F5 Friday: Python SDK for BIG-IP
We know programmability is important. Whether we’re talking about networking and SDN, or DevOps and APIs and templates, the most impactful technologies and trends today are those involving programmability.
F5 is, as you’re no doubt aware, no stranger to programmability. Since 2001 when we introduced iControl (API) and iRules (data path programmability) we’ve continued to improve, enhance, and expand the ability of partners, customers, and our own engineers and architects to programmatically control and redefine the application delivery experience.
With the emphasis today on automation and orchestration as a means for ops (and through it, the business) to scale more quickly and efficiently, programmability has never before been so critical to both operational and business success.
Which means we can’t stop improving and expanding the ways in which you (and us, too) can manage, extend, and deliver the app services everyone needs to keep their apps secure, fast, and available.
Now, iControl and iControl REST are both APIs built on open standards like SOAP, JSON, and HTTP. That means anyone who knows how to use an API can sit down and start coding up scripts that automate provisioning, configuration, and general management of not just BIG-IP (the platform) but the app services that get deployed on that platform.
And we’re not against that at all. But we also recognize that not everyone has the time to get intimately familiar with iControl in either of its forms. So we’re pretty much always actively developing new (and improving existing) software development kits (SDKs) that enable folks to start doing more faster. But so are you. We’ve got a metric ton of code samples, libraries, and solutions here on DevCentral that have been developed by customers and partners alike. They’re freely available and are being updated, optimized, extended and re-used every single day. We think that’s a big part of what an open community is – it’s about developing and sharing solutions to some of the industry’s greatest challenges.
And that’s what brings us to today’s exciting news. Well, exciting if you’re a Python user, at least, because we’re happy to point out the availability of the F5 BIG-IP Python SDK. And not just available to download and use, but available as an open source project that you can actively add, enhance, fork, and improve. Because open source and open communities produce some amazing things.
This project implements an SDK for the iControl REST interface for BIG-IP, which lets you create, edit, update, and delete (CRUD) configuration objects on a BIG-IP. Documentation is up to date and available here.
The BIG-IP Python SDK layers an object model over the API and makes it simpler to develop scripts or integrate with other Python-based frameworks. The abstraction is nice (and I say that with my developer hat on) and certainly makes the code more readable (and maintainable, one would assume) which should help eliminate some of the technical debt that’s incurred whenever you write software, including operational scripts and software.
Seriously, here’s a basic sample from the documentation:
from f5.bigip import BigIP # Connect to the BigIP bigip = BigIP("bigip.example.com", "admin", "somepassword") # Get a list of all pools on the BigIP and print their name and their # members' name pools = bigip.ltm.pools.get_collection() for pool in pools: print pool.name for member in pool.members: print member.name # Create a new pool on the BigIP mypool = bigip.ltm.pools.pool.create(name='mypool', partition='Common') # Load an existing pool and update its description pool_a = bigip.ltm.pools.pool.load(name='mypool', partition='Common') pool_a.description = "New description" pool_a.update() # Delete a pool if it exists if bigip.ltm.pools.pool.exists(name='mypool', partition='Common'): pool_b = bigip.ltm.pools.pool.load(name='oldpool', partition='Common') pool_b.delete()
Isn’t that nice? Neat, understandable, readable. That’s some nice code right there (and I’m not even a Python fan, so that’s saying something). Don’t let the OpenStack reference fool you. While the first “user” of the SDK is OpenStack, it is stand-alone and can be used on its own or incorporated into other Python-based frameworks.
So if you’re using Python (or were thinking about) to manage, manipulate, or monitor your BIG-IPs, check this one out. Use it, extend it, improve it, and share it.
Happy scripting!
- fanta_377379
Hello Mohammed, I know it is super late You need to install f5-sdk first: run pip in command line: 1- pip install f5-sdk 2- import at the beginning of your script: from import ManagementRoot 3- Connect to your bigip mgmt = ManagementRoot ("bigip-IPaddress", "username", "password")
- Mohammed_M_Irfa
Can any one help me to deploy the F5 Python SDK, as i am new!
I am working on F5 appliance, like: LTM, GTM.
How to install and use F5 python SDK?
I have setup BIG-IP F5 vLab locally for my practise and knowledge, on VMware i have installed F5, Backend Servers.
After gone through the above article, i found an interested.
Please guide me to enter in this technology. As i finding for but fails to find.
- Kurt_Kite_11866
Oops, noticed the formatting screwed up some of the statements.
You need to insert the name of the virtual server on line 1 and the name of the profile on line 3.
For example: name="virtual name"
- Kurt_Kite_11866
You can try this:
virtual = bigip.ltm.virtuals.virtual.load(partition="Common",name="") for profile in virtual.profiles_s.get_collection(): if profile.name == "": profile.delete()
- Kurt_Kite_11866
I'm traveling today. I can post it later tonight or tomorrow.
- Naumin_Dave_144
Hi Kurt,
Thanks for your response. Yes i want to remove SSL profile from VS configuration.
Thats the exact flow i am going to follow but can i have a REST API code logic for this?
- Kurt_Kite_11866
Hi Dave,
What do you mean by detach? Do you want to remove/delete the SSL profile from the virtual? I have not done that via the API for a profile, but I have done it for policies and since they are both collections I assume that the process is the same. 1. Load the virtual 2. Load the profile collection 3. Delete the SSL profile 4. Update the virtual.
Best Regards, Kurt
- Naumin_Dave_144
is there a way to detach ssl profile from virtual server configuration?
- Cameron_Merrick
I am wondering what sort of use cases exist for using this SDK, iControl REST, and even programmatic interfacing with BIG-IP's in general. In my environment we have a few F5s, but it seems like the prospect of deploying another one seems unlikely and if so it would only be one or two at the most, so automating deployments is the obvious thing that comes to mind but what is the use case for needing that?
The only other use case that seems self evident to me involves using programmatic means to print out the config for a BIG-IP (the pools, nodes, etc) in order to examine the diff with another config side by side which is easier to do in a text based environment rather than manually clicking through a GUI.
I am sure there are tons of use cases I am not thinking of or not aware of, so please let me know what sort of practical things can be built with this because I would love to use it in my production environment.
Regards, -cmm-
- m9maganti_36891
Hi All, I am trying to get the pools members and their current state from GTM. I tried the code which is given on the site…… but it didn’t work. Code: from import BigIP
bigip = BigIP("bigip.example.com", "admin", "somepassword")
pools = bigip.gtm.pools.get_collection() for pool in pools: print pool.name for member in pool.members: print member.name Error: print pool.name AttributeError: there is no name element in the dict
Apparently F5 sdk is not working as expected. gym pools.pool doesn’t work neither I am not able to fetch the names of the pool. Can someone help?