Demystifying iControl REST Part 5: Transferring Files
iControl REST. It’s iControl SOAP’s baby, brother, introduced back in TMOS version 11.4 as an early access feature but released fully in version 11.5.
Several articles on basic usage have been wri...
Updated Aug 04, 2023
Version 5.0JRahm
Joined January 20, 2005
Oct 14, 2016Has someone tested this with token-based authentication? (User is mapped to Administrator)
Line 20 in create_cert_obj throwing:
{"code":400,"message":"Unable to copy (/var/config/rest/downloads/test-vip.crt) into tempfile (/var/system/tmp/tmsh/yrfD5H/test-vip.crt), Permission denied","errorStack":[],"apiError":26214401}
test-vip.crt has root:root 600 permission after upload. Changing file-mode is no option, cause it throws:
{"code":400,"message":"Key management library returned bad status: -4, Invalid Parameter","errorStack":[],"apiError":26214401}
Using local auth with root works.