TCP Configuration Just Got Easier: Autobuffer Tuning
Nowdays, it is more important than choosing the correct values for the buffers. In wireless networks the environment parameters are always changing for example if you go walking, running or in a car... so latency and throughput is changing and thus BDP cannot be static. BDP is what F5 calculates to choose the optimized TCP buffers dynamically every 100ms. It deservers to identify what are the best dynamic values that increase the performance of your network.
An Example below with increased bdp multiplier makes autotuning more “aggressive”
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.rcvbufbdpmultiplier { value 2 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.rcvbufincr { value 65535 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.rcvbufmin { value 458745 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.rcvbufmininterval { value 50 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.sndbufbdpmultiplier { value 2 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.sndbufincr { value 65535 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.sndbufmin { value 458745 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpprogressive.sndbufmininterval { value 100 }
tmsh modify sys db tm.tcpwoodsidefasterrecovery { value enable }