Load Balancing WebSockets
An introduction to WebSockets and how to load balance them. WebSockets creates a responsive experience for end-users by creating a bi-directional communication stream versus the one-way HTTP ...
Published Jul 31, 2015
Version 1.0Eric_Chen
Joined May 16, 2013
Joined May 16, 2013
Oct 03, 2016Nimbostratus
Thanks Eric for the great article. I found this very helpful with some troubleshooting of WebSockets and SignalR issues. Developers expected that F5 was the issue because when they hit their web servers directly, connections using websockets worked, but they did not work when they hit the load-balanced URL.
It turned out their issue was related to missing SPN's and that WebSockets connections failed due to authentication when they used the URL that was load-balanced by f5. Your article allowed me to get up to speed quickly with web devs.