Zero to F5-CTS LTM Certified!
Congrats Jason. Good to see some of your tips (esp around the notebook) I share too.
Anyway, I've had the pleasure of 301B twice, one to get LTM-CTS and then to re-certify. Happily i passed both times but time is not your friend on this one. My tip around the dreaded exhibits was on each question that had them I opened them all straight-away, scrolled all the way down and across, and then went back to the question. That way, once I'd answered the question I could submit and go on to the next one without worrying if I had, or hadnt, viewed the whole exhibit window - and the ensuing yelp of frustration if I haven't never helps the nerves/brain cells.
Oh, and one more thing, don't hang around at the start. An average of around 1min per question can soon become 30seconds per question...or worse.