Introducing a RESTful interface for iControl
iControl isn’t just SOAP anymore…
No, iControl isn’t getting lazy. While taking it easy is an important part of life, I’m talking about the other kind of REST. REST, or “REpresentation...
Published Jun 20, 2013
Version 1.0Mike_61663
Nov 20, 2013Great article and user guide, but I was having trouble formatting the JSON output into a more readable format from the BIG-IP CLI itself. The user guide mentions using the json.tool python module, but that doesn't seem to exist on my 11.4.1 installation, so I instead used the following perl module, by piping the output of each of my curl statements to the following command....
perl -0007 -MJSON -ne 'print to_json(from_json($_, {allow_nonref=>1}), {pretty=>1}), "\n";'
Much more readable!