The Power of Source Address
Way back in TMOS v11.3, the “Source Address” field was added to the configurable items on a Virtual Server. As you probably know, the Source Address specifies an IP address or network from which the...
Updated Jun 06, 2023
Version 2.0ltwagnon
Ret. Employee
Joined May 15, 2019
Jan 09, 2018Hi John,
As usual very interesting article, never considered using VS with Source Address set instead of SNAT (anyway I am trying to avoid SNAT or NAT at all).
Just curious - is that possible to enter more than one subnet in Source Address - I am pretty sure it's not possible but just to be sure. If not why it was implemented like that - being able to add non contiguous IP ranges would be nice.
I guess only way to do that is:
- iRule
- Local Traffic Policy
- AFM rule or policy