files = ['LocalLB.PoolMember'])
In [13]: disable_member(b.LocalLB_PoolMember, 'pyControl', '')
In [15]: enable_member(b.LocalLB_PoolMember, 'pyControl', '')

Code :

#!/bin/env python

 The contents of this file are subject to the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR F5
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 The Original Code is iControl Code and related documentation
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import pycontrol.pyControl as pc
from pycontrol.Utils import disable_member, enable_member, show_status

#create the PoolMember object to pass into the methods.

b = pc.BIGIP(
hostname = '',
username   = 'admin',
password   = 'admin',
wsdl_files = ['LocalLB.PoolMember']

#Create a shortcut to the object to save keystrokes...
mbr = b.LocalLB_PoolMember

print "Disabling pool member...\n"

disable_member( mbr,
pool = 'pyControl',
member = '') 

for x in mbr.get_session_enabled_state( pool_names = ['pyControl'])['return'][0]:
print "\t %s:%s => %s" % (x['member']['address'], x['member']['port'], x['session_state']) 

print "Enabling pool member...\n"

enable_member(  mbr,
pool = 'pyControl',
member = '',

for x in mbr.get_session_enabled_state(
pool_names = ['pyControl'])['return'][0]:
print "\t %s:%s => %s" % (x['member']['address'], x['member']['port'], x['session_state'])
Published Mar 09, 2015
Version 1.0

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