Conditioning iRule Logic on External Information - #01 - HTTP::retry
Customers frequently ask if they can condition their iRule logic on information retrieved real-time from an external source. In most cases, you really can't. Most external calls are blocked If a...
Published Sep 18, 2007
Version 1.0Deb_Allen_18
Historic F5 Account
Joined September 25, 2004
Historic F5 Account
Joined September 25, 2004
Jun 03, 2016Nimbostratus
I have a similar requirement to this, I like the way this is constructed, but with the first call to the DB_Pool, does the client/user stay on the wire at bigip or get sent along the db check? as in, the user/client connection is halted while bigip makes an api call to the dbpool, then routes the connection based on the response?