iRule Maintenance Windows
A fun, but not well known, feature on BIG-IP is the Statistics Profile. This tech tip is the second in a series on how the Statistics Profile and iRules, when working together, can save time, product...
Published Apr 10, 2007
Version 1.0GavinW_29074
Nov 04, 2011Nimbostratus
HI there
was there a full fix for the Octal bug?
As I'm seeing the error when trying to set a maintenance window...
expected integer but got "0900" (looks like invalid octal number) while executing "STATS::set $STATS_NAME "start_time" [lindex $params 3]" ("/enable*" arm line 17) invoked from within "switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/enable*" { Extract the maintenance window day, start time, and end time from the URI. ..."
Any ideas???