Getting Started with the f5-common-python SDK
Hi Jason,
You responded to a comment above about getting profiles for a particular virtual server. I'm struggling with this a little bit and have a couple questions. Maybe you can help.
When I get a get a collection of profiles for a specific vs I get a couple things back that I don't understand. The first thing is "websecurity", the second thing is that it appears there is an 'ASM_' applied to my the front of an ASM policy name. I'm trying to get a list of all the ASM policies / DoS policies tied to a particular vs but I'm not sure what these things are telling me.
Is it expected to prepend 'ASM_' to ASM policy names such that I can use strip it off and use it as a source of truth?
Is 'websecurity' in some way going to get me to a point where I can identify a DoS profile?
Last thing, how do I get logging profiles applied to vs's?
Thanks a ton for entertaining my questions. Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!