2. SYN Cookie: Operation
As concluded in the last article, in order to avoid allocating space for TCB, the attacked device needs to reject TCP SYN packets sent by clients. In this article I will explain ho...
Updated Apr 26, 2023
Version 3.0Javier_Velasco
Joined March 09, 2020
Joined March 09, 2020
Apr 02, 2021Cirrus
Thanks for the excellent explanation. Does the VS type have an affect? I am under the impression for a standard VS type, the 3WHS needs to complete with the client before a SYN is sent to the pool member, so the above explanation aligns perfectly.
But for a Performance L4 VS, it passed the SYN to the server before completing the 3WHS. https://support.f5.com/csp/article/K8082
Does this mean that we negate the benefits of SYN cookie when using a perf L4 a VS type?