Getting Started with the f5-common-python SDK
Hi Joel. I'm not sure why non-stats are returned as stats in some endpoints, but that's the way the REST interface is currently. The decision on the sdk team was to not create all the one-offs that would have been required to make it seamless across the interface.
Having used and participated in the development of the sdk, I happen to like it a lot and it's been very helpful for me in cutting down the amount of code I need to write. However, I understand the frustration and you have some very valid arguments, so no worries on the rant! The sdk itself (I think, I joined after the structure was decided upon) was started as an iterative stepping stone for building declarative models with tools like Ansible, so whereas we benefit from its existence, I'm not completely sure the original intent was for it to be consumed directly.
We will discuss your feedback. We are always open to feedback like this, and if you have suggestions on how this (or another library entirely) can be improved, how you would like to consume the interfac, etc, we'd be glad to have that discussion.