APM Cookbook: On-Demand VPN for iOS Devices
I’ve been using On-Demand VPN for a number of years as it’s a secure and easy way to access applications while on the road with the added benefit of conserving device battery life when id...
Published Jul 25, 2014
Version 1.0Smithy
Joined July 31, 2011
Joined July 31, 2011
Oct 22, 2018Hello Brett
I´ve tried this but I still get this error in the F5 logs: AD module: query with 'userPrincipalName=(MyUPN)' failed: no matching user found with filter userPrincipalName=(MyUPN)
I dont see any atempt from the F5 BigIP to quarey the AD servers either, nothing in those loggs.
Also replaced userPrincipalName=%{session.logon.last.upn with sAMAccountName=%{session.logon.last.username} at this point the AD Query is successfull, but after that it still cant find the AD groups my user is member off.
I presume this setup requires Logon Page, AD Auth, AD Query?