Security Bloggers Network Voting

I'm listed in the preliminary round of nominees (to hopefully make it to the final nominees) in two categories for the 2013 Social Security Blogger Awards: Security Bloggers Network Voting

Please share and vote for your favorite through Friday, January 25, even if it's not me.  :-)

The Most Educational Security Blog

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clip_image001[1]psilvas blog:


The Most Entertaining Security Blog

clip_image001[3]psilvas blog:

From Alan Shimel's blog:

A little later then we wanted, but the preliminary round of voting for the 2013 Social Security Blogger Awards is open as of today.  As I wrote in an earlier post we are doing something a little different this year.  In addition to finalists nominated by our judges, we are also letting bloggers and podcasters nominate themselves for the preliminary round.  The top vote getters in each category of the preliminary rounds will be added to the finalists.

Voting for the preliminary round will continue for the rest of this week.  Then voting in the finals will commence.  We hope this will allow a new generation and some "fresh faces" into the award process.

Of course the winners will be announced at the Security Bloggers Meetup at RSA Conference this year.




Published Jan 22, 2013
Version 1.0
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