Practical considerations for using Azure internal load balancer and BIG-IP
I would like to share some points related to our scenario.
In Our case, we have an Internet-facing firewall that will proxy inbound traffic to BIGIP (in our case, there is no need to expose BIG-IP to the Internet).
We would like to run BIG IP pair Active/Active but could also run Active/Standby based on your suggestion
we do not want to automate the update of Azure routes at the time of failover
We want to use an Azure Load Balancer (ALB) to ensure HA for our BIG-IP pair. This makes failover times faster in Azure as compared to other options like API. (Please correct me if I am wrong)
Also, we would like to access both F5 pair separately using out of band management.
Based on our use case can you please share the custom ARM template that would help us to deploy BIG IP as per our scenario