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luyenntk50db's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Apr 13, 2014

RAM utility - urgent

When i show RAM statitics as below:


bigpipe memory show

MEMORY STATISTICS -- | (Host) Total = 1000.0MB Used = 968.7MB | (TMM) Total = 359.0MB Used = 12.40MB


I know TMM (RAM) used to processing load balancer traffic. But I don't know Host (RAM) used to what purpose?


In my system, i show dashboard with RAM TMM using ~9%; but orther using > 95%. it affect performance? and other using to what purpose. And can I partition for RAM TMM and other RAM. Pls help me.


5 Replies

  • The Host actually refers to the linux system and due to how the memory is allocated it will always be shown as using up all memory. It's nothing to worry about.


  • Well, you can change provisioning levels, but with only 1 gig RAM I'm guessing you're not running anything else but LTM anyway so it really doesn't matter.


    Besides - with TMM only using a tiny bit of its' allocated memory I doubt that it actually is a problem - unless you have serious peaks. But I'm guessing that this is a rather old platform, an 1500 perhaps? So it will have limitations regardless in regards to how much traffic it is able to handle.


  • oh, sory, i copied in f5 support "bigpipe memory show" command. in fact, my system using HA 3600. And RAM: 4GB; but always TMM RAM using <10% and other using >95%. I want re-partition for RAM TMM and other RAM to order 2GB for TMM and 2GB for using. Pls guide me. thank you very much.


    And other using for process F5's OS; monitoring, config file?


  • The memory allocation is set up the way F5 designed it to be, even if you somehow managed to change the memory allocation apart from Resource Provisioning I suspect that you would run a great risk of making your system completely unstable. So unless you have an issue with memory leakage the memory is as it should be.